Speechless...just, wow

I'm just about done living in today's touchy-feely hippie, politically-correct, white guilt BS society. Body Integrity Identity Disorder?? Shake my damn head.

A friend of a friend at UNC was blind and yet still was able to be a full-time student at Carolina, "watch" (listen) and keep up with the sports teams on TV, and navigate the campus/cafeterias/class buildings on his own without a seeing-eye dog, AND was a kickass drum player. Seriously an inspirational dude. I kinda wish he could get the opportunity to punch this chick in the face. Or any of the thousands of our servicemen who have lost limbs defending our freedom -- the freedom that lets this dumb*** fill out her sick fantasies of going blind. I bet they'd like to give her a piece of their mind about her "desire to be disabled."

Good Lord.

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