Yet another fatal case of police brutality

That mutherf'er is pathological. I dunno if he is aware of what he is saying or not. I heard him say "I'm going to be your leader, I'm going to be the champion..." and THEN, it's "The American people are going to win." He gets a little too megalomaniac-ish for me. I'm glad he's not on anyone's payroll (I guess), but he's just way too rogue and self-obsessed to trust in terms of someone who is the President of the United States. When I think of the two choices this country will have, it just disturbs me.
That mutherf'er is pathological. I dunno if he is aware of what he is saying or not. I heard him say "I'm going to be your leader, I'm going to be the champion..." and THEN, it's "The American people are going to win." He gets a little too megalomaniac-ish for me. I'm glad he's not on anyone's payroll (I guess), but he's just way too rogue and self-obsessed to trust in terms of someone who is the President of the United States. When I think of the two choices this country will have, it just disturbs me.

Again... thank you Strum!!!! I am wondering what in Hades is wrong with some of the dudes on here that are singing love songs to this nutcase!
This is one thing I do KNOW.... and you can take this to the bank fellas..... IF Trump had a D by his name on the ticket, not ONE of you would support his butt! And IF someone with a D by their name was running and saying the exact same thing he says (especially if those words were coming out of Obama or Hillary's mouth) you'd be going ape-sh*t crazy calling out their BS and telling us how warped they were for saying those same things!
Hey... you forgot what Opinion means.

I'm here to help:

noun: opinion; plural noun: opinions
a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
"I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance"
I appreciate the assistance, I really do, but totally not necessary.

Someone posted that "BLM is a terrorist organization."
Here's what she wrote:
Same can be said for the radical Trump supporters and KKK, some Christian groups, the crips and the bloods, skin heads, any white supremacy group,

I don't see the words "in my opinion" or "I think" anywhere in there as she lumps Trump supporters in with the Crips and the Bloods,the KKK, and Skinheads. She claimed opinion after I asked her to tell me the terroristic acts that Trump supporters have committed. But she does that frequently when someone blows gaping holes in her inane ramblings.
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I'm sure the feeling is mutual. We've been over this so many times it feels like the
This is one thing I do KNOW.... and you can take this to the bank fellas..... IF Trump had a D by his name on the ticket, not ONE of you would support his butt! And IF someone with a D by their name was running and saying the exact same thing he says (especially if those words were coming out of Obama or Hillary's mouth) you'd be going ape-sh*t crazy calling out their BS and telling us how warped they were for saying those same things!

Not true. I did not vote for Obama in the first election, but once I realized his win was inevitable, I honestly held out a lot of hope for the guy...I WANTED to be wrong. Then his term began...
Ever heard of google or youtube? If you think we are making this stuff up, do your own research. I cannot possibly make up the nonsense Trump comes up with. It is out on the world wide web for all to see. I never said ALL of his tweets were twisted. I have seen nice ones occasionally. I was referring to something specific and if you think for one second the man does not go on and on and on about how wonderful he believes he is, then definitely get on youtube! He has narcissistic personality disorder IN MY OPINION and is VERY full of himself.
Completely agree with your last sentence.
I have realized this about posting on these threads with, ahem, certain board members:

I don't see the words "in my opinion" or "I think" anywhere in there as she lumps Trump supporters in with the Crips and the Bloods,the KKK, and Skinheads. She claimed opinion after I asked her to tell me the terroristic acts that Trump supporters have committed. But she does that frequently when someone blows gaping holes in her inane ramblings.
Do you need someone to put a disclaimer with every post? "The preceding was my opinion!"

You might be able to detect opinions better if you weren't so politically rigid. For you, everything is LEFT or RIGHT. Or, for that matter, everything anyone ever says is either "right" or "wrong" to you. I've tried to tell you, right and wrong are relative human constructs.

And, by the way, no one is blowing any holes in any arguments. Everyone is just stating their OPINIONS! If you are someone who always sees things the exact same way, you're going to be compelled think that "that way" is the only "right way." But, again.... even THAT is your opinion.
And IF someone with a D by their name was running and saying the exact same thing he says (especially if those words were coming out of Obama or Hillary's mouth) you'd be going ape-sh*t crazy calling out their BS and telling us how warped they were for saying those same things!
I would be very alarmed if they did. This is what is so disturbing. The guy has no composure. He rarely articulates without acting like a child with all of these wild gesticulations and accents. I guess I've become accustomed to a presidential figure having composure and being more calm and reserved. Then again, those people have wound up sending kids off to die, or blowing up innocent people. So... I'm just watching this play out now.
I would be very alarmed if they did. This is what is so disturbing. The guy has no composure. He rarely articulates without acting like a child with all of these wild gesticulations and accents. I guess I've become accustomed to a presidential figure having composure and being more calm and reserved. Then again, those people have wound up sending kids off to die, or blowing up innocent people. So... I'm just watching this play out now.

Yep, you're right on that one.... the composure has done nothing for us so far either BUT something in my gut tells me someone with child-like, bullying antics will be far worse. Let him piss off Kim Don Wong (LOL I know that is not his name----I am pretending to be Trump for a sec) over in North Korea and see how that works for us! o_O
Well, have you ever lived with one? You and "Dean" do some research on that disorder. It is a real disorder... It has NOTHING to do with someone thinking they are "purtier" than everyone else, not even close.

Well, then please, Doctor, give me your explanation of this clinical disorder and what I should be wary of.
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Well, then please, Doctor, give me your explanation of this clinical disorder and what I should be wary of.

I almost married one and it is HELL sometimes, sometimes you are with the most amazing, kindest person, but not knowing which one you will wake up to gets too difficult. I am pasting below portions of an article on this.... Tell me who this sounds like.... seriously.

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance.
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
4. Requires excessive admiration [regularly fishes for compliments, and is highly susceptible to flattery].
5. Has a sense of entitlement.
6. Is interpersonally exploitative.
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling [or, I would add,unable] to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty [rude and abusive] behaviors or attitudes.

Are highly reactive to criticism.Or anything theyassume orinterpret as negatively evaluating their personality or performance. This is why if they’re asked a question that might oblige them to admit some vulnerability, deficiency, or culpability, they’re apt to falsify the evidence (i.e., lie—yet without really acknowledging such prevarication to themselves), hastily change the subject, or respond as though they’d been asked something entirely different.

Have low self-esteem. This facet of their psyche is complicated, because superficially their self-regard would appear to be higher and more assured than just about anyone else’s. Additionally, given their customary "drivenness," it’s not uncommon for them to rise to positions of power and influence, as well as amass a fortune. But if we examine what’s beneath the surface of such elevated social, political, or economic stature—or their accomplishments generally—what typically can be inferred is a degree of insecurity vastly beyond anything they might be willing to avow.

That is, in various ways they’re constantly driven to prove themselves, both to others and to their not-so-confident “inner child” self. This is the self-doubting, recessive part of their being that, though well hidden from sight, is nonetheless afflicted with feelings and fears of inferiority. Inasmuch as their elaborate defense system effectively wards off their having to face what their bravado masks, they’re highly skilled at exhibiting, or “posturing,” exceptionally high self-esteem. But their deeper insecurities are yet discernible in their so often fishing for compliments and their penchant for bragging and boasting about their (frequently exaggerated) achievements. That is, they’re experts at complimenting themselves! And when—despite all their self-aggrandizement— others are critical of them, they can be inordinately self-righteous and defensive. Needing so much to protect their overblown but fragile ego, their ever-vigilant defense system can be extraordinarily easy to set off. I’ve already mentioned how reactive they typically are to criticism, but in fact anything said or done that they perceive as questioning their competence can activate their robust self-protective mechanisms. Which is why so many non-narcissists I’ve worked with have shared how difficult it is to get through to them in situations of conflict. For in challenging circumstances it’s almost as though their very survival depends on being right or justified, whereas flat out (or humbly) admitting a mistake—or, for that matter, uttering the words “I’m sorry” for some transgression—seem difficult to impossible for them.
Tell me who this sounds like.... seriously.



1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance.
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
4. Requires excessive admiration [regularly fishes for compliments, and is highly susceptible to flattery].
5. Has a sense of entitlement.
6. Is interpersonally exploitative.
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling [or, I would add,unable] to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty [rude and abusive] behaviors or attitudes.


Yep. Obama. That's my final answer.

1 - check
2 - check
3 - check
4 - oh, god, check
5 - check - and not only does he have a sense of entitlement, he teaches others how to as well
6 - he's President isn't he? check
7 - on the surface, he does not check this box. But he's a phony so why would I believe what he's selling?
8 - lol, check
9 - check
You do realize that your posts look like they were written by a teenage girl talking to her BFF, right? Makes it really hard to take them seriously. Like, OMG.
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You do realize that your posts look like they were written by a teenage girl talking to her BFF, right? Makes it really hard to take them seriously. Like, OMG.

Dude, I was writing the same thing and then decided I wouldn't poast it. But since you opened that can,..

I have such little respect for her intellect level. It's not just the text talk, it's the incoherent rambling and the backtracking on her opinions when she's called out. And some of the things she says lead me to believe she struggled to get her GED. I find her idiocy impressive.
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Dude, I was writing the same thing and then decided I wouldn't poast it. But since you opened that can,..

I have such little respect for her intellect level. It's not just the text talk, it's the incoherent rambling and the backtracking on her opinions when she's called out. And some of the things she says lead me to believe she struggled to get her GED. I find her idiocy impressive.

I do not care if you respect me or not. I went to college and I am successful in my line of work in the medical field. I may come off incoherent at times because I admit that I get a bit flustered dealing with right wing nuts like yourself. I understand completely that you do not agree with ANY of my opinions. We are equal because I find your opinions to be completely imbecile. I do not lose any sleep over this, believe me, as I am quite sure you do not as well.

Most people who desire living with others in a peaceful, harmonious manner tend to agitate people like you, who love dwelling in this militant lifestyle you seem to think is just perfect for our country.

I hate to break it to you but get your whiny ass boots shined and ready to go because you are going to need them for the next 8 years while the Witch runs things for you! I am sure you will enjoy all the bitching you will be able to do on this OOTB board you seem to think you own. Have a fabulous weekend! xoxo
I do not care if you respect me or not. I went to college and I am successful in my line of work in the medical field. I may come off incoherent at times because I admit that I get a bit flustered dealing with right wing nuts like yourself. I understand completely that you do not agree with ANY of my opinions. We are equal because I find your opinions to be completely imbecile. I do not lose any sleep over this, believe me, as I am quite sure you do not as well.

Most people who desire living with others in a peaceful, harmonious manner tend to agitate people like you, who love dwelling in this militant lifestyle you seem to think is just perfect for our country.

I hate to break it to you but get your whiny ass boots shined and ready to go because you are going to need them for the next 8 years while the Witch runs things for you! I am sure you will enjoy all the bitching you will be able to do on this OOTB board you seem to think you own. Have a fabulous weekend! xoxo

Do you need someone to put a disclaimer with every post? "The preceding was my opinion!"

You might be able to detect opinions better if you weren't so politically rigid. For you, everything is LEFT or RIGHT. Or, for that matter, everything anyone ever says is either "right" or "wrong" to you. I've tried to tell you, right and wrong are relative human constructs.

And, by the way, no one is blowing any holes in any arguments. Everyone is just stating their OPINIONS! If you are someone who always sees things the exact same way, you're going to be compelled think that "that way" is the only "right way." But, again.... even THAT is your opinion.

You think you know so many things that you don't.

OK, now I'm here to help.
Try this: GW Bush is a Republican.
That is stated as a fact.
I think Trump is a closet Democrat.
That is stated as an opinion. See the difference- think hard. See, words mean things.
I know you're a little out of your depth here, but don't feel badly, at least you tried to hang in with the adults.
Maybe you should go all the way back to Hooked On Phonics and start over.

And I'm about as politically rigid as a piece of cooked spaghetti. I'm fiscally conservative, and mainly socially liberal. And I don't even like Trump.
Well, have you ever lived with one? You and "Dean" do some research on that disorder. It is a real disorder... It has NOTHING to do with someone thinking they are "purtier" than everyone else, not even close.

And this one is so amped up and "like, OMG!" that she's too thick to realize that I agreed with what she said about Trump.

Let's try "Reading for Comprehension " for $200.00, Alex.
You think you know so many things that you don't.

OK, now I'm here to help.
Try this: GW Bush is a Republican.
That is stated as a fact.
I think Trump is a closet Democrat.
That is stated as an opinion. See the difference- think hard. See, words mean things.
I know you're a little out of your depth here, but don't feel badly, at least you tried to hang in with the adults.
Maybe you should go all the way back to Hooked On Phonics and start over.

And I'm about as politically rigid as a piece of cooked spaghetti. I'm fiscally conservative, and mainly socially liberal. And I don't even like Trump.

Words do mean things and you have definitely got the rigid part down.

Let us know when you and dick pull that stick out of your rear end. If you need it surgically removed I can refer you to a great anorectal surgeon.
Are you familiar with that type of prose?

I have several siblings and nephews / nieces, and I am aware of their current lingo of choice. So, while your attempt at humor is valid, it fails due to the fact that, while I recognize that way of conversing, I do not personally employ it. There is a difference.

Good try, though.
It's a good thing you aren't a brain surgeon.... I said this:
Same can be said for the radical Trump supporters and KKK, some Christian groups, the crips and the bloods, skin heads, any white supremacy group, Liberals who want to blow up abortion clinics, right wing conservatives who LOVE war and want to kill everyone around the world because they are too scared and believe in "git them before they git us".... the same mentality as islamic terrorists.... again, some act on it, some do not.

Now where in that statement did I blame ALL of this on Trump????? Then in another post I put this:

I was referring to the MINDSET, the mentality behind them, but to be more specific, the violence at his rallies from his supporters AND those against him.

Okay Brainiac- The "AND those against him" part is referring to the Sanders and Clinton nuts who go to Trump rallies and start a ruckus! I am sorry you all are not "bright" enough to understand this.

OK, was not really in the mood to engage in any of this today but...

It is bad enough that for some reason you feel the need to lump Trump supporters in wiht the KKK. the crips & Bloods, skin heads, and while supremacy groups, along with I guess some Christian groups you don't like.

But for some reason you want to hate on LIBERALS that blow up abortion clinics??? I didn't know we had a rash of LIBERALS blowing up abortion clinics? LOL

And really, it is a pretty low blow to suggest right wing conservatives love war, that is just straight up fiction and a lack of straight thinking on your part. And to finish that drivel you want to equate conservatives with radical islamists? I don't know who is feeding you that nonsense but really, you need to stop listening to them and try thinking for yourself.
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You think you know so many things that you don't.

OK, now I'm here to help.
Try this: GW Bush is a Republican.
That is stated as a fact.
I think Trump is a closet Democrat.
That is stated as an opinion. See the difference- think hard. See, words mean things.
I know you're a little out of your depth here, but don't feel badly, at least you tried to hang in with the adults.
Maybe you should go all the way back to Hooked On Phonics and start over.

And I'm about as politically rigid as a piece of cooked spaghetti. I'm fiscally conservative, and mainly socially liberal. And I don't even like Trump.
Thank you for your heavily-biased opinion.

My favorite part was "mainly socially liberal." I lol'ed, really.
Let us know when you and dick pull that stick out of your rear end. If you need it surgically removed I can refer you to a great anorectal surgeon.

Right, because you're in the "medical field".

So, while your attempt at humor is valid, it fails...

It always does. I honestly can't ever remember a time when strum made a funny. I've laughed plenty at him. But never with him.
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Dude. Stop breaking things down into my team vs your team. No I don't condone murdering police officers. That is obviously disgusting. But you know what else is disgusting? The fact that you are attempting to associate that with the BLM movement, or with the people who want to see reform in the justice system so that police are actually held accountable for their actions.

Does it surprise me that this happened? Not in the slightest. And it will continue to get worse until some kind of actual reform actually happens. People aren't rioting because a man was shot. They're rioting because they already know that the exact same thing is going to happen that happens every other time. The cops will walk. They'll get their jobs back and go right back to their pathetic lives.

How did that BLM chant go again, "pigs in a blanket", wasn't the rest of it "fry em like bacon"? And now we see Dallas cops, FRIED LIKE BACON, now we see action on the BLM chants. And you support this BLM BS?

You tell someone else to stop breaking things down in to team vs team and yet that is what the BLM movement wants to do, black live matter, only black lives, no all lives, but only black lives? The BLM deal is extremely divisive, it is fanning a flame that this country has worked so hard for so many years to cool down. ow no matter what a black person actually did, if they get shot by cops, the question is never asked by BLM groups what actually happened, the cops are automatically designated as the villains. Black people are killed every single day in this country, why is it ONLY news when they are killed by a white person?
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And really, it is a pretty low blow to suggest right wing conservatives love war, that is just straight up fiction and a lack of straight thinking on your part.
That's true. The politicians who represent them actually love the profits from the wars. Well, the companies that buy them- Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, etc.- love them. Democrats are war lovers, too. Republicans do seem to push that jingoism sh*t that helps get the flag-and-bible folks voting for them. Politicians always have an agenda.