
Keep finding excuses to not get vaccinated and disregard their efficacy. The people dying from Covid-19 that are not vaccinated is "bigly." The people dying that are vaccinated is rare. They're not 100%, we accept that.

no one i know is not getting vaccinated because they are discounting the efficacy of the Vaccine--its the personal risk exposure they feel they have if they get COVID. for the most part most people don't have much risk of dying if they have COVID. However, there is no denying that for a select group its a very deadly virus. the other part of this is the question of do i personally have a responsibility to others to get a vaccine? i went ahead and got the vaccine because i felt i do have some responsibility there not so much because i felt i was in the at risk group. i also can understand if others feel differently and believe its on the people in the at risk group to get the vaccine not them.
i also can understand if others feel differently and believe its on the people in the at risk group to get the vaccine not them.

I don’t see how you can feel any other way. If I’m scared of getting in a car accident, I don’t ask everyone else to stop driving. I’d stop getting in cars.
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Denmark has eased all covid restrictions after achieving herd immunity number goals through vaccinations

Texas has a vax rate of 47% with 550% increase in calls to poison control over people taking horse de worming meds for covid.

Since vaccines have been available, it's a simple choice.
We're you not just undecided on the second shot a few months ago?
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Grouping people together who:

oppose the universal mask mandates (all people, all locations, forever)

oppose vaccinations for those at extremely low risk, even (children, those who have already gotten and recovered from COVID, etc)

is sloppy, lazy.
You are right, that grouping them is lazy, however the the cross-over tween the two can't be denied. Cross-over tween this group and covid-deniers (people who downplay the severity) is pretty tight too.
We're you not just undecided on the second shot a few months ago?
I HAD that position. And, I realized that what had previously thought no longer made sense to me, so I decided to get the second and felt foolish for having waited as long as I did. I got the first shot in late May, before this Delta thing ever became such a threat. But, I was about to fly up to MSP again.
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Cross your fangers!

Seems this has been discussed for months based on other articles I have read.
I remember being a kid and parents would organize chicken pox parties to take kids to go ahead and get it out of the way. I suggest the same for COVID.
I remember being a kid and parents would organize chicken pox parties to take kids to go ahead and get it out of the way. I suggest the same for COVID.
Pre-vaccine about 100 people died from chicken pox ever yr in the US.

Pre-vaccine covid killed like 600k
I remember pox parties as well. The idea was that children didn't suffer as badly and have the complications that adults had from chickenpox. And, everyone would get it eventually as it was highly contagious. Thus, it was better to get it at 10 than it was to get it at 30. That changed in the mid 90's with the vax. Unless you are a true anti-vaxer, there is no reason to get chickenpox in this day and age (btw, ask your pcp about the shingles vax as well).

If we had no vaccines or emerging treatments for covid, I could see some merit in your suggestion. But that's not the case. At some point, even to the most ardent, the safety of the vax and treatments will be fully vetted and studied. This is particularly true in that young people in general, statistically, don't get very sick and transmit covid efficiently. Why intentionally infect them with something where time is on their side of safely figuring this out?
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I remember pox parties as well. The idea was that children didn't suffer as badly and have the complications that adults had from chickenpox. And, everyone would get it eventually as it was highly contagious. Thus, it was better to get it at 10 than it was to get it at 30. That changed in the mid 90's with the vax. Unless you are a true anti-vaxer, there is no reason to get chickenpox in this day and age (btw, ask your pcp about the shingles vax as well).

If we had no vaccines or emerging treatments for covid, I could see some merit in your suggestion. But that's not the case. At some point, even to the most ardent, the safety of the vax and treatments will be fully vetted and studied. This is particularly true in that young people in general, statistically, don't get very sick and transmit covid efficiently. Why intentionally infect them with something where time is on their side of safely figuring this out?

Outside of the hysteria that the media is whooping up and the folks around here freaking out about it, I don’t pay much attention to COVId anymore. It’s in the rear view for me. My comment was said tongue in cheek to illustrate how serious I feel about it.
Outside of the hysteria that the media is whooping up and the folks around here freaking out about it, I don’t pay much attention to COVId anymore. It’s in the rear view for me. My comment was said tongue in cheek to illustrate how serious I feel about it.
Got it. Sorry for missing the tone. My bad. I wish I could say the same about covid's impact and future trajectory. While the fearmongering is certainly always there, I simply don't know what will happen going forward.

Truthfully, long term, I am more concerned with the governmental expansion and abuse that this has allowed and how it will be exploited going forward. Did anyone else see the interview with the director of the CDC who said they were going after the "serious public health threat" of gun violence? She said, "Now is the time - - it's pedal to the metal time." Not a crime problem, not a gang problem, not a drug trade problem, not a defund the police problem, not a prosecution problem, not a criminal on criminal problem, etc., but a gun violence problem. Call it a pandemic and pursue it accordingly.
Got it. Sorry for missing the tone. My bad. I wish I could say the same about covid's impact and future trajectory. While the fearmongering is certainly always there, I simply don't know what will happen going forward.

Truthfully, long term, I am more concerned with the governmental expansion and abuse that this has allowed and how it will be exploited going forward. Did anyone else see the interview with the director of the CDC who said they were going after the "serious public health threat" of gun violence? She said, "Now is the time - - it's pedal to the metal time." Not a crime problem, not a gang problem, not a drug trade problem, not a defund the police problem, not a prosecution problem, not a criminal on criminal problem, etc., but a gun violence problem. Call it a pandemic and pursue it accordingly.
I saw that article. Ludicrous
I remember being a kid and parents would organize chicken pox parties to take kids to go ahead and get it out of the way. I suggest the same for COVID.
Completely agree. Everyone who isn’t vaxed has to get together and give each other Covid. Only the strong survive.

We could set it up like the Hunger Games and televise it. Oh and gamble on it!

I like this idea, let’s make it happen.
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Completely agree. Everyone who isn’t vaxed has to get together and give each other Covid. Only the strong survive.

We could set it up like the Hunger Games and televise it. Oh and gamble on it!

I like this idea, let’s make it happen.
College kids were doing it last year. I think that's one of the reasons UNC reversed course about in person classes last school year.
WTF is wrong with people? How can there be this many whack-jobs in the US?

The power of tribalism, confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, etc plus misinfo is just fascinating.
Church, FoxNews, talk radio, on a regular basis can create a lot of cognitive dissonance. Now, there's Newsmax, OAN, Qanon, etc., so it's even more intense. Jesus has gotta be going "WTF, people???"
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Completely agree. Everyone who isn’t vaxed has to get together and give each other Covid. Only the strong survive.

We could set it up like the Hunger Games and televise it. Oh and gamble on it!

I like this idea, let’s make it happen.

You should have gone with "The Running Man". That's more generationally accurate for me and would have resonated better. I've never seen the Hunger Games. But I know it's got that hot broad running around with a bow and arrow.
it is amazing the shit people are willing to believe if it fits in with their politics. There is a horrifyingly large portion of the population that puts all info through their political filter first. Blows my mind.
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it is amazing the shit people are willing to believe if it fits in with their politics. There is a horrifyingly large portion of the population that puts all info through their political filter first. Blows my mind.
maybe they also don’t believe in immediate care from hospitals as well.
can someone please explain why folks continue to believe that getting the vaxx “saves the lives of others” ?? this lie is being repeated by the sheep over and over. the data is clear, vaxxd folks are just as likely to spread Delta as the non-vaxxd.
i have witnessed Ivermectin being used to treat parasite infections in Haitian patients several times, it’s not unusual at all. there are a lot of meds that can be used to treat animals AND humans, when taken in the correct dosage.