State Dept and CIA IGs Recommend Criminal Probe of HRC...

Nukey, come into the 21st century. Not everyone that's left of center is a democrat. When are we going to get this through that thick skull of yours? The world isn't exclusively divided between republicans and democrats. But you wouldn't know that because you're too busy eating up whatever crap Bill O' Reilly is spewing.

No, but our political system is. And you and strum can rail against that all you want but it won't change it. You can play the games of writing in Bernie Sanders, Ralph Nader or David Duke. But your vote will mean nothing other than the personal satisfaction you got when you rebelled against the system and nobody knew about it. Or you can take a look at the choices before you and make the decision based on what is the least damaging to our way of life.

And another thing - you're chastising Nuk saying that "he's obsessed" and that you're not a Democrat while keeping silent on Hillary's shenanigans all the while talking about what a terrible option Trump is. Are you serious with that? You claim to be an enlightened libertarian that opposes the mind control status quo that's in place but when a guy like Trump comes along that doesn't necessarily fit into one of the mainstay groups, you talk about him like he's the devil, err (sorry, I know you don't believe in that) Adolph Hitler. For such a non-democrat, your outcry against Trump and your silence on Hillary are puzzling. Trump may be kind of a dick, but he appears infinitely more honest than Hillary or most other options. Where's the outcry against Hillary? Where's the belittling of her and those that support her?
Okay I'll bite. Hillary is as much a part of the political establishment I hate as anyone is. I thought Bill was a pretty damn good president, and the numbers reflect that. However I don't think Hillary is even remotely in the same league, and certainly nowhere near as qualified. The email thing? Well frankly if she was dumb enough to get herself into this much hot water she clearly doesn't need to be the POTUS. I'll admit she doesn't fire me up in the same way someone like Trump does but believe me I have never had any intention whatsoever of voting for her. If her going to prison is what it takes to get Bernie the primary she can rot as far as I'm concerned.

Now Trump on the other hand is openly a racist, sexist, and an incompetent businessman. The rhetoric about the raping looting Mexicans stealing our country is absolutely ridiculous, and insulting. The guy seriously proposed deporting over 10 million people and building a wall across the southern border. Which would only take 40 years and cost 300 billion dollars... That's just plain old fashioned stupid right there. Then he says something like "I'm going to make America great again" and people eat it up. Is he going to do the same thing to America he did with his daddy's money the first time he bankrupted himself?

Honest? Yeah maybe. But given the crap that comes out of his mouth, that's not a good thing. However, he is anti-establishment, and I do like that about him. Hopefully he can spark a movement in the republican party by showing them that their voters will respond to something other than pandering to religious morality.

With regards to the political system, that's exactly my point. My idea of democracy is not choosing one of two pre-selected candidates... From a practical standpoint you're not wrong. But as a matter of principle, I have to vote for the man or woman I believe is most qualified to run the country. All I can do is hope that more people eventually start to do the same.
Politics start to make a lot more sense once you accept the fact that we are poorly evolved primates, half a chromosome away from a chimpanzee.
Stupid statement.

He's filed for corporate bankruptcy four times.... After starting with a huge inheritance. I'd rather have a self-made success if we're going to elect a businessmen.

At least you didn't try to deny the racist or sexist part.
Okay I'll bite. Hillary is as much a part of the political establishment I hate as anyone is. I thought Bill was a pretty damn good president, and the numbers reflect that. However I don't think Hillary is even remotely in the same league, and certainly nowhere near as qualified. The email thing? Well frankly if she was dumb enough to get herself into this much hot water she clearly doesn't need to be the POTUS. I'll admit she doesn't fire me up in the same way someone like Trump does but believe me I have never had any intention whatsoever of voting for her. If her going to prison is what it takes to get Bernie the primary she can rot as far as I'm concerned.

Now Trump on the other hand is openly a racist, sexist, and an incompetent businessman. The rhetoric about the raping looting Mexicans stealing our country is absolutely ridiculous, and insulting. The guy seriously proposed deporting over 10 million people and building a wall across the southern border. Which would only take 40 years and cost 300 billion dollars... That's just plain old fashioned stupid right there. Then he says something like "I'm going to make America great again" and people eat it up. Is he going to do the same thing to America he did with his daddy's money the first time he bankrupted himself?

Honest? Yeah maybe. But given the crap that comes out of his mouth, that's not a good thing. However, he is anti-establishment, and I do like that about him. Hopefully he can spark a movement in the republican party by showing them that their voters will respond to something other than pandering to religious morality.

With regards to the political system, that's exactly my point. My idea of democracy is not choosing one of two pre-selected candidates... From a practical standpoint you're not wrong. But as a matter of principle, I have to vote for the man or woman I believe is most qualified to run the country. All I can do is hope that more people eventually start to do the same.

That's a pretty fair take. I wish you had started with this.

Then he says something like "I'm going to make America great again" and people eat it up. .

Is that this year's version of "Hope and Change"?
At least you didn't try to deny the racist or sexist part.

Just because he's not bending over backwards to appease certain groups doesn't make him a racist, sexist or bigot. I'll take you at your word that you're not a democrat, but you must have a copy of their playbook.
That's a pretty fair take. I wish you had started with this.

Is that this year's version of "Hope and Change"?

Joe Rogan had a pretty cool quote I think is relevant. He said something basically to the effect of 'I don't pretend to know what pulls the strings of presidents once they're in the White House, but something very clearly changes once they take office.'

Obama let me down, I don't have a problem admitting it. The man is sitting in the White House while he allows his DOJ to prosecute and incarcerate people for committing crimes that he has admitted to getting away with. That's despicable.
Joe Rogan had a pretty cool quote I think is relevant. He said something basically to the effect of 'I don't pretend to know what pulls the strings of presidents once they're in the White House, but something very clearly changes once they take office.'

Obama let me down, I don't have a problem admitting it. The man is sitting in the White House while he allows his DOJ to prosecute and incarcerate people for committing crimes that he has admitted to getting away with. That's despicable.

He didn't let me down. I knew he'd be historically terrible. Why did you vote for him? Why did you think he'd be a good president?
Just because he's not bending over backwards to appease certain groups doesn't make him a racist, sexist or bigot. I'll take you at your word that you're not a democrat, but you must have a copy of their playbook.

Come on man... I'm not a member of the PC police but this guy has deliberately made sexist and racist remarks, at the very least to get himself attention. The 'bleeding from wherever' comment was not refusing to bend over backwards to appease women, that was just blatant sexism. Are there worse things to be? Sure. But that doesn't mean we should stick our heads in the sand every time he puts his foot in his mouth.
Come on man... I'm not a member of the PC police but this guy has deliberately made sexist and racist remarks, at the very least to get himself attention. The 'bleeding from wherever' comment was not refusing to bend over backwards to appease women, that was just blatant sexism. Are there worse things to be? Sure. But that doesn't mean we should stick our heads in the sand every time he puts his foot in his mouth.

I just don't get bent about stuff like that. When did we become such wussies? And honestly, I don't really see why his comment was sexist. Inappropriate? Sure But sexist? Meh.

What racist comments are you referencing?
He didn't let me down. I knew he'd be historically terrible. Why did you vote for him? Why did you think he'd be a good president?

Obama originally impressed me with his intelligence and eloquence. He's well spoken and an even better writer. I also thought he'd be the president to end the war on drugs, which I consider to be one of the most important social issues of our day. The guy is a good politician, I'll give him that. And lets be honest McCain basically threw in the towel with his VP pick...

Also to be fair Obama undeniably inherited an ugly mess. We were losing over 700k jobs a year, and were in a full on recession when he took over. What about him do you think will cause him to go down as historically terrible? Do you not agree that Bush will be in the same category?

But I was only 17 in 2008 so no voting for me that year. I would've voted for Ron Paul anyways
I just don't get bent about stuff like that. When did we become such wussies? And honestly, I don't really see why his comment was sexist. Inappropriate? Sure But sexist? Meh.

What racist comments are you referencing?

It's not that I'm bent up about it, but international diplomacy requires a certain degree of tact and nuance. Not something I consider Trump to be particularly adept at. I considered his comment sexist because he basically alleged that the only reason she gave him tough questions was because she was on the rag. At the very least it was extremely inappropriate, that kinda thing would get you fired at most jobs. In the right environment I would've just laughed TBH

I consider his entire stance on immigration racist. There is no evidence to suggest that Latin immigrants are any more likely to commit crimes than native born Americans. And net immigration from Mexico since 2010 has been 0. It's less explicit but he's definitely trying to paint a picture of immigrants as violent criminals. IMO a path to legitimate citizenship is clearly the most sensible policy for immigration. That we can actually filter out the real murderers and rapist, without lumping the families who are just trying to survive in with them. And we get them paying taxes, which is the real problem.
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It's not that I'm bent up about it, but international diplomacy requires a certain degree of tact and nuance. Not something I consider Trump to be particularly adept at. I considered his comment sexist because he basically alleged that the only reason she gave him tough questions was because she was on the rag. At the very least it was extremely inappropriate, that kinda thing would get you fired at most jobs. In the right environment I would've just laughed TBH

Here is what Trump said:
""you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever"

You or anyone else is free to assume something was implied. But you don't know that. You want to believe that because of your distaste for him. But again, nothing explicit was stated. I choose to take it at face value. Maybe it says something about those that choose to see it in an inappropriate way.

I consider his entire stance on immigration racist. There is no evidence to suggest that Latin immigrants are any more likely to commit crimes than native born Americans. And net immigration from Mexico since 2010 has been 0. It's less explicit but he's definitely trying to paint a picture of immigrants as violent criminals. IMO a path to legitimate citizenship is clearly the most sensible policy for immigration. That we can actually filter out the real murderers and rapist, without lumping the families who are just trying to survive in with them. And we get them paying taxes, which is the real problem.

Well, we're at impasse because if there's one thing I agree with Trump on, it's his stance in immigration. Your focus appears to be making policies to easily enable immigrants to come legally. Whereas my focus would be on making policies to prevent immigrants from coming illegally. All this talk about giving others a chance at the American dream is all well and good. But at some point, we can't just be the homeless shelter for the world. At some point, we have to realize that we have a capacity and that droves of people coming here impacts the way of life I've enjoyed. But to be clear, while I'd like to just shut down the borders, I know that's not realistic. So I can support legal immigrants. But I like the way Trump approaches it because I think it could be somewhat of a deterrent to people hopping the border.
If you actually took the time to read my posts you would know my views are much more libertarian than modern liberal. Instead you spend all of your time trying to corner me into some party allegiance
Face it - you are a modern liberal. Period. You are not a Libertarian. You are on the Socialist fringe of the DEM party. Efforts to convince otherwise are... well, unconvincing.
I'd like to see a pathway to citizenship combined with a policy where anyone who is caught illegally crossing the border is deported and then made ineligible for future citizenship/visas. I just don't see anyway to stop people when there are mile wide tunnels running underneath the border.

I'm a lot more worried about jobs going out than people coming in though.
Face it - you are a modern liberal. Period. You are not a Libertarian. You are on the Socialist fringe of the DEM party. Efforts to convince otherwise are... well, unconvincing.

Even if I thought you actually knew the difference between the two, I would still have no interest in being told what or how I think.
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Even if I thought you actually knew the difference between the two, I would still have no interest in being told what or how I think.
Nuk's entire consciousness is based on his rigid definition of every indistinct political label available in the modern American cultural lexicon.

Basically, if you're not a Jingoist Neo-Con, you're the enemy. I like using them, too.
I don't mind what Trump says at all. I kind of like that he says what means and it's abrasive sometimes, to some of the more sensitive types, but I don't think those comments make him a bad person, necessarily. I also don't think he means to do any deliberate harm with some of the choice of words.

However, as a politician/candidate, he's awful. I mean, this guy embodies exactly what is most corrupt and wrong with our entire political and governmental system. At least he admits to being that! Here's a guy that openly admits to paying-off both sides for their favors and breaks. They obviously accept his pay-offs, making them just as disgusting, if not more so. Now, the guy wants to be president. As much as I encourage 3rd-party voting (and I do), I would vote for a D or and R before I'd vote for that guy as a 3rd-party candidate. I don't fully understand his need to be president! Maybe his ego? I dunno.
LOL do you really think Bernie is planning to do away with capitalism?

You already have socialism whether you like it or not. Every single thing paid for by taxes is an example of socialism. Democratic Socialism and state communism are two entirely different things. Socialism in the context proposed by Bernie Sanders is not a socioeconomic system that would oppose capitalism in any way. You should really drop that crap. It just makes you sound silly and uneducated. What he is proposing is a reallocation of taxes revenue. Less corporate welfare and more education sounds pretty good to me. So does guaranteed healthcare, like every single other developed nation in the world has.

And where did I say I was a socialist anyways? Supporting Bernie Sanders doesn't make me a socialist. It means I support a candidate for president that identifies as a democratic socialist. I try not to participate in identity politics. Obviously not a popular or even well understood position on this board...

No we don't already have socialism. We have some items that the founders agreed were for the common good of the nation, like defense of the country.
And you have the market cornered on silly and uneducated. But yeah, you don't insult people.
Nuk's entire consciousness is based on his rigid definition of every indistinct political label available in the modern American cultural lexicon.

Basically, if you're not a Jingoist Neo-Con, you're the enemy. I like using them, too.
I'd like to see a pathway to citizenship combined with a policy where anyone who is caught illegally crossing the border is deported and then made ineligible for future citizenship/visas. I just don't see anyway to stop people when there are mile wide tunnels running underneath the border.

I'm a lot more worried about jobs going out than people coming in though.
Yeah, the pathway to citizenship is that they leave (either voluntarily or not), apply for legalized citizenship just like every other person in the immigration pipeline, and pay hefty fines for having violated our sovereignty - nationalistic and proud of it!
I don't mind what Trump says at all. I kind of like that he says what means and it's abrasive sometimes, to some of the more sensitive types, but I don't think those comments make him a bad person, necessarily. I also don't think he means to do any deliberate harm with some of the choice of words.

However, as a politician/candidate, he's awful. I mean, this guy embodies exactly what is most corrupt and wrong with our entire political and governmental system. At least he admits to being that! Here's a guy that openly admits to paying-off both sides for their favors and breaks. They obviously accept his pay-offs, making them just as disgusting, if not more so. Now, the guy wants to be president. As much as I encourage 3rd-party voting (and I do), I would vote for a D or and R before I'd vote for that guy as a 3rd-party candidate. I don't fully understand his need to be president! Maybe his ego? I dunno.
Maybe he will do a better job than the other candidates out there, certainly better than maobama bin Biden!
Every. Single. Day!

The Pentagon on Tuesday sidestepped questions about whether top-secret intelligence, including secrets derived from reconnaissance satellites and aircraft, was compromised after being placed on unsecure emails found on Hillary Clinton’s private server.

Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook, in an inaugural briefing for reporters, would not answer questions about the secret intelligence found by an inspector general in a sampling of emails once stored on Clinton’s unsecured server. The email system was used by the former secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.

So far, some 305 emails containing classified data have been found among some 60,000 emails once kept on the private server.

“I think this an issue best left to the State Department,” Cook said. “They’ve had to address this and also Secretary Clinton. It’s not something that I think makes sense for me to get into from right here at this podium.”

Cook also would not say if the Pentagon is conducting a damage assessment or investigating whether its secrets were compromised.
I don't mind what Trump says at all. I kind of like that he says what means and it's abrasive sometimes, to some of the more sensitive types, but I don't think those comments make him a bad person, necessarily. I also don't think he means to do any deliberate harm with some of the choice of words.

However, as a politician/candidate, he's awful. I mean, this guy embodies exactly what is most corrupt and wrong with our entire political and governmental system. At least he admits to being that! Here's a guy that openly admits to paying-off both sides for their favors and breaks. They obviously accept his pay-offs, making them just as disgusting, if not more so. Now, the guy wants to be president. As much as I encourage 3rd-party voting (and I do), I would vote for a D or and R before I'd vote for that guy as a 3rd-party candidate. I don't fully understand his need to be president! Maybe his ego? I dunno.

His ego, but I think he really does believe his own bullshit. He really thinks he can build a wall which will stop illegals from crossing the border and make Mexico pay.

I like the fact that he is an outsider thought. I just wonder if he would ever be able to take advice or work to gain some consensus on his policies. If not, he will not be all that different from the current prez.

No we don't already have socialism. We have some items that the founders agreed were for the common good of the nation, like defense of the country.
And you have the market cornered on silly and uneducated. But yeah, you don't insult people.

The founders?!?!?!?! LMAO are you serious? They didn't even approve of a federal income tax.

Public ownership is the defining factor of socialism in any form. There is plenty of public ownership in this country whether you like it or not. I'm sorry you were led to believe that socialism is what we were fighting in WW2 but that simply is not the case.

What I am describing is what Bernie is referring to when talks about democratic socialist programs. You can call it whatever you want, but it doesn't even come close to fitting the mold you want to put it in. I guarantee you haven't listened to a single aspect of his platform. I don't know why he refers to himself as socialist when obviously the majority of Americans don't even know what he means. He's not trying to do away with capitalism. Try to get this through your head.

I would think conservatives would be against corporate welfare...
Yeah, the pathway to citizenship is that they leave (either voluntarily or not), apply for legalized citizenship just like every other person in the immigration pipeline, and pay hefty fines for having violated our sovereignty - nationalistic and proud of it!

This is part of your problem right here. Go read 1984 dude. I bet you see some characters that remind you of yourself.

All of you hating on immigrants wont be very happy when a head of lettuce goes up to 10 dollars. The path to citizenship ensures that people we have zero chance of preventing from being here actually pay taxes. PROHIBITION DOESN'T WORK. Telling people they can't do something doesn't mean shit when their families are starving or they're being run out of town by cartels. Trying to kick every illegal immigrant out of the US is not even remotely a realistic possibility. The estimate after Trump's moronic proposal was it would take 40 years and cost 300 billion dollars. Aren't republicans supposed to be the fiscal conservatives?

The founders?!?!?!?! LMAO are you serious? They didn't even approve of a federal income tax.

Public ownership is the defining factor of socialism in any form. There is plenty of public ownership in this country whether you like it or not. I'm sorry you were led to believe that socialism is what we were fighting in WW2 but that simply is not the case.

What I am describing is what Bernie is referring to when talks about democratic socialist programs. You can call it whatever you want, but it doesn't even come close to fitting the mold you want to put it in. I guarantee you haven't listened to a single aspect of his platform. I don't know why he refers to himself as socialist when obviously the majority of Americans don't even know what he means. He's not trying to do away with capitalism. Try to get this through your head.

I would think conservatives would be against corporate welfare...
Nobody wants what you are peddling here. We don't want a euro-socialist system.
Nobody wants what you are peddling here. We don't want a euro-socialist system.

Speak for yourself. There's a reason all of those countries are ranked ahead of us in education, healthcare and quality of life. Probably because we blow all of our money maintaining the empire. I'd rather more of that money go to healthcare and education instead of into Lockheed's pockets.

If you want to live in a country where politicians can be bought, billionaires can hide their money in the Cayman islands and one in four profitable corporations pays 0% federal income tax, that's your problem.
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Speak for yourself. There's a reason all of those countries are ranked ahead of us in education, healthcare and quality of life. Probably because we blow all of our money maintaining the empire. I'd rather more of that money go to healthcare and education instead of into Lockheed's pockets.

If you want to live in a country where politicians can be bought, billionaires can hide their money in the Cayman islands and one in four profitable corporations pays 0% federal income tax, that's your problem.

What are the territories encompassed by this empire you squawk about? And, you don't think the euro-socialist politicians in Europe aren't doing the very things you are complaining about??? Very interesting.
What are the territories encompassed by this empire you squawk about? And, you don't think the euro-socialist politicians in Europe aren't doing the very things you are complaining about??? Very interesting.

Quite a lot of Europe actually has publicly funded elections. I don't know of a single other developed country in the world that allows unlimited campaign contributions by private interests. If you don't think that's a real problem you have issues.

I'd love to see your reaction if Russia built a military base as near our border as ours are to theirs...
It's really amazing how Americans have not only accepted their "Income Tax" burden... they find that it's patriotic and a moral obligation. It's totally and completely antithetical to the founders and the 16th Amendment was an abomination. That's probably why it was never fully ratified by all of the states... but, it' not enforced that way.

We aren't governing and living by our original Constitution at all. We haven't been for over a hundred years now.
Quite a lot of Europe actually has publicly funded elections. I don't know of a single other developed country in the world that allows unlimited campaign contributions by private interests. If you don't think that's a real problem you have issues.

Deployment does not equal control as in empire. This is a bogus claim, that the fact US troops are present or deployed in a country constitutes that country being part of the "US Empire." Total crap. Also, you are quite naive about European politicians...
I bet you would see that differently if they were Russian troops deployed in the US.
I bet you would see that differently if they were Russian troops deployed in the US.
He absolutely would. It's all he's ever known, so he rationalizes it. Plus, I think he kinda gets-off on it. Nuk is superior to us all. He gets that by lacking empathy. Or, being totally void of empathy, rather.
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He absolutely would. It's all he's ever known, so he rationalizes it. Plus, I think he kinda gets-off on it. Nuk is superior to us all. He gets that by lacking empathy. Or, being totally void of empathy, rather.

Come on Strum. Empathy??? Not sure about you but the boy has NO empathy for Christians.

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