Who do you feel will be the next recruit to committ to UNC

Those who come in late and act all "offended" that people are debating each other need to get off their high horse. Dsouthr has a nasty habit of pretending to play the victim while at the same time insulting the people he claims are Victimizing him.

Resorting to attacking the man as they say in rhetoric and logic, straw man arguments, appeals to ignorance, are all tactics he uses (most likely unknowingly) when he realizes his assertions have been taken to task and shown to be false. I wouldn't have an issue with any of it however like I said he has the nasty habit of playing pathetic victim while passively aggressively sniping other posters

Anyway I'll bow out of the thread, I am to blame as well for continuing to reply to what appears to be a void in space time. God speed.
I thought we had gotten over the peeing contests that were routine here over the last few months, but apparently that is not the case.

Come on guys... post with respect, agree to disagree and stop all this endless crap of breaking down EVERY single sentence and thought that one poster or another may have.

Both "sides" are to blame.... we are supposedly rooting for the SAME team, but you would never know it going thru some of these threads.

Lets have an honest discussion, not endless peeing contests that end up going nowhere..
the agree to disagree part seems to be achieved. :cool:
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Just gonna say this once then you can do as you will.

You said to show holes in your statement if you feel there is some.

I showed the holes that the opinions you had were impossible to be true unless you knew inside information coupled with how a teenager in question mind worked. Which you had neither.

Just because you label something as a hole does not mean I have to agree that it is, isn't that true? I laid out a logical thought process, did not require you to accept it as fact. Nothing you offered changed my thinking, what may seem to be holes to you are not required to be considered holes to everyone. Isn't that true? We all do have the tight to our own perception and opinion, do we not.

You stated Calipari brought in Vanderbilt to try and push PJ to sign and that Vanderbilt has wanted Kentucky the whole time which are not substantiated by any evidence.

No, I did not say that, READ my address of that very question twice today, not going to repeat it a 3rd time nor should I need to. When I say something, if you are not sure what I mean, by all means ask but don't skew my words toward what you want me to have said and then try to hit me for saying things I did not say.

It also implies that Calipari is using recruits to leverage against other recruits with no intention to actually sign them, just to use as a pawn. You describe this behavior then state we are probably doing the same to Vanderbilt in stringing him along because we want Washigton more.

Again, you accusation that I said anything near Roy was playing Vanderbilt is just not true, I NEVER said that. matter of fact I said that I did not know if Roy had even spoken to Vanderbilt since his Late Night visit. What I actually said was that we had Vanderbilts head turned by the fact that he was at our Late Night and not Kys. YOU go back and read it and tell me that is not exactly what I said. I said Roy could very well make sure PJ knew that Vanderbilt was looking hard at us, I would hope would make sure vanderbilt knew that. But I never said Vanderbilt informed Roy he was ready to commit and Roy told him to hold off, never said that, show me where I did or admit you got that wrong.

Also, implying Vanderbilt only was brought in for a visit was just to push PJ Washington to sign is to insinuats Calipari could not be recruiting both. It is entirely possible that bringing Vanderbilt in for a visit and possinly to sign makes it less likely PJ washington signs due to recruting someone in the same spot.

It is my opinion that kalipari wants PJ more than Vanderbilt and whether Kal brought vanderbilt in to push PJ to a decision or to shore up his plan B, I do not know and you don't either. I do think Vanderbilt visiting Ky after their Late night may not be well received by PJ as it applies to committing to Ky, what is co crazy about that?

You stated how it was basically an astronomical reach that Calipari could actually want both recruits and was actually recruiting both with the intent to sign both. (You were dismissive about it being a reach)

WoW, where did you ever come up with that didy? Of freakin course kal would LOVE to get them both, Roy would to, what coach wouldn't? I talked about the unlikelyhood of Kal or any coach getting them both. You do realize there is a difference between what you want and what you can get, you do realize the difference in those 2 things don't ya?

The other poster told you how you were wrong to be dismissive to that idea because Calipari has "almost every year" recruited the same positions for multiple players.

LOL, once again, now it is "almost every year" and now rather than discuss "from the same recruiting class" as I was speaking to you want to change the question to include who they have returning. That is on you and YOUR IMAGINATION, not my trip but yours...

You then produced an inaccurate list to show who Calipari signed each year. Cleverly omitting players, changing positions they were recruited for, or my favorite trying to separate forward and wing to try and make it look different.

You seem to need to add a conspiricy theory where one did not exist? Guy says Kal brings in multiple 5 stars from the same class that play the same position every year. So rather than try to go off memory, I google and ESPN pops up, I used their information, your problem should not be with me, seems like your problem is with ESPN. But no matter what service you want to use, it still does not in any way say Kal actually gets multiple 5 stars players from each class that play the same position every year. Ya see, that is the part you want to consistently leave out and only reason I can see that you do is that it does not help this rant craving you have for and about me and my opinions.

Another list was produced Calipari signed multiple recruits at a position in quite a few years, and instead of just realizing you were wrong and adjusting your opjnion, arguments were made about when someone signed, if they were really 5 stars, and etc.

Why repeat yourself, you just tried to use this very argument in the last bullet point? LOL, see my reply to that bullet point, I don't need to repeat this yet another time today.

Which is ironic because the whole statement was... Calipari RECRUITS multiple players at the same position almost every year. Which he does. He doesn't always land multiple recruits at the same position but he recruits them and has shown he will take multiples if he can.

OMG, WoW, now you turn it to Kalipari recruits myultiple players for the same position almost every year? Yeah, well kal and EVERY other D-1 coach does as well, so why point that out? Recruriting multiple players for a single position and getting multiple players from the same class that play the same position that are both 5 star players does not happen anywhere close to OFTEN. Well of freakin course kal and any other D-1 coach would take 2 5 star players that play the same position if they could get them the problem is not the wanting to get them, the problem is actually getting them.

The whole issue is that you want a certain outcome. So, you are trying to think up a scenario which would lead to the outcome you want. In doing so, however, you took major leaps, tried to express the ability to know the mind of a teenager you never met, and failed to consider evidence which is contrary to your scenario.

I have laid out a logical consideration of what I think may happen, keep in mind I have consistently laid out what I have as my opinion. Now as of today I see ButterButts take on other people's opinions, that they are all BS unless they agree with his own, his words and not mine, read them yourself. It seem as if you are treating my opinions as BB does, because you may not agree with them that they must be BS.

But let me ask YOU, I do not believe Ky will get BOTH PJ and Vanderbilt, that is my opinion, do you consider that opinion to be BS? In the reasons I have clearly laid out for my opinion do you have a single shred of absolute proof that I am wrong? Not asking if you agree, asking if you have a single bit of proof I am wrong? Because to flatly say I am wrong then, how did you put it at the top of this reply, let me quote your words " unless you knew inside information coupled with how a teenager in question mind worked. Which you had neither." Do you know PJ, do you know how his mind works? You sure seem willing to holier than thou to lecture me on how his mind works? OMG, you are guilty of what you accuse me of, AGAIN...LOL

You literally could have just said.... I really want x to happen instead of x will happen due to y and z (when y and z are completely based in zero evidence).

No, what I said that was better than that is that it was my opinion. Do you deny that, I did at every turn make sure folks knew this was my opinion, isn't that true.

Instead you have chose to argue for however many posts because you ignored evidence or created a scenario not based in any evidence. And, when people tried to show you had faulty reason you took it as offense and argued instead.

Yes, I take offense when I am accused to saying things I have not said, who doesn't? Is it OK for folks to make up things you said that you didn't and then ASSAIL YOU FOR THEIR MADE UP NONSENSE? Who are YOU to judge my opinions as faulty, I believe I am the judge and jury of my own opinions, you do not get that right. You can disagree with my opinions but you do not get to be my judge and jury nor executioner. I consider your trying to be the judge of what is right and wrong of my opinions to be very disrespectful. If you want to bring new facts to the table I will consider them and maybe even adjust my opinions if those facts are worthy IMO but I and only I get to determine that for my own opinions. You can disagree all you want with my opinions, you are not required to agree nor am I required to agree with opinions you hold that I do not agree with.

I am done. Carry on.
@ DSouthr -

I like your long posts. Although maybe an extra paragraph break or 2 in appropriate places would make them easier to read. ;)

That said, you seem to be arguing more lately. Last year, when I was doing the same, you advised me to let some of the negative comments go by without responding. It was good advice that I have tried to follow. I'm suggesting you do the same. Easier on the blood pressure levels.
I bet its PJ Washington!

I originally said Vandy, but I'm starting to come around on the PJ train. Eliminating Zona was huge in the fact that it appears he's making this decision from a basketball standpoint, not "other" factors.

I've said in the past that my opinion was it was 65-35 in favor of UK from everything we had heard. I think this past week or so of info has me changing my opinion to 50-50 that we get him.
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@ DSouthr -

I like your long posts. Although maybe an extra paragraph break or 2 in appropriate places would make them easier to read. ;)

That said, you seem to be arguing more lately. Last year, when I was doing the same, you advised me to let some of the negative comments go by without responding. It was good advice that I have tried to follow. I'm suggesting you do the same. Easier on the blood pressure levels.

Yeah wwjd, man I know, just feels like folks are going out of their way to bait me in to this nonsense. You know me, all I really want to do is talk about the Heels thou have enjoyed trying to think my way thru recruiting this year and not have the premy access to be able to get the extra help from that. I am hoping that with what I have explained today that some folks can see where I am coming from and ease up on the constant attacks. We will just have to see.
I originally said Vandy, but I'm starting to come around on the PJ train. Eliminating Zona was huge in the fact that it appears he's making this decision from a basketball standpoint, not "other" factors.

I've said in the past that my opinion was it was 65-35 in favor of UK from everything we had heard. I think this past week or so of info has me changing my opinion to 50-50 that we get him.

My opinion remains as it has been for so long now, I still feel like we get PJ, and that is still opinion and not fact.
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My opinion remains as it has been for so long now, I still feel like we get PJ, and that is still opinion and not fact.

My opinion is starting to go that way too. I think if I had to bet I'd still say UK, but it really does seem like we've made up a ton of ground.
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My opinion is starting to go that way too. I think if I had to bet I'd still say UK, but it really does seem like we've made up a ton of ground.

Let me ask you, in your opinion, is it that we have made up a lot of ground or could it have been that maybe we were not as far behind as the hype suggested we were?

Reason I ask is other than Roy flying out to talk with him face to face, I am not aware of a lot that we have done to "change" his mind. But I do know that Ky hype machine and when that puppy starts cranking it creates perception in the way that benefits that program. As you know, I believe and have believed that the Ky leads for the kid was more hype than substance. I think a lot of folks, experts as well, jumped on the fact the kid reminded folks he had plans to attend the Ky late night, plans that had been made well in advance of his reminder publically of them. It was like we either lead or at least were even for him and when that reminder went out the whole world jumped on the Ky band wagon.

As you know, I have been here slugging away, trying as best I could to make folks aware of how that hype machine can create what is not real. And I am not looking for any kudos for that, I just want folks to rationally step back and consider what is real and what is hype. Cause I think we have been sold a lot of hype and that does not mean Ky will not get the kid, they could, it is down to the final 2, well lets call it the final 2.5 because of UNLV.
"As you know, I have been here slugging away, trying as best I could to make folks aware of how that hype machine can create what is not real."

The only thing you are making us aware of is that you have no idea what you are actually talking about.

Just say "Hey, I think the Kentucky hype is overblown and we will get PJ".

There you go! No one would be at odds with you then either and you said the same exact premise!
"As you know, I have been here slugging away, trying as best I could to make folks aware of how that hype machine can create what is not real."

The only thing you are making us aware of is that you have no idea what you are actually talking about.

Just say "Hey, I think the Kentucky hype is overblown and we will get PJ".

There you go! No one would be at odds with you then either and you said the same exact premise!

Now YOU feel like you have the right to tell me what to say? Who do YOU think you are that makes you feel like you have any right what so ever to tell me what and how I should state my own opinions? I have been trying to get this back to some kind of a basketball related discussion but for some reason you seem to have the extremely strange need to keep trying to pick a fight?

"The only thing you are making us aware of is that you have no idea what you are actually talking about." There it is, yet again you go out of your way to personally insult me, PLEASE, I invite YOU, I invite any one reading this, go back thru this thread, go back thru any thread, show me where I have personally insulted you? Yet time and time and time and time and time ect again you go out of your way to personally insult me. That is NOT opinion, that is FACT.
Let me ask you, in your opinion, is it that we have made up a lot of ground or could it have been that maybe we were not as far behind as the hype suggested we were?

Reason I ask is other than Roy flying out to talk with him face to face, I am not aware of a lot that we have done to "change" his mind. But I do know that Ky hype machine and when that puppy starts cranking it creates perception in the way that benefits that program. As you know, I believe and have believed that the Ky leads for the kid was more hype than substance. I think a lot of folks, experts as well, jumped on the fact the kid reminded folks he had plans to attend the Ky late night, plans that had been made well in advance of his reminder publically of them. It was like we either lead or at least were even for him and when that reminder went out the whole world jumped on the Ky band wagon.

As you know, I have been here slugging away, trying as best I could to make folks aware of how that hype machine can create what is not real. And I am not looking for any kudos for that, I just want folks to rationally step back and consider what is real and what is hype. Cause I think we have been sold a lot of hype and that does not mean Ky will not get the kid, they could, it is down to the final 2, well lets call it the final 2.5 because of UNLV.

I think the relationship that Kenny Payne has with PJ is very real. I think that Kenny has done a great job integrating himself in that family just based on all of the interviews that PJ or his father have done. I think that's something beyond the hype train that is UK basketball.

I also think some were surprised that PJ didn't commit during BBM. Maybe he didn't have a great visit. It's possible he felt a little left out or "just another guy" because of the amount of kids they had there. I don't know, but I do think that the longer this goes, the better it is for us.
I think the relationship that Kenny Payne has with PJ is very real. I think that Kenny has done a great job integrating himself in that family just based on all of the interviews that PJ or his father have done. I think that's something beyond the hype train that is UK basketball.

I also think some were surprised that PJ didn't commit during BBM. Maybe he didn't have a great visit. It's possible he felt a little left out or "just another guy" because of the amount of kids they had there. I don't know, but I do think that the longer this goes, the better it is for us.

That is a very fair reply and to be honest, I don't know how big the Payne with Paul Sr connection is or if it is completely kosher. I don't want to believe the worst about Paul but have to admit some of the emails I have had don't exactly strike the tone I would like to see Paul portrayed in. Being totally candid I have emails that do go further than public interviews that you refer to go, I just have not seen enough to believe paul would give in to the negative stuff (for lack of a better term that is not overtly negative).

So I am not going to say you are wrong in that, just going to say I don't want to believe the negatives just yet. Trying to be as PC as I can and not say more than I should, kind of a touchy situation that I am trying to use the right words to describe as softly as I can, not sure if that makes sense but I do know a little more than I have let on, just not 100% sure how accurate. Some very good and some well, maybe not as good but not totally bad either.
I think the relationship that Kenny Payne has with PJ is very real. I think that Kenny has done a great job integrating himself in that family just based on all of the interviews that PJ or his father have done. I think that's something beyond the hype train that is UK basketball.

I also think some were surprised that PJ didn't commit during BBM. Maybe he didn't have a great visit. It's possible he felt a little left out or "just another guy" because of the amount of kids they had there. I don't know, but I do think that the longer this goes, the better it is for us.
Definitely agree on that, that the longer it goes, the better. PJ knows he'd be the man by committing to Carolina. Chances are uk nabs a couple elites soon and that may reinforce to PJ that he's not essential to what they want to do.
That is a very fair reply and to be honest, I don't know how big the Payne with Paul Sr connection is or if it is completely kosher. I don't want to believe the worst about Paul but have to admit some of the emails I have had don't exactly strike the tone I would like to see Paul portrayed in. Being totally candid I have emails that do go further than public interviews that you refer to go, I just have not seen enough to believe paul would give in to the negative stuff (for lack of a better term that is not overtly negative).

So I am not going to say you are wrong in that, just going to say I don't want to believe the negatives just yet. Trying to be as PC as I can and not say more than I should, kind of a touchy situation that I am trying to use the right words to describe as softly as I can, not sure if that makes sense but I do know a little more than I have let on, just not 100% sure how accurate. Some very good and some well, maybe not as good but not totally bad either.

Yeah, I don't even think the relationship is negative or against any rules (it could be, but not going to assume it). I actually think this is just the case of an assistant doing a good job by developing a great rapport with the family. If other stuff is going on, you know more than I do.
Yeah, I don't even think the relationship is negative or against any rules (it could be, but not going to assume it). I actually think this is just the case of an assistant doing a good job by developing a great rapport with the family. If other stuff is going on, you know more than I do.

I know the we can pump your players in to being one & done card has been used, talking as it applies to Findley Prep. That is no small card to play, a blue blood programs that will take your players in a pipeline and pump them as one & doners, that is sweet music to a high profile prep programs coach, especially a coach new to that prep school. I do not discount that at all, none of us should.

But I got something earlier today that Tar Heel fans would love, I promised not to get to much in to it but now there is actually 2 major factors that favor us and this latest kinda surprised me.
IN a TOTALLY unrelated question, where is PJ projected to be picked in the first NBA draft he would be eligible for, where does 247 have him? Just curious?
Here's a question for those who know more than I do about recruiting. Have we cut Brooks and Stokes loose?

The reason I ask is suppose Vanderbilt and PJ pick other schools in the next month or 2 but Brooks and Stokes are still uncommitted. Do we double down on them? Do we put all our eggs in the Knox basket (for a spring commit)? Do we hang it up for the 2017 class? Do we approach other players?

I'm still leaning toward a Vanderbilt surprise. Based on nothing but fumes and wishful thinking. But the truth is I don't like our chances of getting any of those 3 top players. Mock the 247 predictions all you want, the fact that we have NO predictions for us for any of those guys isn't encouraging. So I would like to be looking for another big.

Basically, I just think that with 3 lower-ranked bigs we have a reasonable shot at ONE of them being good as a freshman (and others coming along later - but we really need 1 next year).
Probably doesn't mean a ton but in Kentucky front page there is an article about Vanderbilt and how cal really wants him etc.
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Here's a question for those who know more than I do about recruiting. Have we cut Brooks and Stokes loose?

The reason I ask is suppose Vanderbilt and PJ pick other schools in the next month or 2 but Brooks and Stokes are still uncommitted. Do we double down on them? Do we put all our eggs in the Knox basket (for a spring commit)? Do we hang it up for the 2017 class? Do we approach other players?

I'm still leaning toward a Vanderbilt surprise. Based on nothing but fumes and wishful thinking. But the truth is I don't like our chances of getting any of those 3 top players. Mock the 247 predictions all you want, the fact that we have NO predictions for us for any of those guys isn't encouraging. So I would like to be looking for another big.

Basically, I just think that with 3 lower-ranked bigs we have a reasonable shot at ONE of them being good as a freshman (and others coming along later - but we really need 1 next year).

Last i heard brooks and stokes are no longer even being recruited.
I know the we can pump your players in to being one & done card has been used, talking as it applies to Findley Prep. That is no small card to play, a blue blood programs that will take your players in a pipeline and pump them as one & doners, that is sweet music to a high profile prep programs coach, especially a coach new to that prep school. I do not discount that at all, none of us should.

But I got something earlier today that Tar Heel fans would love, I promised not to get to much in to it but now there is actually 2 major factors that favor us and this latest kinda surprised me.
IN a TOTALLY unrelated question, where is PJ projected to be picked in the first NBA draft he would be eligible for, where does 247 have him? Just curious?
PJ is not necessarily an OAD.
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I think Gary is right when he says PJ isn't necessarily a OAD and that increases our chances of signing him, IMO.

So let me ask ya arch, if PJ may not be a 1 & done, pitching him to be a one & done rather than showing how he will be used and a plan for development may be the wrong tact for getting this kid, think something like that may have an impact on his decision?
I don't think he necessarily minds being pitched as a OAD, Dave. That would be flattering to any recruit's ego. But if he has more than a cursory interest in an education, as opposed to serving a mandatory 6 month college sentence, we have a big advantage over UK there. And I think he and his family like the Family approach/environment at UNC. In those regards, we're second to none.

ETA: I'm not one to bash a kid if he chooses another school. UNC isn't for everyone. So while I'd love to sign PJ, I'll still wish him well if he goes elsewhere, I'll just hope he goes ofer if we play that team.

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