I fear these idiots! Thank God for angels!

They are scarier to you than people who commit mass murder?


I would agree that when you frame it that way, it sounds silly. But behind just about every single one of these lone wolf psychopaths is a religious institution feeding them the warped ideology that takes them to a place where they are capable of committing mass murder. I absolutely believe that organizations like WBC could have played a role in the abortion clinic shooting last November for example. Make no mistake, these are the people who would still be burning witches at the stake if they could get away with it. Fortunately for all of us they are constrained by secular laws.

I mean this was a real post on an from the guy who shot up the abortion clinic in Co. Springs


That is pretty much straight outta the WBC playbook. When it was discovered that the Orlando shooter had a profile on Grindr it became pretty obvious that he wasn't an actual member of ISIS, just some crazy wacko who was conflicted by his homoerotic tendencies, and his belief in the philosophy of radical Islamic groups like ISIS. Similarly, the Co. Springs shooter wasn't an actual member of an organization like the WBC, but he clearly followed their philosophy, and it led him to murder three people. Should we be equally afraid of ISIS and the WBC? Obviously that is laughable. One is an organization of wackos with stupid signs, and the other is a militant criminal organization that is waging war in the M.E. and has has hopes of taking it further than that. But once you recognize the influence of institutions like the WBC on susceptible individuals who have personality disorders, then you quickly understand that they are extremely dangerous in their own right. As dangerous as ISIS? No. Dangerous enough to be feared? Yes.
I don't think the Westboro nutjobs actually convince many people of anything. I don't think their membership is very high. They tried to come here once to protest a funeral (of a guy who was a BWC member) and we had a huge row of bikers that were there to make sure they would not be crossing the road to the funeral home. It was pretty awesome.
I don't think the Westboro nutjobs actually convince many people of anything. I don't think their membership is very high. They tried to come here once to protest a funeral (of a guy who was a BWC member) and we had a huge row of bikers that were there to make sure they would not be crossing the road to the funeral home. It was pretty awesome.
What do they have against bikers?
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What do they have against bikers?

I don't remember why they were going to do it. He was possibly a soldier (since Ft. Campbell is here) so maybe that was it. They are nuts so who knows why they do the crazy stuff they do. I also think there are only a few members, all a part of the same family.
Okay let me try to be clearer, the Westboro nuts are the extreme, yes, and there are not a lot of them but a lot of religious extremist are around, it's not just confined to this one group. I am concerned about the ability some have to get into people's heads and teach them to dislike certain types of people. Religions are showing more and more intolerance for anyone who doesn't tie their very fine line. No, they aren't out killing people as a group but you get the whack jobs, as noted above by uncboy, that do.

Terrorist are horrible people too. It's all disturbing.
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The westboro membership is one family. The patriarch had a bunch of kids and his daughter runs it now. She is no joke. Very intelligent and aggressive and afraid of noone. I've only seen one interview of her with msm and it didnt go well for the guy. A bunch of her siblings and their extended families comprise the "congregation". In the past a couple people in the fam have left and spoken out against the church and claimed child abuse but nothing ever became of it.
You sure scare You have to understand how ridiculous this sounds.

I guess I just wasn't able to convey my point.... physically speaking yes, extremist terrorists are physically a real horrible danger but they do not get into our minds, they do not bring a whole lot of people over to their side by getting in their heads and convincing people to follow their idea of God the way they believe.

Extremists Christians actually can do that a bit easier. I get the difference in how they carry out things with beheadings versus holding up signs. I just find it scarier when people can manipulate others using the bible. I am not sure how to explain this I guess. I know it is not all people that believe in God and the bible that do this or fall for this, but sadly a lot of very lost people can.

The Westboro group is definitely whacky but I have noticed some other BIG up and coming churches lately and know a few people that are just blindly following this particular church and when I hear the things they say about it, it is scary because I feel like there is something going on with it that I fear may come to be bigger and more cult-like in the not too distant future.

I am just fearful of they way people can be manipulated by the Bible sometimes, that is really dangerous in my opinion. Terrorists are random and I am quite sure ol' Mr. Trump will eliminate that problem soon! Don't you? :) (cough, cough)
I guess I just wasn't able to convey my point.... physically speaking yes, extremist terrorists are physically a real horrible danger but they do not get into our minds, they do not bring a whole lot of people over to their side by getting in their heads and convincing people to follow their idea of God the way they believe.

Extremists Christians actually can do that a bit easier. I get the difference in how they carry out things with beheadings versus holding up signs. I just find it scarier when people can manipulate others using the bible. I am not sure how to explain this I guess. I know it is not all people that believe in God and the bible that do this or fall for this, but sadly a lot of very lost people can.

The Westboro group is definitely whacky but I have noticed some other BIG up and coming churches lately and know a few people that are just blindly following this particular church and when I hear the things they say about it, it is scary because I feel like there is something going on with it that I fear may come to be bigger and more cult-like in the not too distant future.

I am just fearful of they way people can be manipulated by the Bible sometimes, that is really dangerous in my opinion. Terrorists are random and I am quite sure ol' Mr. Trump will eliminate that problem soon! Don't you? :) (cough, cough)
WTF are you talking about? Islamic Extremists are converting U.S. born Muslims every day to commit violence. Are you just not paying attention at all? I'll just leave it to you to fear all these alleged/imagined Extremist Christian groups. I think strum is what has gotten in you head.
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WTF are you talking about? Islamic Extremists are converting U.S. born Muslims every day to commit violence. Are you just not paying attention at all? I'll just leave it to you to fear all these alleged/imagined Extremist Christian groups. I think strum is what has gotten in you head.

I did not say NO ONE was converted by them, but if you look at numbers I am quite sure they are easier mislead on the Christian side than the terrorist side. It exists on both sides, I never, ever said it did not.

And my dear rivals "soulmate" Strum has not gotten in my head, my head was like this before I even came on here. I guess because there is one person here who agrees with most of what he says (NOT ALL), it bugs you or something, I dunno... I just always try to look at the big picture and NOT the right or left picture that most people these days are snowed into believing..... there was a time when I too let others influence my way of thinking but when things didn't make sense and I actually STOPPED watching the news and looking into things myself, I found things were far more different than the way I was conditioned to think for many years..... so excuuuuuuuuuuseeee me! ;) xoxo
For every 1 Westboro, how many mosques exist where the imams develop and encourage discrimination, mysogony and violence/murder?
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I did not say NO ONE was converted by them, but if you look at numbers I am quite sure they are easier mislead on the Christian side than the terrorist side. It exists on both sides, I never, ever said it did not.

OK let's look at those numbers that you are talking about. I personally think you are making a statement with ZERO basis in fact. You keep backing it back but keep throwing out BS too.
The westboro membership is one family. The patriarch had a bunch of kids and his daughter runs it now. She is no joke. Very intelligent and aggressive and afraid of noone. I've only seen one interview of her with msm and it didnt go well for the guy. A bunch of her siblings and their extended families comprise the "congregation". In the past a couple people in the fam have left and spoken out against the church and claimed child abuse but nothing ever became of it.
Seems like that patriarch died and before he died, he had some kind of repudiating episode, or maybe he was found to be gay himself. I can't remember. From what I recall, his own family basically protested HIS funeral... or some crazy shit.

You're right because I was stating an opinion, not facts. I observe a lot of things and I guess since I see mostly the Christianity side of it, perhaps my opinion is biased. I do know there are a lot of young people being lured in by ISIS as we speak so I am not discounting that at all. I suppose my concern, even believing in Christ myself, is the way people are twisting his teachings and the scripture to suit a belief that promotes discrimination. They have no problem telling an atheist, homosexual or any other sinner they are going to hell for not believing as they do and doing as they do and get plenty of people on board with doing the same. They have a right to believe that but I personally believe a bit differently even though I do believe in God and Jesus Christ, I just think Christianity as a religion has totally gotten God's messages to us mixed up along the line. I think Christians are capable of having more success in converting than a terrorist would. I do not know exact numbers but I see more of it from the Christian community. But I am sure you are right and I am wrong, even though it is MY opinion.... but whatever. I cannot make sense of this anyway... sorry.
The westboro membership is one family. The patriarch had a bunch of kids and his daughter runs it now. She is no joke. Very intelligent and aggressive and afraid of noone. I've only seen one interview of her with msm and it didnt go well for the guy. A bunch of her siblings and their extended families comprise the "congregation". In the past a couple people in the fam have left and spoken out against the church and claimed child abuse but nothing ever became of it.

Yeah, there are like 40 of them or something. They must have some of 'fight club' type financial situation to be able to travel all over the world doing stupid ****.
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Okay let me try to be clearer, the Westboro nuts are the extreme, yes, and there are not a lot of them but a lot of religious extremist are around, it's not just confined to this one group. I am concerned about the ability some have to get into people's heads and teach them to dislike certain types of people. Religions are showing more and more intolerance for anyone who doesn't tie their very fine line. No, they aren't out killing people as a group but you get the whack jobs, as noted above by uncboy, that do.

Terrorist are horrible people too. It's all disturbing.

As expected, the OP and those following are either not read or taken completely wrong, I am talking about extreme Christianity and Terror groups..... I am sorry I compared them, I was comparing the MINDSET, not the activities they do. YES, terrorist are beheading, crashing planes, and doing unthinkable things, which is worse physically! My point is I fear the ability of Christian extremists to, for lack of better words, brainwash some people into a mindset of hatred for homosexuals, atheists, etc., which in my OPINION, is far more harmful.

The likelihood of one of us on this thread alone coming into contact with a terrorist is slim to none but you can bet your a** you've met an extreme Christian, spouting words of hate at least once in your lifetime! I have met a few.
The sheer stupidity of this makes radar seem a bit normal. Not sure which mud hole I'd rather wallow in now.

I am sure you are not seeing the point because you may be lumping everyone into a category....not all Christians are like this, are not brainwashed to hate or vocally condemn people to hell, just like not all Muslims are terrorists..... it is the mindset I am referring to, they are both warped, just the way they handle it is different and in those terms, YES terrorists are the more extreme... but mind control they might have a run for their money in that competition. It is not just Westboro, there is another mega church that is concerning a lot of people lately but nevermind, I am not even going there now... you guys aren't open to looking at things from a different point of view, apparently.
I am sure you are not seeing the point because you may be lumping everyone into a category....not all Christians are like this, are not brainwashed to hate or vocally condemn people to hell, just like not all Muslims are terrorists..... it is the mindset I am referring to, they are both warped, just the way they handle it is different and in those terms, YES terrorists are the more extreme... but mind control they might have a run for their money in that competition. It is not just Westboro, there is another mega church that is concerning a lot of people lately but nevermind, I am not even going there now... you guys aren't open to looking at things from a different point of view, apparently.

No, your point of view is just absurd. Even at their worst, WBC, mega churches and their hateful pastors don't advocate killing those with whom they disagree. Radical Islamic mosques and Imams do. Even if you want to say that both sects hypnotize their followers, here is what each does with their followers once hypnotized.



I'm amazed (but probably shouldn't be) that you can't see the difference. I understand you feel guilty telling other tribes that their some followers of their religion advocate and promote murder. And I understand it makes you feel less guilty to accuse people from your tribe of the same thing.

What you don't understand is that your argument is entirely emotional and at the same time void of logic and intellect.
No, your point of view is just absurd. Even at their worst, WBC, mega churches and their hateful pastors don't advocate killing those with whom they disagree. Radical Islamic mosques and Imams do. Even if you want to say that both sects hypnotize their followers, here is what each does with their followers once hypnotized.



I'm amazed (but probably shouldn't be) that you can't see the difference. I understand you feel guilty telling other tribes that their some followers of their religion advocate and promote murder. And I understand it makes you feel less guilty to accuse people from your tribe of the same thing.

What you don't understand is that your argument is entirely emotional and at the same time void of logic and intellect.

I was comparing the MINDSET, not the activities they do.

Again, you did not read what I put....I see a difference YES, but which one is MORE LIKELY right now, today, for any one of us or anyone in this country right this very minute to come into contact with a terrorist or a bigot????? geez
They are scarier to you than people who commit mass murder?


Go back and research how many have committed mass murder in the name of Christianity versus the mass murders of terrorists? They are both horrible, I am not discounting that at all, but in THIS country we have had more "terroristic" acts from people who claim they are Christians than Islamist terrorists. We should be "fearful" of both, not just the one group because we have plenty of whack jobs right here that seem to just keep popping up and nothing ever changes. We have not even stopped the terrorists since 9/11, in fact, they have gotten WORSE since then. We twiddle our thumbs and sit online and argue about it but we (myself included) are not able to find ways to change the MINDSET of any of these people.
Is this thread the result of us hijacking the Orlando thread? Feels like another bacon-tangent conversation brewing for this one. Order shall be restored around here.

I'm not angry with anyone on this forum, just concerns me when I state clearly (or so I think it is) that we need to be worried about more than just Islamist terrorism. I don't think every Christian is hateful or a bigot, I am not, but there are some crazies in that arena too and they do nutty things like bombing the Olympics or abortion clinics and I really feel in my gut that we are going to start seeing more and more and more of it, not JUST the ISIS type terror, we will have plenty of that too. We are not finding solutions and that concerns me.
I'm not angry with anyone on this forum, just concerns me when I state clearly (or so I think it is) that we need to be worried about more than just Islamist terrorism. I don't think every Christian is hateful or a bigot, I am not, but there are some crazies in that arena too and they do nutty things like bombing the Olympics or abortion clinics and I really feel in my gut that we are going to start seeing more and more and more of it, not JUST the ISIS type terror, we will have plenty of that too. We are not finding solutions and that concerns me.

I think we should have a Global Plantapalooza where everyone holds hands, sings gender-neutral songs, shares a few laughs,and enjoys cotton candy...while planting trees in save-the-rainforest efforts that will benefit future generations and save many endangered species. What a spectacle it shall be!
The likelihood of one of us on this thread alone coming into contact with a terrorist is slim to none but you can bet your a** you've met an extreme Christian, spouting words of hate at least once in your lifetime! I have met a few.
Well, I'm assuming everyone on this board lives in the US instead of the middle east, so you would be right. Unless you are trying to say that your fear of either group is partly based on your chances of meeting them, then this has nothing to do with your argument.

We twiddle our thumbs and sit online and argue about it but we (myself included) are not able to find ways to change the MINDSET of any of these people.
I thought the way to solve this was to give everyone over there hugs and lollipops as we leave and never bother them again? ;)
I think we should have a Global Plantapalooza where everyone holds hands, sings gender-neutral songs, shares a few laughs,and enjoys cotton candy...while planting trees in save-the-rainforest efforts that will benefit future generations and save many endangered species. What a spectacle it shall be!
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As expected, the OP and those following are either not read or taken completely wrong, I am talking about extreme Christianity and Terror groups..... I am sorry I compared them, I was comparing the MINDSET, not the activities they do. YES, terrorist are beheading, crashing planes, and doing unthinkable things, which is worse physically! My point is I fear the ability of Christian extremists to, for lack of better words, brainwash some people into a mindset of hatred for homosexuals, atheists, etc., which in my OPINION, is far more harmful.

The likelihood of one of us on this thread alone coming into contact with a terrorist is slim to none but you can bet your a** you've met an extreme Christian, spouting words of hate at least once in your lifetime! I have met a few.

Strum was attempting to make the same case in another thread and it's preposterous. I don't give a rat's ass what someone's "mindset" is. Their mindset can be as hateful and evil as they want it to be. They can be racists, homophobic, sexists, and whatever other "ists" and I do not care. But if they act on their hateful mindset, then I have a problem. One group is doing that. The other is not. Therefore, one group I detest. The other, I don't even think of.

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