And Bolden might do this and be eligible this fall. Talking about payback! Check this out!
Also, if Roy Sign SKJ he may be eligible this fall. Game changer folks!
From NCAA website:
Division I Transfer Working Group will meet later this month to discuss much-needed updates to the NCAA transfer policy.
Two big changes are up for consideration,
per the NCAA:
- Allow students who meet specific, high-achieving academic benchmarks to play immediately after the first time they transfer during their college experience.
- Allow prospective student-athletes who have signed a National Letter of Intent to transfer and play immediately if a head coach leaves the school of the student’s choice, as well as under other exceptions already in the rulebook. Because the Collegiate Commissioners Association manages the NLI, this idea would be referred to the CCA for consideration.
The goal is for the group to finalize a proposal by May, so conferences can discuss it at their annual spring meetings.
According to Ralph Russo of the AP, the hope is for the NCAA to have to transfer policy rules in place by July.
From the
The working group is aiming for a Division I Council vote on its final proposal in June, so it could be considered as a package with the notification-of-transfer legislation already in the Division I legislative cycle.
This could lead to an impact on the 2018 football season, and the 2018-19 basketball season. A lot of that depends on timing and moving quickly, though.