Berry Breaks Hand - Out for 4 Weeks

Nice move Gary, especially when Theo mentioned in his presser earlier today that he has been running some 1 in practice with Berry out. You see that presser yet? Ummm?
Actually no (Looking at it now that I'm reading your post though). All I saw before was about how JB broke his hand. When I responded to you earlier I mentioned Ginyard playing the 1 in a situation of need and I was thinking about Roy sitting 7th last season in favor of Stilman if he messed up or got in foul trouble. I still doubt we'd see it unless an emergency happens or maybe for fun in a blow-out.
Uh, just to clarify for a poster far above this post, JBII broke a "bone in his hand"...not his hand.
No sense in arguing with him. God himself could tell him he was wrong and he wouldn't admit it. It's a common theme with him.

lol - "wrong". Umm, there is no right or wrong. You apparently don't care about this and I do. It doesn't make me wrong. It doesn't make you wrong. The difference though between my opinion and yours is that for some reason, you care deeply about mine while I couldn't give any less of a shit about yours.
whaaa I know Im wrong so Im just gonna pretend everything the other person wrote doesnt exist. How grown up of you.

"His ass is so tight, that if you shoved a lump of coal up there, in 2 weeks-youd have a diamond"-Bueller.

There is no right or wrong here dipshit. It's just a difference of opinion. But to my point and as I explained it to @tarheel0910, I don't give a shit that y'all think this is no big deal. It's a big deal to me. I'm sure it's a big deal to Roy. I'm sure it's a big deal to Joel's teammates. That's all I care about.
lol - "wrong". Umm, there is no right or wrong. You apparently don't care about this and I do. It doesn't make me wrong. It doesn't make you wrong. The difference though between my opinion and yours is that for some reason, you care deeply about mine while I couldn't give any less of a shit about yours.

Actually, while you saying that JB should seek professional help is rather asinine and Im sure youll walk it back now- it is still your opinion( a ludicrous one , but still). But- you proclaiming that the NBA will somehow look down on this incident and it will affect his draft stock one way or another you are flat out wrong about.. so yes whether in your fantasy land perception you believe there is no "right or wrong", out here in the real world on some topics there actually is. And youre wrong.
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you care deeply about mine while I couldn't give any less of a shit about yours.
Judging from your responses to everyone in this thread you care deeply about everyone else's opinions to the point of getting angry. I'll just stop with the back and forth though. You're doing a good job of embarrassing yourself without my help.
Actually no (Looking at it now that I'm reading your post though). All I saw before was about how JB broke his hand. When I responded to you earlier I mentioned Ginyard playing the 1 in a situation of need and I was thinking about Roy sitting 7th last season in favor of Stilman if he messed up or got in foul trouble. I still doubt we'd see it unless an emergency happens or maybe for fun in a blow-out.

I hope we don't have to see it either, but if we do that may signal some problems with Seventh and Jalek early on.The fact that he is practicing running the point this week tells me that it's a good chance he will run some possessions over the first 3 games.
Actually, while you saying that JB should seek professional help is rather asinine and Im sure youll walk it back now- it is still your opinion( a ludicrous one , but still). But- you proclaiming that the NBA will somehow look down on this incident and it will affect his draft stock one way or another you are flat out wrong about, so yes whether in your fantasy land you believe there is no "right or wrong", out here in the real world on some topics there actually is. And youre wrong.

Find me a GM and have him tell me that and maybe I'll care about your opinion.
Find me a GM and have him tell me that and maybe I care about your opinion.

I dont care what you think in fact I only read the first two words then didnt care so save yourself the energy cuz I jus thorughly dont care in fact I dont care so much that I keep responding.
Nice move Gary, especially when Theo mentioned in his presser earlier today that he has been running some 1 in practice with Berry out. You see that presser yet? Ummm? The truth will set you
Hey, one more thing scanning the comments from today. I see Roy mentioned Jalek first when talking about who would get PG minutes. Thats a good sign.
I dont care what you think in fact I only read the first two words then didnt care so save yourself the energy cuz I jus thorughly dont care in fact I dont care so much that I keep responding.

I hope we don't have to see it either, but if we do that may signal some problems with Seventh and Jalek early on.The fact that he is practicing running the point this week tells me that it's a good chance he will run some possessions over the first 3 games.
Theo is a nice luxury to have, although I would also like to see Platek pick up some minutes there if needed.
JB hates to lose. I think that is an awesome trait in a point guard.

I hate to lose at anything too. Wait until he has kids and they beat him like a drum at video games. These are not my proudest moments as a parent. I can get a little fiery.
Hey, one more thing scanning the comments from today. I see Roy mentioned Jalek first when talking about who would get PG minutes. Thats a good sign.
I hope Jalek gets the start puts up double digit points. An early season loss at home would be devastating. Someone must step up.
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I'm more worried about who will score with JB out then who's getting PG mins.

this is the main reason I was saying I think Cam should play more over Kenny-especially with JB out. If we are to assume Roy will go with 7th at the point, if KW does start- thats a backcourt of THeo, 7th, and williams. Not a lot of proven scoring in that group at all. A great defensive backcourt to be sure but then when you add Maye and Brooks..well Theo and Maye would be the two go to guys in that lineup.
My brother broke a video game controller once when he was younger out of anger. It happens. Was it a bonehead move? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No. He’ll be back quickly to take the reins again.
You don't need a lot of scoring with a stellar defense, but I believe TP, LM will be excellent scorers (both solid double digits) and KW may well be too. In addition, CJ and JF will be playing a great deal so we should be fine. 7th starts, deal with it, lol!

BTW: This back and forth was more fun than watching Wimbledon without Serena!
Yeah, no one cares about a PG's temperament and decision making. You must be new to basketball.

As long as he isnt beating his girl or going out and fighting people they dont care. Brice has shown a short temper it didnt affecr him. As bad as Grayson Allen looked when he flipped out on the bench you think thats going to stop a GM from drafting him? Hell no. Oh and what GA did, that wss a tantrum.
I hope Jalek gets the start puts up double digit points. An early season loss at home would be devastating. Someone must step up.
Yep. UNI may not be loaded but you can count on them being solid. Taking care of the rock and making good decisions are far more important in a PG than making the occasional "ooh-and-ah" play. It will be a good test to play within the system, maintain spacing, keep our continuities moving and picking his spots to score. I really hope Roy starts Jalek and he meets the challenge well.
A senior leader preseason All-American and one of the faces of college basketball this season breaks his hand right before the season starts because of his anger of a video game. Yep, nothing to see here. Move along.
Where does it say anything about anger? Since it was him and Theo I could see him reacting to losing in a playful way a lot quicker than angry. That would make it more accidental than malicious. Maybe?
Have to say I'm disappointed in Joel. I'm as competitive as anybody I've ever met and I've thrown a few things but I always stopped short of punching/hitting/slaping something inanimate in frustration over a game loss. So, an unwise decision at best. I just think a senior leader should know a little better, this is something a freshman might perhaps do.

I just hope it doesn't cost him and the team in the long run. He had been shooting the ball soooo well and I can't help but wonder what effect it will have on his stroke. We absolutely have to have him scoring well this year if we're to go anywhere in the postseason.

Remember Cretin slapping Henson's wrist when it was injured? I can see a couple of teams doing that with Joel. I guess I'm more worried about the injury than many here who don't seem to think it's anything to be concerned about.
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Yall got this all wrong, Joel breaking his hand over a video game is a stroke of genius! He is setting himself up for a big time endorsement deal with the game manufacturer as well as the video system company! SMART ! LOL
Have to say I'm disappointed in Joel. I'm as competitive as anybody I've ever met and I've thrown a few things but I always stopped short of punching/hitting/slaping something inanimate in frustration over a game loss. So, an unwise decision at best. I just think a senior leader should know a little better, this is something a freshman might perhaps do.

I just hope it doesn't cost him and the team in the long run. He had been shooting the ball soooo well and I can't help but wonder what effect it will have on his stroke. We absolutely have to have him scoring well this year if we're to go anywhere in the postseason.

Remember Cretin slapping Henson's wrist when it was injured? I can see a couple of teams doing that with Joel. I guess I'm more worried about the injury than many here who don't seem to think it's anything to be concerned about.
I agree. It's a mistake, and while ultimately understandable it's not the same as you or I breaking our hand after losing a video game, so let's not pretend that it is. Berry has a huge season ahead of him, and potentially millions of dollars if he plays well enough.

As an athlete his body is everything, so the decision calculus is way different than the average college student. It didn't cost me or anyone else anything if I broke my hand (minus a bit of pain and a small doctor's bill), as it didn't effect my studying or my minimum wage work at the campus store. A little different when you're the senior captain of the defending national champions at UNC.
For what its worth i broke my 9-iron over my knee one time because I hit it in the bunker!
Oh, I have seen several golf clubs broken or tossed in the pond over the years. I saw a guy break a $700 pool cue after missing a match game shot not too long ago. As I said, I've thrown a few things myself.
I agree. It's a mistake, and while ultimately understandable it's not the same as you or I breaking our hand after losing a video game, so let's not pretend that it is. Berry has a huge season ahead of him, and potentially millions of dollars if he plays well enough.

As an athlete his body is everything, so the decision calculus is way different than the average college student. It didn't cost me or anyone else anything if I broke my hand (minus a bit of pain and a small doctor's bill), as it didn't effect my studying or my minimum wage work at the campus store. A little different when you're the senior captain of the defending national champions at UNC.
No, it'll be his basketball ability that stops GMs from drafting him.

Look I hate the kid but if you think he's going undrafted you're playing yourself. There's 60 picks in the draft. It's a scoring league. He can score. You act like I'm saying he's going to be the next superstar and take over the league? If he hadn't drank Ks kool-aid and stayed after his sophomore season he would already be in the league.
Remember Cretin slapping Henson's wrist when it was injured? I can see a couple of teams doing that with Joel. I guess I'm more worried about the injury than many here who don't seem to think it's anything to be concerned about.
I remember indeed. Difference here is (and I pretty much guarantee) if someone pulls that mess on JB they can expect a forearm shiver or a shoulder-check that'll make em think twice about poking the Dog :eek:. Someone should ask ol' Grayson how that felt when JB stymied one of his trip attempts.

Seriously arch, I think you're overstating something that's just a human impulse. Like I said above he would just as likely broke something with a half-hearted punch or just cuttin' up. Really has nothing to do with leadership. I think Roy's comment was spot on.