Strikes me that your passionate take on a blown assist is more due to who believes in it more than what is actually is or its value. You clearly as well as a few others have a ax to grind with gary, I get that, I as well that gary does bring a lot of it on himself due to his brashness and desire to have the last word. I actually do get all that. But when you become what you seem to dislike you become no better than the object of your dissatisfaction. I do think by now we all get it, gary can rather easily be baited in to stating a brash retort to something he does not like and yet so many seem to have this need to drag him in to a pissing match, as if that were some kind of sport? Yet in doing so, they in my view become so much worse than that guy they hate because they are dwelling in and inspiring pettiness. Gary is actually rather easy to discuss things with, but you have to be willing to actually discuss and not be childish about it. he says things I do not agree with all the time and I call him on it but I am not looking for an argument, simply stating that I see it another way. When he does or in your opinion step over the line, if he acts in your opinion like a idiot or jerk, why match that in like kind? It is as if some feel this strange need to raise the bar of lunacy and then complain that things are out of hand? It is petty, it is childish, and it is inmature and it isn't on gary, it is on those that prod the nonsense on. I am not going to stir up a hornets nest and stand there to see what happens then complain because I got stung, the fact I got stung was my own damn fault for stirring up that nest in the first place and then after I did not getting the heck out of the way.