What you call things

What do y'all call the following?


Broken image (I need a new job) and a water fountain
That's pizza. What else could it be?

And those are sodas or soft drinks. Pop would be acceptable if you're from flyover country. They are obviously NOT all Cokes.

Some northerners call "pizza" something else. Just making sure. And those are sodas.
Somehow, yes...they refer to that as a pie. If you meet one of these aliens, slap them for their ignorance.
I'd gladly slap them. I think technically what they do is the refer specifically to a whole pizza as a "pie." So they'd be like "how many pies do you wanna order?"

On a similar note, I hate when people refer to pizza as a "slice" without setting up the context. It's also northerners who do this. They'll be like "let's go somewhere and grab a slice." A slice of what, bitch? Cake? Pie?
On a similar note, I hate when people refer to pizza as a "slice" without setting up the context. It's also northerners who do this. They'll be like "let's go somewhere and grab a slice." A slice of what, bitch? Cake? Pie?

But who goes out for a slice of anything else? I have never thought to invite a friend to go have a slice of cake or pie with me. You want a mimosa to wash down that key lime, bro?
I think this is what you are looking for on #5

Sofa would be used if the piece of furniture is particularly more ostentatious, expensive or plush. Both terms can be used interchangeably; however in former times, a couch was a low, bed-like piece of furniture for lying on. A sofa is more benchlike with full arms and back.Aug 21, 2013

We had a sofa in the living room and couches in the family room. As a kid I wasn't allowed in the living room.

I love that word "ostentatious".

You don't lie on the sofa but you can lie on the couch. You can get laid on either.
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I believe we've done this before a long time ago on here, but let's do it again since this is what this thread reminds me of. Take this quiz on what people call stuff, and it will show you pretty much where you get this crap from on a heatmap and tells you your most comment cities or whatever. Mine was Winston-Salem, Greensboro and Baltimore.

Click here
I believe we've done this before a long time ago on here,

No. We did the NY Times quiz before. This is apparently different. Did you not see @TarHeelNation11's poast directed towards me?

Take this quiz on what people call stuff, and it will show you pretty much where you get this crap from on a heatmap and tells you your most comment cities or whatever. Mine was Winston-Salem, Greensboro and Baltimore.

Click here

All kidding aside, I love that quiz. My most similar areas were Winston-Salem, Greensboro and Richmond, VA. My least similar area was Detroit.
Or semi.

Also, yard sale and crawdad.

Yeah, I'm ok with "semi". But no to "tractor trailer".

It's always a yard sale. Even if it's in a garage, it's still a yard sale.

Correct on crawdad. But it's funny because the ones I catch in the creeks are definitely always crawdads. But the kind I eat can either be crawdads or crawfish.
I believe we've done this before a long time ago on here, but let's do it again since this is what this thread reminds me of. Take this quiz on what people call stuff, and it will show you pretty much where you get this crap from on a heatmap and tells you your most comment cities or whatever. Mine was Winston-Salem, Greensboro and Baltimore.

Click here
Puts me a little too deep in the South!
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I call them semis.
I call them crawdads.
The only garage sale I've done was in a garage, so I kinda flip flop between garage sale and yard sale
I'd probably go with 18 wheeler... but I'd definitely call it a "tractor trailer" before I'd call it a "semi".

Yard sale.
I guess probably a crawfish? Maybe even crayfish? Not really sure.

I would never say "Wanna go grab some pie" I may say "how many pies do you want to order" when its already been established we're getting pizza. I would definitely say "want to go grab a slice" because as GSD alluded to - if you don't know I'm talking about pizza when I say that, I probably don't wanna be hanging out with you anyways. I'll occassionally just abbreviate it down to "wanna get some 'Za" but I think that's just me being a bozo more than an actual term.

back to mine:
Clicker (or remote)
Sub (although "grinder" is a popular term pretty much everywhere else in new england except Boston)
jimmies (that's racist!!!) and sprinkles
one that didn't get any other mentions: a frappe (although I'll interchange this with milkshake as well)
pit (I was reading something that said people in the south call this a "seed" which I had never heard before)
lollipop (the term sucker annoys me)
sneakers (why the hell would you wear tennis shoes playing basketball? I think low top sneakers can kind of pass as tennis shoes, but basketball shoes and running shoes are definitely sneakers as opposed to tennis shoes)
I know this has nothing to do with this thread, but the pepperoni pizzas that have both the little pieces of pepperoni and the pepperoni slices are out-of-this-world delicious. This is how pepperoni pizzas should be made.
To further derail this thread, did everyone else have these pizzas in grade school?
