Hillary and Trump are not the only choices!!!!!
Voting for anyone else is simply wasting a vote
Hillary and Trump are not the only choices!!!!!
Break the pills in half, dude.If the Bernie crowd ever wants to succeed in dominating the democrat party, they need Trump to win and force the Clinton crowd out.
You need to get out a little more if you believe that. Obama is the one that made us or perhaps just him a laughingstock. But regardless, your argument is a typical stupid liberal one. Define the whole world as a bunch of liberal elitists and then declare since liberal elitists mock Republicans, that we are a laughingstock.
Gary Johnson & Bill Weld
Best ticket I have had to vote for in 20 years!
Voting for a crook or a self-obsessed gasbag... talk about wasting votes.Voting for anyone else is simply wasting a vote
Gary Johnson & Bill Weld
Best ticket I have had to vote for in 20 years!
I'm curious but have you ever gone beyond the US online and interacted on other forums with a lot of people from other countries??? They don't have a problem with Obama. They laugh at us because of Trump and rebublicans in general.
I've never wasted a vote.
Voting for anyone else is simply wasting a vote[/QUOTE
With that limited way of thinking I guess so. If everyone looked at every candidate and made a choice based on the overall picture and the choices we have, Clinton and Trump would be left in the dust. But too many are too weak to go beyond what the tv tells them to do. A wasted vote is voting for the lesser of two evils, voting ONLY for a party candidate even though you don't like them but you're more loyal to a party than your country, or voting FOR someone simply to keep someone else from winning... Those are votes wasted!!
I know I haven't.I'm sure you don't think you have.
I'm curious but have you ever gone beyond the US online and interacted on other forums with a lot of people from other countries??? They don't have a problem with Obama. They laugh at us because of Trump and rebublicans in general.
Worse than Trump, imo. I'd still vote for them over Hillary but judging by their campaign, they seem like garden variety liberals that will put statists like Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court. They actually mentioned him as an ideal judge.
I know I haven't.
I have NEVER voted for the "lesser of two evils." I've never had to "hold my nose and pull the lever for______". I've never had to say "Well, I don't like him/her, but that's the nominee." Talk about wasted votes. People who vote for candidates that they don't agree with because they like someone else LESS, are the epitome of wasted votes.
Hillary and Trump are not the only choices!!!!!
Not sure how to articulate this but why do you think it matters what other people think?
Moreover, are you so ignorant to think the people you speak with on-line are representative of the people in those countries as a whole? The world is a very big place, and there is no uniform accepted opinions in these areas. Hitler, for example, is somewhat popular in India which has over a billion people, one in 6 people I believe.
You think we should be overly concerned with their opinion of who we want for president then? Bet they aren't as fond of the democrats as you believe either.
That actually is the summation of how the national presidential election is rigged and we have very little control over the office. Truth be told, we were never supposed to have very much control over who is President.Sure there are other choices, but, the next POTUS is either going to be Trump or Clinton . . nobody else will even come close.
I want to know what you're so afraid of by anyone other than a republican appointing another judge to the SC???? What will a liberal judge do that you simply cannot bear???
Thanks for your opinion. Mine differs.
Voting for someone who can't win is a wasted vote.
Not one of them can win if we don't vote for them (or vote for the party). It's not like if Trump or Hillary were running third party they'd win. It's all about how we have dumbed our country down to hear two parties. The puppet they dance out on stage really has nothing to do with it, yet y'all just keep feeding that beast while they laugh all the way to the bank. How's that working for ya?
I'm not sure what you're huffing, but you need to put that bag down.End the Bill of Rights entirely as effective for US law.
1. Anti-freedom of religion.
2. No free press.
3. Anti-free speech.
4. 2nd amendment rendered useless
Also, no restraints on presidential power IF the president is a democrat. NO restrictions on non-citizens voting, importing non-citizens to vote in specific elections, no restraints on government abuse, lawlessness, rampant abuse of power, etc, etc,....
Not one of them can win if we don't vote for them (or vote for the party). It's not like if Trump or Hillary were running third party they'd win. It's all about how we have dumbed our country down to hear two parties. The puppet they dance out on stage really has nothing to do with it, yet y'all just keep feeding that beast while they laugh all the way to the bank. How's that working for ya?
End the Bill of Rights entirely as effective for US law.
1. Anti-freedom of religion.
2. No free press.
3. Anti-free speech.
4. 2nd amendment rendered useless
Also, no restraints on presidential power IF the president is a democrat. NO restrictions on non-citizens voting, importing non-citizens to vote in specific elections, no restraints on government abuse, lawlessness, rampant abuse of power, etc, etc,....
How is that 2-in-1 party working for you? Crap and Turd every four years. We appreciate your participation.How's that third party working for you?
The Liberals are going to take our guns and our Bibles! OH NO!!!!!LMAOwow that's crazy thinking. Wait, no, that's FEAR talking geez
How is that 2-in-1 party working for you? Crap and Turd every four years. We appreciate your participation.
No, don't be stupid. We've always just had 2 parties and always will. By that I mean if a third emerges, it will either replace one of the 2 parties or fade.
There is a reason for this, and it's a winner take all election per district rather than proportional representation across the board. In other words, it's not people being dumbed down. It's math.
Do you need a safe space?The racism, stereotyping, and age hating of the "old white man" in this thread, by those that claim to support equality... is quite ironic, and comical.
I work for the DoD. This has been addressed by the head shed in meetings and memos ad nauseam. Trust me, it has been driven home that should I be responsible for even one classified email finding its way onto any unauthorized server or non-DoD/Govt. email account that I will be terminated and prosecuted.
The racism, stereotyping, and age hating of the "old white man" in this thread, by those that claim to support equality... is quite ironic, and comical.
Gary Johnson & Bill Weld
Best ticket I have had to vote for in 20 years!
The racism, stereotyping, and age hating of the "old white man" in this thread, by those that claim to support equality... is quite ironic, and comical.
Do you need a safe space?
Yep. She's spewing racism and prolly doesn't even realize it.