Rosanne tweets end her show

I call my dogs little monkeys all the time, but take incredible care not to use this same term of endearment for my Little Brother, who is black. Trust me, I worry all the time that I'm going to slip up.

And for the record, Roseanne compared VJ to an ape, not a monkey. Pretty sure that's worse for arbitrary reasons I don't pretend to understand.
For the record before GSD corrected me I didn't know she was black. I thought she was Iraqi or Iranian. But to be fair those two could be twins.
I've probably liked @uncboy10 's poasts in this thread more than any poast (of a political or social commentary) he's ever made before. That gives me hope.

But with that said, I want to clarify something.

I'm not sure if that comment was aimed at me or not. Maybe so. Because indeed I have made comments about your age in the past. But it was never a shot at you bettering yourself by going to college. Good for you. That's weird that you'd interpret it the way you did. The shot is that you're a wet-behind-the-ears millennial with little life experience in the real world. And from that, that I don't give your opinion much credibility because you only know the theory of how certain things work but have never actually been a part of the practice of trying to make certain things work. The heckle is that you've formed your opinions based on your life in your mom's care and then the safety of the liberal university sanctuary.

Nah wasn’t you.

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I call my dogs little monkeys all the time, but take incredible care not to use this same term of endearment for my Little Brother, who is black. Trust me, I worry all the time that I'm going to slip up.

Wouldn't it be cool if you didn't have to worry all the time, and if you did slip up people would say "Hey, I don't think RH meant anything negative by that, he seems like a nice enough guy" instead of saying "That RH is a racist bastard because of what he just said there"?
Wouldn't it be cool if you didn't have to worry all the time, and if you did slip up people would say "Hey, I don't think RH meant anything negative by that, he seems like a nice enough guy" instead of saying "That RH is a racist bastard because of what he just said there"?
What a time to be alive.

I've mentioned it before, but this mentality is the same reason I never compliment anyone at work on their appearance. I might think someone is wearing a pretty dress, or her hair looks nice today, or he has on a nice shirt. Nope. I just keep that stuff to myself to avoid any possible misunderstanding that could lead to accusations that might jeopardize my job. It's just one more way that the influence of the Interwebz dehumanizes us.
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It’s a time of extremes in many areas of society. I don’t understand how people think they’re going to make a difference in racism by hyperfocusing on bad jokes or tweets that may or not be offensive.

Starbucks just had that sensitivity training thing and supposedly it emphasized being “color brave” instead of “color blind.”

Oh, brother.
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What a time to be alive.

I've mentioned it before, but this mentality is the same reason I never compliment anyone at work on their appearance. I might think someone is wearing a pretty dress, or her hair looks nice today, or he has on a nice shirt. Nope. I just keep that stuff to myself to avoid any possible misunderstanding that could lead to accusations that might jeopardize my job. It's just one more way that the influence of the Interwebz dehumanizes us.

Isn't life grand?

This very thing happened to me this morning. One of my staff members - a 55 year old woman (would not!) looked her best today. She tries most days but today she finally got it right. And I told her, "You look really nice today. Do you have some appointments?" Her words that directly followed: "Do I look like shit most days?" And because another staff member was sitting right there through this, the 55 year old woman then turned to the other staff member and said, "Is the boss hitting on me? Isn't that harassment or something?" And they carried on laughing as I left her office. Now, for full disclosure, this woman and I are fairly close. She's worked with me for 8 years and she and I get along well (have many things in common, know a lot of the same people, etc.). She was mostly joking. But even her joking about it made me uncomfortable. I wanted to say that her comments were making me uncomfortable but no one would have cared because I'm just a middle aged, white guy.
I think part of the problem is that racism has evolved faster than our ability to combat it.

We started with "classic" racism, which was overt and objectively much worse than the problems we face today. But I also think it was simpler to combat. Social norms that shame people for judging people based on the color of their skin, and laws against violence or racial mistreatment eventually eliminated all of the slavery, and most of the other violent crime against racial minorities. It still happens for sure, but the prevalence is probably <.1% of what it was even 100 years ago.

Now we're facing a different problem. And its a lot more complex because a lot of people don't even believe it exists. The social norms against racism helped us to reduce the overt racism, but they didn't do anything about the subconscious biases we have. Those biases exist in all people but influence their thinking to varying degrees. Some people do need to be called out for thinly veiled racism. But sometimes people also completely miss the mark for several reasons.

1. Trolling. People on the internet found out that they could have a tangible impact on the real world, and that's very dangerous.

2. Its hard to determine people's intentions, especially online.

3. There is incentive to be the "hero" of the story.

These are all serious problems with determining who should or shouldn't face social/legal consequences for racist behavior/speech. And they play on each other. The fact that intentions aren't always obvious makes it easy for people to troll. Somebody mentioned Bill Maher earlier in the thread, and the only reason he got off the hook is because he has been on the right side of racial issues, advocating for equal rights his entire career. That matters.

Possibly the biggest problem is that you can make yourself famous by outing people. Entire media outlets exist for this reason alone. There is huge money in this business. That's another issue, and one that likely doesn't have a solution.
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I think part of the problem is that racism has evolved faster than our ability to combat it.


Racism can't be beaten. And personally, it's not a battle I care to fight. Now, acting out your racist feelings is something that I will voluntarily battle and it's a battle that everyone should get behind. But let's make sure we understand the difference. I don't give two shits if someone hates white people. But if that person were to not hire someone because they're white or attempt to hurt someone because they're white, then it's a problem. But to try and "combat racism" is an unwinnable battle.

*ETA - and the larger problem that is caused by people attempting to "combat racism" is that innocent bystanders are caught in the crossfire. White people who aren't racist catch the ire of the SJWs because "they haven't done enough to stop racism", "if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.", "you're either with us or against us". Well, no, I'm neither with you or against you. Frankly, I just want to be over here and away from all that shit but you won't leave me alone. And now I'm more mad at you than I am at the guy that just used the n word.
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Racism can't be beaten. And personally, it's not a battle I care to fight. Now, acting out your racist feelings is something that I will voluntarily battle and it's a battle that everyone should get behind. But let's make sure we understand the difference. I don't give two shits if someone hates white people. But if that person were to not hire someone because they're white or attempt to hurt someone because they're white, then it's a problem. But to try and "combat racism" is an unwinnable battle.

Yep, racial bias isn't going anywhere. But if we can prevent people from acting out racist impulses and treating people differently based on the color of their skin, then I think we have pretty much won the battle.
Yep, racial bias isn't going anywhere. But if we can prevent people from acting out racist impulses and treating people differently based on the color of their skin, then I think we have pretty much won the battle.

We have laws in place to address this. WTF else is there to do except keep stirring up the hornet's nest by continuing to harp on how there is still racism in our society?
We have laws in place to address this. WTF else is there to do except keep stirring up the hornet's nest by continuing to harp on how there is still racism in our society?

There are laws in place. But not all of them are being adequately enforced. And I'm pretty sure there are new/better laws that we could come up with that help everyone, white folks included.

There are also socioeconomic issues that cannot be addressed with laws, and which normally can't be overcome by individuals. Some people are exceptional, but the average child who grows up in the ghetto is screwed. These kids grow up in neighborhoods where bad behaviors are instilled in them as they develop, and eliminate any chance of them getting out. You've said you work with a lot of these kids. So you know what kind of help they need. Part of that means investing in getting them help.

I don't pretend to have all the answers to these problems. But the answer obviously isn't to not do anything about it. And someone not having all the answers doesn't make the issues any less significant.
There are laws in place. But not all of them are being adequately enforced. And I'm pretty sure there are new/better laws that we could come up with that help everyone, white folks included.

I'd listen.

There are also socioeconomic issues that cannot be addressed with laws, and which normally can't be overcome by individuals. Some people are exceptional, but the average child who grows up in the ghetto is screwed. These kids grow up in neighborhoods where bad behaviors are instilled in them as they develop, and eliminate any chance of them getting out. You've said you work with a lot of these kids. So you know what kind of help they need. Part of that means investing in getting them help.

Indeed. And the nonprofit/philanthropy community is doing that. The point I'm making is the conversations are growing tiresome and are not advancing the cause.

I don't pretend to have all the answers to these problems. But the answer obviously isn't to not do anything about it. And someone not having all the answers doesn't make the issues any less significant.

But maybe we've topped out. Maybe this is as good as it gets. Maybe, there's not much more we can realistically do? There are laws to prevent discrimination. Sure, enforce the laws. I'm all for that. But the repeated conversations are doing nothing but polarizing us more. Wouldn't you agree?
I avoid these types of issues by just being a miserable prick and not complimenting anyone, ever.

Ahh, the ol' @Raising Heel School of Civility. I see.
Beg to differ.
Racism can't be beaten. And personally, it's not a battle I care to fight. Now, acting out your racist feelings is something that I will voluntarily battle and it's a battle that everyone should get behind. But let's make sure we understand the difference. I don't give two shits if someone hates white people. But if that person were to not hire someone because they're white or attempt to hurt someone because they're white, then it's a problem. But to try and "combat racism" is an unwinnable battle.

*ETA - and the larger problem that is caused by people attempting to "combat racism" is that innocent bystanders are caught in the crossfire. White people who aren't racist catch the ire of the SJWs because "they haven't done enough to stop racism", "if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.", "you're either with us or against us". Well, no, I'm neither with you or against you. Frankly, I just want to be over here and away from all that shit but you won't leave me alone. And now I'm more mad at you than I am at the guy that just used the n word.

You just described an exact situation I’m in with a friend of mine. Literally isn’t talking to me because she gave me that ultimatum of “if you’re not actively fighting it, then you’re part of the problem.”

Get the hell out of here with that moral high horse. And as you said, it only makes me more pissed off rather than want to aid you.
But the repeated conversations are doing nothing but polarizing us more. Wouldn't you agree?

I do agree, but I think it’s because we aren’t having effective conversations. It’s just tribalistic bickering most of the time
For the record before GSD corrected me I didn't know she was black. I thought she was Iraqi or Iranian. But to be fair those two could be twins.

She’s American. Her parents where traveling doctors from America who happened to be working in Iran when she was born. I believe she is half black as well.

Isn't life grand?

This very thing happened to me this morning. One of my staff members - a 55 year old woman (would not!) looked her best today. She tries most days but today she finally got it right. And I told her, "You look really nice today. Do you have some appointments?" Her words that directly followed: "Do I look like shit most days?" And because another staff member was sitting right there through this, the 55 year old woman then turned to the other staff member and said, "Is the boss hitting on me? Isn't that harassment or something?" And they carried on laughing as I left her office. Now, for full disclosure, this woman and I are fairly close. She's worked with me for 8 years and she and I get along well (have many things in common, know a lot of the same people, etc.). She was mostly joking. But even her joking about it made me uncomfortable. I wanted to say that her comments were making me uncomfortable but no one would have cared because I'm just a middle aged, white guy.

Sucks to be old and ugly. My girls love when I hit on them.
I think part of the problem is that racism has evolved faster than our ability to combat it.

We started with "classic" racism, which was overt and objectively much worse than the problems we face today. But I also think it was simpler to combat. Social norms that shame people for judging people based on the color of their skin, and laws against violence or racial mistreatment eventually eliminated all of the slavery, and most of the other violent crime against racial minorities. It still happens for sure, but the prevalence is probably <.1% of what it was even 100 years ago.

Now we're facing a different problem. And its a lot more complex because a lot of people don't even believe it exists. The social norms against racism helped us to reduce the overt racism, but they didn't do anything about the subconscious biases we have. Those biases exist in all people but influence their thinking to varying degrees. Some people do need to be called out for thinly veiled racism. But sometimes people also completely miss the mark for several reasons.

1. Trolling. People on the internet found out that they could have a tangible impact on the real world, and that's very dangerous.

2. Its hard to determine people's intentions, especially online.

3. There is incentive to be the "hero" of the story.

These are all serious problems with determining who should or shouldn't face social/legal consequences for racist behavior/speech. And they play on each other. The fact that intentions aren't always obvious makes it easy for people to troll. Somebody mentioned Bill Maher earlier in the thread, and the only reason he got off the hook is because he has been on the right side of racial issues, advocating for equal rights his entire career. That matters.

Possibly the biggest problem is that you can make yourself famous by outing people. Entire media outlets exist for this reason alone. There is huge money in this business. That's another issue, and one that likely doesn't have a solution.

Sorry man but this entire post is nonsense imo. All of this is three things combined - Progressives, Liberals, and SOCIAL MEDIA. Honestly we were doing just fine and made tons of progress until those three gained the platform of social media and I will never dismiss the Obama Presidency. That man did everything could to do about AMERICA that he could.

I'm sure you don't agree and that's fine. I don't like Trump as a person but I sure as hell like what he's doing to undo everything that bigot did. JMHO
That man did everything could to do about AMERICA that he could.

i have no idea wtf this sentence means, but i’ll assume it’s either negative, unfounded, or just shit.

I'm sure you don't agree and that's fine. I don't like Trump as a person but I sure as hell like what he's doing to undo everything that bigot did. JMHO

obama being a bigot is about as idiotic as anything said on here and i’m including a lot.

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