2021 recruiting and commitments

TOS free board is a cesspool. Instead of arguing over there and trying to fight it, I've chosen to not poast at all 99.9% of the time.

All fans are welcome because we need more. Carolina has a very strong core football fanbase (in terms of regularly attending games), it's just a small core. Last season showed that there's hope for our football fanbase.
Didn't mean to strike a nerve. My point is that there is more enthusiasm regarding our football program now than there's been in a good while. So rather than putting down those fans you deem "basketball-onlies" by saying "it's pretty obvious that they only have a cursory knowledge of football", why not embrace them and welcome them into the fold as the two highlighted statements above suggest?
I'm surprised you don't poast over there more. It's all group think and anyone saying anything outside the group think is called a Wuffie then banned.
BTW, my friends would laugh at the implication that I'm a "group thinker". I'm all for diverse opinions, that's why I post here. It's just a shame that far too many threads devolve into pissing contests between posters who can't bring themselves to agree to disagree or simply ignore certain posters that get their goat.
About 10 years or so ago I was talking with a Carolina "fan".. they said they cheered for UNC basketball but rooted for FSU in football. My reply.. "I guess you also cheer for the New England Patriots and Tiger Woods" He had a puzzled look so I just walked away.
I have two colleges that I root for in all sports across the board. I've been rooting for UNC for 60 years, since I was about seven, and I've been rooting for the Naval Academy since '73 when I enlisted so I could attend college.

That's why I'm so excited about the direction in which our football program is heading. I had hopes that Fedora was going to be the answer but it wasn't to be. But Mack and company are generating a lot of optimism about football.

So I welcome anyone who wants to get onboard with the football program. Better late than never.
I have two colleges that I root for in all sports across the board. I've been rooting for UNC for 60 years, since I was about seven, and I've been rooting for the Naval Academy since '73 when I enlisted so I could attend college.

That's why I'm so excited about the direction in which our football program is heading. I had hopes that Fedora was going to be the answer but it wasn't to be. But Mack and company are generating a lot of optimism about football.

So I welcome anyone who wants to get onboard with the football program. Better late than never.

Thank you for your service. One of my favorite games of the year is the Army/Navy game. I have to say I root for the Black Knights, my Dad was in the Army.. joined as the Korean War was ending.
I haven’t watched Patterson’s tape, so I honestly have no idea.

Either way, what’s your point? Are you accusing Dabo and Clemson of unethical recruiting?

Unethical? No lol. I wouldn't go that far. I'm betting Patterson is a contingency plan in case Foreman goes somewhere else. It's a business. Everyone does it to some degree.
^ and even if he was accusing Clemson of that, it's our board @HumasButthole

Clemson's fanbase is in a weird spot right now. Half of them have embraced their recent success and are thumping their chest to every other fanbase. The other half still seem to have an inferiority complex and any time anything remotely negative concerning Clemson is mentioned, they come running in to cry foul.
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^ and even if he was accusing Clemson of that, it's our board @HumasButthole

Clemson's fanbase is in a weird spot right now. Half of them have embraced their recent success and are thumping their chest to every other fanbase. The other half still seem to have an inferiority complex and any time anything remotely negative concerning Clemson is mentioned, they come running in to cry foul.

Lmao. Truth bombs.
Everyone is hyping Tennessee's class. I'm not saying it's bad, but they already have 21 commits. Their average is about where they finished last year, which was middle of the SEC.
They just have a lot of recent commits (8 in 14 days, 6 four-stars and 2 five-stars) at a time when no one other than us is really getting all that many commits.

I'm not too proud to admit it's a good class they have for sure. I do like that the class (so far) is scant on NC players. Don't need them starting to get a presence back in NC.
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They just have a lot of recent commits (8 in 14 days, 6 four-stars and 2 five-stars) at a time when no one other than us is really getting all that many commits.

I'm not too proud to admit it's a good class they have for sure. I do like that the class (so far) is scant on NC players. Don't need them starting to get a presence back in NC.

Yep, really good at the top. But Pruitt is going to have to start cutting some guys loose at this rate. I'm glad Mack doesn't recruit like that and hope NC kids take notice.
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I'd actually be a bit concerned about that too if I were them. Most of their class is from out-of-state. I wonder how many will stick once they get into the meat of that schedule. The big boys haven't taken many yet. LSU, Alabama, UGA, etc.
I'd actually be a bit concerned about that too if I were them. Most of their class is from out-of-state. I wonder how many will stick once they get into the meat of that schedule. The big boys haven't taken many yet. LSU, Alabama, UGA, etc.
Well, a good Tennessee class should be from mostly out-of-state. Tennessee never has been a hotbed for football talent. Maybe as Nashville and its surrounding metro continues to grow, maybe eventually that market will yield some good talent. But overall, Tennessee is surrounded by states that produce much more talent, both in quantity and quality (VA, GA, NC, SC, AL)

Off-topic, just realized Tennessee is bordered by eight states. That's gotta be the most in the country.
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Well, a good Tennessee class should be from mostly out-of-state. Tennessee never has been a hotbed for football talent. Maybe as Nashville and its surrounding metro continues to grow, maybe eventually that market will yield some good talent. But overall, Tennessee is surrounded by states that produce much more talent, both in quantity and quality (VA, GA, NC, SC, AL)

Off-topic, just realized Tennessee is bordered by eight states. That's gotta be the most in the country.

Good point. There's still some meat on the bone for them in state, too, so maybe they get a few. I was just looking at their decommits from past classes, but those could've been from staff changes or churning.
Well Im not a liberal but just dont think you should put your hands on a player.
Yeah, I mean, truth be told I was surprised nothing came from it either, but only because I expected in today's pussified America, someone would be angry about it.

It isn't like getting your facemask tugged on hurts. Pruitt is an old school football coach.
Well Im not a liberal but just dont think you should put your hands on a player.

That kind of stuff is mostly dying out of the game. I remember coaches grabbing me by the facemask to chew me out when I was in middle school. Like THN said, it doesn't really hurt. It's just a control thing. They grab you by the facemask so you can't go anywhere or look away while they chew you out.

IMO a coach that truly commands respect wouldn't need to grab a player by the facemask or get in their face. You won't see Roy Williams grabbing a player by the jersey because he doesn't have to.
I have two colleges that I root for in all sports across the board. I've been rooting for UNC for 60 years, since I was about seven, and I've been rooting for the Naval Academy since '73 when I enlisted so I could attend college.

That's why I'm so excited about the direction in which our football program is heading. I had hopes that Fedora was going to be the answer but it wasn't to be. But Mack and company are generating a lot of optimism about football.

So I welcome anyone who wants to get onboard with the football program. Better late than never.
Former marine I root for the naval academy for obvious reasons
Meanwhile on TOS this is a thread topic by someone that should know better.

ACCDN Flashback: Leon Jackson Halfback Pass To Marcus Wall
Meanwhile on TOS this is a thread topic by someone that should know better.

ACCDN Flashback: Leon Jackson Halfback Pass To Marcus Wall
And the Sherman guy is one of the big wigs. As far as I know, he is not a revolting SOB as are a couple of other big wigs there.

I'll give Sherman a break because Jack (also spelled Jock at times in Scotland) is a nickname for John that historically is very common in Scotland, Wales, and northern England, which means that Jackson is actually a nickname version of Johnson.
We are battling them for some guys. It's very possible they get Campbell. I feel like they had a lot of momentum with Ingram-Dawkins but he called off his commitment scheduled for Sunday.
What makes you think that? Seems like everyone thinks he’s still a lock for UNC!
Have not heard anything that would suggest this.
No insider info. I'm just basing it on the Tennessee momentum and hype. Happy to be wrong.

We are battling them for some guys. It's very possible they get Campbell. I feel like they had a lot of momentum with Ingram-Dawkins but he called off his commitment scheduled for Sunday.

Also, did we pass on Micah Crowell?
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