"Roast me"

Ok, do your worst.

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Well, I'm a man of my word. I said I'd post a picture of myself when I got home, so here it is. I'm the dude at the top (it's a post from the day of the title game, combo of "selfie"/spot in line/seat to watch the game). So let's hear what you got OOTB, like the City Wok guy said on South Park "I'll pray arong"
Are you trying to get an early start on your "comb-over" hairdo?
okay... this will probably be brutal but I'll bite... all I can access right now is my facebook pics so here is one of me and my friend Rachel (who is also a Tar Heel so don't roast her! LOL) But this is my usual attitude, tongue sticking out at someone and a being a smart ass! so roast me.... I am not gonna cry, I promise. I already know I am not pretty so go for it! ;)
As a kid, when I would start pouting about something and pooch out my lower lip, my dad would ask, "Who licked the red off your candy?" Now I know who did it.

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