The Stanford Crowd


Hall of Famer
May 11, 2016
Did anyone else hear what little fans were there chant get real classes? I think their coach quickly put the kibosh on it. Classy coach; the eight Stanford fans that actually showed up to cheer on the home team? Not so much
I was surprised that there were as many UNC voices in that crowd or that the pine tree red bird people were just so dang quiet. :eek: :cool:
Had to get up before 5am this morning. I recorded the game to watch today. However I did watch the first half and started watching the second half. I made myself try to go asleep with the game playing in the background. I was almost asleep when I kept hearing the crowd cheering. I was like great they are coming back. So I get pissed and pop my head to see and we were up by 20. I realized that was our fans I was hearing.
Yeah, you can't really say crap when Stanford fans want to have a d***-measuring contest about academics. Stanford is one of the few schools in the country better than Carolina. I'm not even sure I'm smart enough to be allowed within the city limits of Palo Alto.
Yeah, you can't really say crap when Stanford fans want to have a d***-measuring contest about academics. Stanford is one of the few schools in the country better than Carolina. I'm not even sure I'm smart enough to be allowed within the city limits of Palo Alto.
So is that a dig at my post? I can't really tell. Please advise before I respond, as I don't want to get into a peeing match of a miscommunication
Not necessarily, just a general comment. Carolina can laugh off 99% of schools' students making digs at our academics. Stanford isn't part of that 99%.
You know you are right but what does chanting get real classes which is directly related the the "academic scandal" have to do with REAL academics. It doesn't it was a dig at us for the perceived we got away with it monologue. It was classless even if they are another esteemed academic institution on par with, or better than us.
You know you are right but what does chanting get real classes which is directly related the the "academic scandal" have to do with REAL academics. It doesn't it was a dig at us for the perceived we got away with it monologue. It was classless even if they are another esteemed academic institution on par with, or better than us.
It's called jeering the visiting team. It's not necessarily "classless," it's just part of sports. You find some dirt on the visiting team and you mock them to try to get in their head and help your home team out. It's no different than chanting "air ball" after someone shoots one, for example. You don't think fans this basketball season, when Baylor is the away team, are gonna chant something about raping women?
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It's called jeering the visiting team. It's not necessarily "classless," it's just part of sports. You find some dirt on the visiting team and you mock them to try to get in their head and help your home team out. It's no different than chanting "air ball" after someone shoots one, for example. You don't think fans this basketball season, when Baylor is the away team, are gonna chant something about raping women?
I would love to say fans are classier than that but your probably right.
I never got the moo thing haha, but then again I was too young to see the UNC/State rivalry in its hey day. Still hilarious though. Especially when they chomp at the bit just to insult us.
Not necessarily, just a general comment. Carolina can laugh off 99% of schools' students making digs at our academics. Stanford isn't part of that 99%.

I took their chant to be directed towards the athletes, not the general students though. Which I find funny, as if they think all of their top athletes are taking classes that would be considered "normal" rigor at Stanford.

That said, I had no problem with the chant as I know it's part of the gamesmanship/fandom.

You don't think fans this basketball season, when Baylor is the away team, are gonna chant something about raping women?

I don't actually. In today's world of striving to be offended, you think fanbases are going to risk being branded victim shaming misogynists by chanting that stuff? Maybe a couple fans here or there, but nothing getting to the level of a mass chant.

Duke had to apologize because people were butthurt over a fan having a sign making light of the Flint water "crisis" last year, can you imagine the backlash for "making light of" rapes?
I never got the moo thing haha, but then again I was too young to see the UNC/State rivalry in its hey day. Still hilarious though. Especially when they chomp at the bit just to insult us.

You just to dern young.
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So now we have to learn both geography and local politics to post here; Well Dang!

Just a reminder: We just put a whuppin' on both Stanford's brains and arses!
"Dook is puke, Wake is fake, but the team I HATE is NC state!"

If you grew up in NC and were a Tar Heel fan, this was the first thing you memorized as a child. Dook just became the rival a relatively short time ago, after K was hired and couldn't hold Dean's jock strap. Before that, though, state was THE rival. It wasn't until Jimmy V's fall from grace and state's hitting the ACC gutter that dook moved to the top of the rival list. Had state managed to be moderately relevant back in the late 80's and 90's, I am not sure the dook rivalry would've really taken off like it did.

Regardless, both programs can go straight to hell, IMHO and if neither of them were to ever win another game in ANY sport (including bass fishing), it would be fine by me. Heck, if both teams were to have some bad sushi and shat themselves on national TV, making them both the laughing stock of the sports world, it would thrill me to no end.

Come to think of it, there isn't much outside of wishing physical harm on the players and coaches that I wouldn't like to see happen to them both. I do draw the line at wishing physical harm on them. Humiliation and losses, any day!
You didn't find it weird that all your neighbors and friends in Charlotte were from somewhere else, or their parents were all from Ohio, New York, or New Jersey? :p

Strangely enough I did not...:D

In all seriousness though there were more than enough southerners to outnumber the Yankee transplants such as my family.