We will land G.G.

Yep, we have entered an age where it is basically free agent madness, with talent going to the highest bidder. Has always been that way to some extent, but now it is legal. But making it worse is the portal. If some kids dad thinks his kid isn't getting the touches as a true freshman that will propel him to the NBA, or NFL, they merely enter the portal and look for greener pastures. And schools are competing behind the scenes trying to steal players with bigger NIL offers. Sad, but that is the state of major college sports. Unfortunately, they have allowed the players to control every aspect of the process at this point. They wanted their cut of the business, now they have it. But they also have unlimited free agency with the portal. That just isn't right. If it is a business, it is a business. Time for universities to enter into contracts with the players. Yea, you are going to get your NIL package. And yes, you can enter the portal any time you want to. But if you decide to up and leave, you have to pay back every dime of NIL and scholarship money given to you before you leave. It's just business.
I have wished for an end to the amateur BS just so the ridiculous rules enforcing amateurism could be done away with. But they have stepped over lines that didn't need to be stepped over and have unnecessarily made a mess of things; something needs to be done to nip the chaos in the bud, and what you propose is a good step. But Pandora's drawers have been dropped, and now every NCAA move toward making a rule that restricts an athlete's freedom to negotiate will be challenged, and probably successfully.
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I used to follow recruiting religiously, but not any more. First of all, kids now post a top 10 or 12 or whatever on Twitter. How stupid is that? Second, what difference does it really make? If they're really good they're gone in a year and they're not bought into anything but themselves. Granted, you have the occasional Coby White, but who cares? Screw it. If they come, they come, and if they don't, they don't. What does dook really have to show for its revolving door of players? Not much. BTW, I really think the NBA was insanely jealous of the NCAA back in the day, and destroying it became its mission because of that. Well........they've pretty much succeeded.
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I used to follow recruiting religiously, but not any more. First of all, kids now post a top 10 or 12 or whatever on Twitter. How stupid is that? Second, what difference does it really make? If they're really good they're gone in a year and they're not bought into anything but themselves. Granted, you have the occasional Coby White, but who cares? Screw it. If they come, they come, and if they don't, they don't. What does dook really have to show for its revolving door of players? Not much. BTW, I really think the NBA was insanely jealous of the NCAA back in the day, and destroying it became its mission because of that. Well........they've pretty much succeeded.
The NBA is the only reason many of these top recruits are even going to college. They are the ones who put the age limit on the draft. They haven't destroyed college basketball.
...and that particular dookie is a homer from hell.
Now there are 2 picks for Duke. Both are Duke insiders but they are 7 for 7. I predict G league. Make 200k and then be a top 5 pick in draft. None of these stars are buying into winning a title. Get to the league and start the clock for the big 2nd contract.
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I used to follow recruiting religiously, but not any more. First of all, kids now post a top 10 or 12 or whatever on Twitter. How stupid is that? Second, what difference does it really make? If they're really good they're gone in a year and they're not bought into anything but themselves. Granted, you have the occasional Coby White, but who cares? Screw it. If they come, they come, and if they don't, they don't. What does dook really have to show for its revolving door of players? Not much. BTW, I really think the NBA was insanely jealous of the NCAA back in the day, and destroying it became its mission because of that. Well........they've pretty much succeeded.

Good poast.

Is GG Jackson better than Antawn Jamison? Maybe, maybe not. How good was Carolina during Antawn's freshman year? We were 21-11 and 3rd place in the ACC. And we got blown out in the second round of the NCAA tournament. And that was with one of the best players our program has ever had. Oh yeah, same for Hansbrough. We were 23-8 and lost in the second round to a mid major. The point is that longing for certain guys to come to Carolina is a waste of time because even if we do get them, because they only stay one year, we know the high is only going to be but so high. Freshmen can't carry the load. UK 2011 and duke 2015 are the outliers. The proof is all the other freshmen phenoms that didn't win the title. Kevin Durant lost in the 2nd round of the NCAA tournament.
Good poast.

Is GG Jackson better than Antawn Jamison? Maybe, maybe not. How good was Carolina during Antawn's freshman year? We were 21-11 and 3rd place in the ACC. And we got blown out in the second round of the NCAA tournament. And that was with one of the best players our program has ever had. Oh yeah, same for Hansbrough. We were 23-8 and lost in the second round to a mid major. The point is that longing for certain guys to come to Carolina is a waste of time because even if we do get them, because they only stay one year, we know the high is only going to be but so high. Freshmen can't carry the load. UK 2011 and duke 2015 are the outliers. The proof is all the other freshmen phenoms that didn't win the title. Kevin Durant lost in the 2nd round of the NCAA tournament.
True but these guys do fit a role. Do we win a title in 05 without Marvin? Do we win in 17 without Tony? I say no to both.

Agreed that building a team around a bunch of these guys isn't wise but I think GG would fit in quite well in 23 with a senior RJ Davis (who is the perfect recruit, McAA who stays 4 years and is productive for 3), a senior Puff Johnson, a junior Dontrez, a soph Trimble and Washington, etc. GG and Wilcher would be really nice pieces to complete that puzzle.

We'll still be good without him, but I think (and it's obviously far away) a team with him is a title contender assuming we have the guys I listed above and it's ok to really root for him to come here and be unhappy if he goes to our rival.
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True but these guys do fit a role. Do we win a title in 05 without Marvin? Do we win in 17 without Tony? I say no to both.

Agreed that building a team around a bunch of these guys isn't wise but I think GG would fit in quite well in 23 with a senior RJ Davis (who is the perfect recruit, McAA who stays 4 years and is productive for 3), a senior Puff Johnson, a junior Dontrez, a soph Trimble and Washington, etc. GG and Wilcher would be really nice pieces to complete that puzzle.

We'll still be good without him, but I think (and it's obviously far away) a team with him is a title contender assuming we have the guys I listed above and it's ok to really root for him to come here and be unhappy if he goes to our rival.

I'll agree on Marv but not on Tony.

And I agree Davis is the perfect recruit. And is it any coincidence that you're predicting a really good season during his senior year?! Imagine if Love and Sharpe were here that year too. Then Jackson comes and we're a heavy title favorite.

The new structure of college sports will be the death of it.
True but these guys do fit a role. Do we win a title in 05 without Marvin? Do we win in 17 without Tony? I say no to both.

Agreed that building a team around a bunch of these guys isn't wise but I think GG would fit in quite well in 23 with a senior RJ Davis (who is the perfect recruit, McAA who stays 4 years and is productive for 3), a senior Puff Johnson, a junior Dontrez, a soph Trimble and Washington, etc. GG and Wilcher would be really nice pieces to complete that puzzle.

We'll still be good without him, but I think (and it's obviously far away) a team with him is a title contender assuming we have the guys I listed above and it's ok to really root for him to come here and be unhappy if he goes to our rival.
In this day and age you need to be able to get solid 3-4 year guys like RJ Davis and then be able to sprinkle in some freak OAD guys in order to be competitive year in and year out. If you just have a bunch of 3-4 year guys on your squad then you are looking down the barrel of mediocrity year in and year out w/ maybe a sniff of a deep tourney run every few years or so. When I say mediocrity, I mean relative to UNC standards, which should have realistic Elite8/FF aspirations about every single year.
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I am a Duke fan so I will try not to get banned. Duke would have 1-2 more titles [and maybe one this year] if they had had a John Kuester [4.4 points a game 4 yr average] or a Dudley Bradley [5 pts per game average] type upperclassman. 3 burger boys and 2 role players who excel at the little things will go a lot further than 5 NBA talent players who aren’t driven to play together as a team.
My first UNC/Duke game was either ‘63 or ‘64 watching Heyman & Mullins versus my favorite UNC player Billy Cunningham who as many of you know jumped off the bus returning to Woolen Gym to pull down the Dean Smith effigy. He had a streak of 40 straight double doubles.
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Agreed that building a team around a bunch of these guys isn't wise but I think GG would fit in quite well in 23 with a senior RJ Davis (who is the perfect recruit, McAA who stays 4 years and is productive for 3), a senior Puff Johnson, a junior Dontrez, a soph Trimble and Washington, etc. GG and Wilcher would be really nice pieces to complete that puzzle.
I think that’s definitely what everyone is banking on in that program concerning GG.

Add a year to Jalen’s game and get him back to 100%, stick him in the front court starting with GG, let Wilcher and RJ control the backcourt. Also add a year in the weight room to Trimble’s development and OOF.

That’s not a natty contender…that’s a favorite 👀
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I am a Duke fan so I will try not to get banned. Duke would have 1-2 more titles [and maybe one this year] if they had had a John Kuester [4.4 points a game 4 yr average] or a Dudley Bradley [5 pts per game average] type upperclassman. 3 burger boys and 2 role players who excel at the little things will go a lot further than 5 NBA talent players who aren’t driven to play together as a team.
My first UNC/Duke game was either ‘63 or ‘64 watching Heyman & Mullins versus my favorite UNC player Billy Cunningham who as many of you know jumped off the bus returning to Woolen Gym to pull down the Dean Smith effigy. He had a streak of 40 straight double doubles.

Saying you will try not to get banned is a good way to get banned. Like saying the mods on this site are too thin skinned to have a nice debate so anything they dont like will get you tossed.
I think the intriguing part of all that is bringing Puff and Trez off the bench as a experienced juniors. Maybe Ant sticks around, maybe not. Just more energy off the bench to add onto an already outrageously talented starting 5.
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I am a Duke fan so I will try not to get banned. Duke would have 1-2 more titles [and maybe one this year] if they had had a John Kuester [4.4 points a game 4 yr average] or a Dudley Bradley [5 pts per game average] type upperclassman. 3 burger boys and 2 role players who excel at the little things will go a lot further than 5 NBA talent players who aren’t driven to play together as a team.
My first UNC/Duke game was either ‘63 or ‘64 watching Heyman & Mullins versus my favorite UNC player Billy Cunningham who as many of you know jumped off the bus returning to Woolen Gym to pull down the Dean Smith effigy. He had a streak of 40 straight double doubles.
You have posted here before, seemed like a reasonable guy to me and certainly nothing in this post that should upset even the most sensitive so welcome.

I have long believed that totally committing to the one and done model is a mistake but totally not recruiting 1&Ds is also a mistake. You simply must have experienced players and you must have talent. To be smart about it, you need to build your core with experience, the more 4 star players or the 5 star that is not a physical mismatch or has some flaw that sticks out to the NBA scouts. You then mix in the crazy 5 star talents as in 1 or 2 per class. Your experienced guys help teach the freshmen and the freshman talents help drive the experienced guys to hold on to their PT. We went to back to back natty games a couple years ago built just this way, in fact all 3 of Roy's nattys were built this way.

Duke has won a ton of games since totally committing to the 1&D process gaining mega talents in every class. For example right now duke has what, 3 or 4 top 10 guys committed and coming in next season? History has shown us duke wins a lot of regular season games that way but history also shows us that duke flames out when the ultimate stakes are in place, the win or season is over stakes. Duke has won 1 and only 1 natty when they were totally committed to the 1&D and even in that 1 the upper classmen were vital and in recent seasons the number of very experienced PT seasoned guys has dwindled. As a Tar Heel, I enjoy watching Banchero going 1 on 1 while the rest of your team stands around and watches, just as dukes enjoy watching Caleb try to go in to hero mode. But if winning nattys is important to you the total sell out to the 1&D guys is not the way.

Of all the floor positions, I believe the position that is most important to have really experienced guys (Jr or Sr) is at the point. We went thru 3 seasons with freshman PGs (because we ended up with 1&D PGs) and we would love to forget every one of those seasons.
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In this day and age you need to be able to get solid 3-4 year guys like RJ Davis and then be able to sprinkle in some freak OAD guys in order to be competitive year in and year out. If you just have a bunch of 3-4 year guys on your squad then you are looking down the barrel of mediocrity year in and year out w/ maybe a sniff of a deep tourney run every few years or so. When I say mediocrity, I mean relative to UNC standards, which should have realistic Elite8/FF aspirations about every single year.

Nova is the model program IMO. They do it exactly the way I wish we did it. They don't do the OAD thing and they're always relevant these days. That's the way of the future of college basketball winning, IMO.
Goldwire would have made all of the difference if he had stayed. I would take 5 pts a game, great D and senior leadership any day over a freshman who will play one season and bolt. Same as Coleman who had a good year for the Aggies. If given more PT last year he would be a perfect 4/5 sub and probably a 4 yr player.
The NBA is the only reason many of these top recruits are even going to college. They are the ones who put the age limit on the draft. They haven't destroyed college basketball.
No offense, but you obviously weren't around when the NBA was struggling to survive and the NCAA game was where the action was. There was a reason it was often stated that Bird and Magic saved the NBA. I stand 100% behind my words.
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I am a Duke fan so I will try not to get banned. Duke would have 1-2 more titles [and maybe one this year] if they had had a John Kuester [4.4 points a game 4 yr average] or a Dudley Bradley [5 pts per game average] type upperclassman. 3 burger boys and 2 role players who excel at the little things will go a lot further than 5 NBA talent players who aren’t driven to play together as a team.
My first UNC/Duke game was either ‘63 or ‘64 watching Heyman & Mullins versus my favorite UNC player Billy Cunningham who as many of you know jumped off the bus returning to Woolen Gym to pull down the Dean Smith effigy. He had a streak of 40 straight double doubles.
amen to this, been saying it for a long time. I argue that Dean's best teams and best coaching was when he DID have John Kuester, for example. When the big timers start coming in, the egos start farking up the team concept....then it's a question of whether talent will overcome that. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. If you're extremely lucky or extremely good though, you can instill the team feeling in the big-timers and your fate is still ultimately determined by the bounce of the ball.

My point is, stop gnashing teeth over whether we sign Mr. Big Shot and hope that you can just get some decently talented players to play well together. That's basketball.
Now there are 2 picks for Duke. Both are Duke insiders but they are 7 for 7. I predict G league. Make 200k and then be a top 5 pick in draft. None of these stars are buying into winning a title. Get to the league and start the clock for the big 2nd contract.
IIRC one of them picked Bacot to dook when he was a silent here.
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Nova is the model program IMO. They do it exactly the way I wish we did it. They don't do the OAD thing and they're always relevant these days. That's the way of the future of college basketball winning, IMO.
That would be great, but I think Nova is the exception and not the rule in this case, but I get it. They did have a hell of class in '19 though. I think one of those kids is already in the league.
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No offense, but you obviously weren't around when the NBA was struggling to survive and the NCAA game was where the action was. There was a reason it was often stated that Bird and Magic saved the NBA. I stand 100% behind my words.
You've offered nothing to actually support your argument, but whatever.
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dook money period. Do you really think they are going to change just because K is gone?
I told all of you when he visited dook they offered him insane money. When he commits you will all say that SOB was right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Now there are 2 picks for Duke. Both are Duke insiders but they are 7 for 7. I predict G league. Make 200k and then be a top 5 pick in draft. None of these stars are buying into winning a title. Get to the league and start the clock for the big 2nd contract.
It's easy to have a high success rate when you change your picks constantly. Don't think for a second that we have forgotten how the TDD guys put late picks in for Bacot to dook when he had already paid for his UNC announcement video to be produced, and then 2 days later they changed their picks to UNC so they could appear correct.
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You've offered nothing to actually support your argument, but whatever.

What do you want? Read a book, Holmes. He’s right. Professional basketball was folding until Bird and Magic saved it. And most basketball writers and historians will agree that the 80s and 90s was the golden age of the NBA.

And being that you’re young and wet behind the ears, I don’t expect you to have watched college basketball in those days. So take it from people who did. And use logic. If the Zions, Anthony Davises and Kevin Durants all played 3-4 years, wouldn’t you agree the product would be better? Well, yeah, see,…it was that way.
I am a Duke fan so I will try not to get banned. Duke would have 1-2 more titles [and maybe one this year] if
They would have 2 less titles if...
1. Rick Pitino was a little more than competent and Ted Hilary wasn't on the take(1992)
2. The NCAA had more balls than my aunt(2015)
You've offered nothing to actually support your argument, but whatever.
Worthy played 3 years. Jordan played 3 years. Perkins played 4 years. Duncan played 4 years. Ewing played 4 years. Sampson played 4 years, and on and on and on. How much proof would suffice? Teams from their era would destroy today's college teams, and that ain't "get off my lawn" old man talk. The college game was AWESOME, and the NBA sucked. Now? They both suck.
Worthy played 3 years. Jordan played 3 years. Perkins played 4 years. Duncan played 4 years. Ewing played 4 years. Sampson played 4 years, and on and on and on. How much proof would suffice? Teams from their era would destroy today's college teams, and that ain't "get off my lawn" old man talk. The college game was AWESOME, and the NBA sucked. Now? They both suck.
I just watched something on YouTube about the 08-09 team and my first thought was how did Roy get guys like Lawson and Ellington to stay in school for three years, lol. Might be a bit of a homer statement, but I legitimately think that might have been the best CBB ever. That team had every box checked.
Worthy played 3 years. Jordan played 3 years. Perkins played 4 years. Duncan played 4 years. Ewing played 4 years. Sampson played 4 years, and on and on and on. How much proof would suffice? Teams from their era would destroy today's college teams, and that ain't "get off my lawn" old man talk. The college game was AWESOME, and the NBA sucked. Now? They both suck.
Sheeeeeuttttt I loved me some nba back then. Dr j, George Gervin, jabbar, Bobby jones, Wes unseld, havlicek, Rick Barry, earl Monroe, Walt Frazier, Charlie Scott…. But yea ratings were way down and along came magic and bird, the celtic lakers super teams, the bad boy pistons…there was a game on the Atlanta super station late night during the week. Good stuff. And college was great too
They would have 2 less titles if...
1. Rick Pitino was a little more than competent and Ted Hilary wasn't on the take(1992) and they ejected wuss-boy laetneer for stomping on that dude's chest
2. The NCAA had more balls than my aunt(2015)
and UNLV players weren't on the take in 91 FF
and refs didn't do everything possible to get dook back in that 01 FF game vs Maryland
and 2010 team didn't get every call in the world, and they actually called face for a shot clock violation vs Butler

HAHA... there - every one of k's natty's is tainted. LOL
I just watched something on YouTube about the 08-09 team and my first thought was how did Roy get guys like Lawson and Ellington to stay in school for three years, lol. Might be a bit of a homer statement, but I legitimately think that might have been the best CBB ever. That team had every box checked.
Lawson stayed with a little help from a man in blue 👮🏻‍♂️
and UNLV players weren't on the take in 91 FF
and refs didn't do everything possible to get dook back in that 01 FF game vs Maryland
and 2010 team didn't get every call in the world, and they actually called face for a shot clock violation vs Butler

HAHA... there - every one of k's natty's is tainted. LOL
That was Ted Hilary I mentioned.
That crooked p.o.s. should be in prison right now for what he did to the Terps.
I just watched something on YouTube about the 08-09 team and my first thought was how did Roy get guys like Lawson and Ellington to stay in school for three years, lol. Might be a bit of a homer statement, but I legitimately think that might have been the best CBB ever. That team had every box checked.
Lawson got a DUI. That's why he stayed a 3rd year.
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