It is interesting to see the states they are comparing here - and no context regarding racial makeup of persons getting vaxxed, or foregoing vaxx.
A lot higher % black population in these "slow, backward states" of MS, AL, MO, SC than very white VT.
Some on this board, and most in corporate media love to say (believe?) that the persons not getting vaxxed are dumb,
white, anti-science, conservative Trumpsters.
It is so easy to just look at the vaxx stats by race and see that this is not true. In basically every state, and in the nation as a whole, black and Latino races lag far behind white people in % getting vaxxed. For whatever reason. Interesting CDC article link below.
I am guessing you see this in the death rates by race too. But that doesn't fit the agenda narrative so you don't hear about it. Do people demonizing the persons not vaxxed realize they are being racist?
I'm guessing that wasn't their intent.
The intent is clearly to smear / trash independent thinking, reasoning, risk-assessing conservatives & libertarians. Facts / truth be just gets in the way of a good smearing.
Vax rates by race