
can someone please explain why folks continue to believe that getting the vaxx “saves the lives of others” ?? this lie is being repeated by the sheep over and over. the data is clear, vaxxd folks are just as likely to spread Delta as the non-vaxxd.

The research points to exactly the opposite of that statement.

But keep on sheeping you f*cking retard.

But keep on sheeping you f*cking retard.

can someone please explain why folks continue to believe that getting the vaxx “saves the lives of others” ?? this lie is being repeated by the sheep over and over. the data is clear, vaxxd folks are just as likely to spread Delta as the non-vaxxd.
Vaxxed people are less likely to get covid. If less people have covid then less people are spreading it. If less people are soreading it fewer get infected. If fewer get infected fewer die.
Vaxxed people are less likely to get covid. If less people have covid then less people are spreading it. If less people are soreading it fewer get infected. If fewer get infected fewer die.

I have seen nothing that says for sure that vaxxed people are less likely to get covid. I have seen that vaxxed people that get covid have not as bad symptoms as unvaxxed. Of course when I check the latest report would determine if my first sentence is accurate. I could be right at this moment.. wrong at 12:45 then correct again at 3:28.
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can someone please explain why folks continue to believe that getting the vaxx “saves the lives of others” ?? this lie is being repeated by the sheep over and over. the data is clear, vaxxd folks are just as likely to spread Delta as the non-vaxxd.
LOL where ya been, Bleed? You know the actual data has no place in the hysterical, emotional, fact-free COVID freakout among so many in the media and society at large
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Are you in a certain secret facebook society we hear about on here all the time? Got any great stories to tell?

I do indeed.

I have these Facebook friends that believe the COVId vax is a secret fountain of youth serum that will help you live forever. And they claim to be behind the misinformation so that republicans will resist it and democrats will live forever and eventually have full control of the utopian society they dream of today. Promise. It’s all over my Facebook.
someone please explain this to me. If I contact a virus, (or bacteria) that is mainly transmitted through the air, my body's immune system will respond and begin trying to ward off the virus' spread inside me. If my immune response is strong enough, and the viral attack isn't overwhelming in numbers, I might never know I was invaded....a situation that occurs constantly, because we are constantly in contact with pathogens. OR, I might suffer some symptoms before the pathogen is eliminated (some of which are from the pathogen and some from my immune response). OR, I might get a full blown debilitating sickness which either my immune system eventually overcomes, or which requires medical aid.

I know that with some infections, I might be considered non-contagious even though I'm still suffering. My question is when am I NOT contagious up to that point? And, If I have successfully fought off the invader without ever feeling any symptoms, won't I still test positive for antibodies? Am I considered to have had Covid just on the basis of antibodies being present when in actuality I successfully fought off an infection? It seems to me that with colds and flu and I assume other airborne diseases, we spread a lot of sickness around without getting sick ourselves. Is this wrong, and if not, isn't Covid spreading in the same manner? If that isn't wrong, you could be vaxxed or have built your own immunity and still be a transmitter by picking up and immediately expelling fresh pathogens.
here is a CNN article referring to the CDC data that vaxxd folks DO SPREAD DELTA .... meaning that the vaxx does NOTHING in regards to containing spread.

"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," Walensky told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death -- they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."
LOL where ya been, Bleed? You know the actual data has no place in the hysterical, emotional, fact-free COVID freakout among so many in the media and society at large
i provided the CDC data backing up my statement, lets see how the sheeple respond ....
Vaxxed people are less likely to get covid. If less people have covid then less people are spreading it. If less people are soreading it fewer get infected. If fewer get infected fewer die.
so you disagree with the CDC findings that Delta is transmitted at the same rates, regardless of vaxx status ??? THE VAXX DOES NOT PROTECT OTHERS .... but hey, keep on sheepin.
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There is a massive study(700k people) out of Israel, which has been a major player in this Covid situation, that reveals that people that have gotten Covid are 27 times more resistant to Delta variant due to their NATURAL immunity, than those who get the vaccine and have never had Covid, It is why frauds like that Double Talking twerp Dr Fraudski and that political hack Wolensky Rarely if ever talk about natural immunity. These left wing gas bags and their "science" have been scaring the bejesus out of an entire nation for over 18 months, and now Wolnesky says that we must now take on HER concern about another "epidemic".. Gun Violence.

Special place in hades for Fraudski who was up to his tiny eyeballs with the Chicoms and Wuhan going back to 2015...before he started FUNDING the lab in Wuhan via Ecohealth alliance.
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There is a massive study(700k people) out of Israel, which has been a major player in this Covid situation, that reveals that people that have gotten Covid are 27 times more resistant to Delta variant due to their NATURAL immunity, than those who get the vaccine and have never had Covid, It is why frauds like that Double Talking twerp Dr Fraudski and that political hack Wolensky Rarely if ever talk about natural immunity. These left wing gas bags and their "science" have been scaring the bejesus out of an entire nation for over 18 months, and now Wolnesky says that we must now take on HER concern about another "epidemic".. Gun Violence.

Special place in hades for Fraudski who was up to his tiny eyeballs with the Chicoms and Wuhan going back to 2015...before he started FUNDING the lab in Wuhan via Ecohealth alliance.

thats true, according to the CDC. you trust the CDC, right?? you have for the last 18 months, dont stop now!

Straight from the CDC's website...

  • A growing body of evidence indicates that people fully vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) are less likely than unvaccinated persons to acquire SARS-CoV-2 or to transmit it to others. However, the risk for SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus.
In other words... you're a f*cking moron.
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Judicial watch has an extensive email trail for Fraudski whch they obtained via FOIA. Read it and you will see this guy has been in bed with the Chicoms for years.' There is a reason this totalitarian punk has been in the Swamp for 42 years and is the highest paid Govt employee . ..he is a master BS artist and uses his ability to frighten people with the hammer of "science" and "data".
the data is clear, vaxxd folks are just as likely to spread Delta as the non-vaxxd.
This statement sounds like are assuming 100% of Vaxxed people exposed to the virus are going contract the disease via breakthrough, which isn't true, breakthroughs still aren't common.
Straight from the CDC's website...

  • A growing body of evidence indicates that people fully vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) are less likely than unvaccinated persons to acquire SARS-CoV-2 or to transmit it to others. However, the risk for SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus.
In other words... you're a f*cking moron.

i provided a DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE CDC ... the vaxx does NOT prevent transmission. what more do you need??
Judicial watch has an extensive email trail for Fraudski whch they obtained via FOIA. Read it and you will see this guy has been in bed with the Chicoms for years.' There is a reason this totalitarian punk has been in the Swamp for 42 years and is the highest paid Govt employee . ..he is a master BS artist and uses his ability to frighten people with the hammer of "science" and "data".
Well, you definitely chose to follow one of the most objective sources available. If you can't trust Tom Fitton and his electrified paranoid machine, who can you trust.
There is a massive study(700k people) out of Israel, which has been a major player in this Covid situation, that reveals that people that have gotten Covid are 27 times more resistant to Delta variant due to their NATURAL immunity, than those who get the vaccine and have never had Covid, It is why frauds like that Double Talking twerp Dr Fraudski and that political hack Wolensky Rarely if ever talk about natural immunity. These left wing gas bags and their "science" have been scaring the bejesus out of an entire nation for over 18 months, and now Wolnesky says that we must now take on HER concern about another "epidemic".. Gun Violence.

Special place in hades for Fraudski who was up to his tiny eyeballs with the Chicoms and Wuhan going back to 2015...before he started FUNDING the lab in Wuhan via Ecohealth alliance.

yep, here is the link to that study
i provided a DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE CDC ... the vaxx does NOT prevent transmission. what more do you need??
We need more people who can get the vaccine to actually get it so the virus will lack the ability to mutate and keep infecting and killing more people and swamping our medical systems and staffs so that people with OTHER illnesses can also get the treatment they need more readily.
This statement sounds like are assuming 100% of Vaxxed people exposed to the virus are going contract the disease via breakthrough, which isn't true, breakthroughs still aren't common.
i'm only stating what the Director of the CDC stated recently: the vaxx helps prevent severe illness and/or death but it does not prevent transmission. (which was, originally, the primary reason to get the vaxx ... turned out to be MORE lies/misinformation from the CDC)
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We need more people who can get the vaccine to actually get it so the virus will lack the ability to mutate and keep infecting and killing so many people and swamping our medical systems and staffs so that people with OTHER illnesses can also get the treatment they need more readily.
not sure where you live but here at Duke, they've lost 340 nurses due to vaxx mandates, which is the primary reason why they're struggling to treat people ... they've literally had to close off sections of the hospital due to staffing issues, due to mandating a vaccine that does next to nothing to protect anyone except the person making the choice to vaxx or not. they're not overrun with sick people, they're under staffed due to their own communism.
not sure where you live but here at Duke, they've lost 340 nurses due to vaxx mandates, which is the primary reason why they're struggling to treat people ... they've literally had to close off sections of the hospital due to staffing issues, due to mandating a vaccine that does next to nothing to protect anyone except the person making the choice to vaxx or not. they're not overrun with sick people, they're under staffed due to their own communism.
Oh, and we need medical staff that isn't comprised of paranoid nurses, desperately clinging to propaganda to the point where they quit their jobs.

ETA: I'm trying to find evidence of 340 nurses quitting at DMC, but so far, I can't seem to find anything to corroborate your comment.
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We need more people who can get the vaccine to actually get it so the virus will lack the ability to mutate and keep infecting and killing more people and swamping our medical systems and staffs so that people with OTHER illnesses can also get the treatment they need more readily.
Viruses are in a constant state of mutation. One of the reasons the common cold has no cure and one reason the flu shot continually changes.
Viruses are in a constant state of mutation. One of the reasons the common cold has no cure and one reason the flu shot continually changes.
No shit? Really???

I guess we should just stop doing anything to try and combat the diseases we're forced to live with. They'll just continue to elude us.
i provided a DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE CDC ... the vaxx does NOT prevent transmission. what more do you need??

There is a bigly difference between not completely eliminating transmission and "doing NOTHING" to reduce transmission, which was your original statement. The CDC says the vaccine reduces the chances of catching and spreading covid. Which is the opposite of what you're claiming.

But if you want to walk it back to "it doesn't completely eliminate the risk of transmission" then we can agree.
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