
That’s a young Diamond Jackson, no?
I had to Google that name... could be.

It's one of those times where you just wish they'd made a decision to wear a different hat. I mean, no matter who it is, it's going to hurt the brand in a situation like that.

After googling... this dude was/is popular- a ball cap for all occasions:


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ok, so now that you've told me what I already said I knew, how would you feel about answering the actual question?
funny, i saw a crap ton of question marks in your posts. What was the question?

How we know if you were a spreader? Viral "PARTICLES" or MICROBES or teeny thingies have gene info... your spit can be added to gene sequencing databases which are use to track family lines of coronavirus....
funny, i saw a crap ton of question marks in your posts. What was the question?

How we know if you were a spreader? Viral "PARTICLES" or MICROBES or teeny thingies have gene info... your spit can be added to gene sequencing databases which are use to track family lines of coronavirus....


Clip from Oreilly on the fraud that is his lordship Dr fraudski. it starts at approx the 2:40 mark and is preceded by a clip from our Dear leader who once again incoherently tries to respond to a simple question about the FACT that President Senile is allowing hundreds of thousands of future democratic voters into the US with no testing, vaccines ,nothing ..just let em in and get em to vote asap ,whether they are citizens or not....and who cares whether they have covid or not ...right??
so you disagree with the CDC findings that Delta is transmitted at the same rates, regardless of vaxx status ??? THE VAXX DOES NOT PROTECT OTHERS .... but hey, keep on sheepin.
Can you not read? I’m not disagreeing with shit you fuking dumbass. You asked how it saved lives and I just showed you. No need to lie when you get your ass handed to you. How about sharing your proof that vaxxed people transmit the same rate as unvaxxed like you science denying sheep claim.
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I’m not disagreeing with shit you fuking dumbass. You asked how it saved lives and I just showed you. No need to lie when you get your ass handed to you. How about sharing your proof that vaxxed people transmit the same rate as unvaxxed like you sheep claim

He provided a source supporting his claim.
He provided a source supporting his claim.
He hasn’t provided jack fuking shit to support his absurd assertion that cdc claims vaxxed people transmit the same as unvaxxed. And since you “don’t believe anything you read about covid” what the fuk do you care?

And here’s what the cdc says about transmission. Totally opposite of the sheep’s claim they say
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He hasn’t provided jack fuking shit to support his absurd assertion that cdc claims vaxxed people transmit the same as unvaxxed. And since you “don’t believe anything you read about covid” what the fuk do you care?

And here’s what the cdc says about transmission. Totally opposite of the sheep’s claim they say

Cool. You’re right, I don’t care. By all means, get as hysterical as you want.
here is a CNN article referring to the CDC data that vaxxd folks DO SPREAD DELTA .... meaning that the vaxx does NOTHING in regards to containing spread.

"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," Walensky told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death -- they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."
Yea anyone paying attention knows it doesn’t entirely prevent transmission, just reduces the rate. Congrats for discovering what everyone’s known for months. What you claim however is that the cdc has said that the transmission rates are the same for vaxxed and unvaxxed. Totally different and That is bullshit. They’ve never made that claim.
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I do indeed.

I have these Facebook friends that believe the COVId vax is a secret fountain of youth serum that will help you live forever. And they claim to be behind the misinformation so that republicans will resist it and democrats will live forever and eventually have full control of the utopian society they dream of today. Promise. It’s all over my Facebook.
Wonder if they’re friends with the ones that brag about refusing to cooperate with the simplest most mundane attempts to help stop the spread of a virus that’s killed 700k americans while clutching their pearls over 13 servicemen killed in a terror attack. I see those fruitcakes all over fb as well.
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i'm only stating what the Director of the CDC stated recently: the vaxx helps prevent severe illness and/or death but it does not prevent transmission. (which was, originally, the primary reason to get the vaxx ... turned out to be MORE lies/misinformation from the CDC)
No What you stated was that the cdc claims transmission rates are the same for vaxxed and unvaxxed. You’ve yet to post anything to support that. Now you’re changing it to “does not prevent transmission” which they NEVER claimed otherwise to begin with. Lol… so yea…. keep preaching about lies/misinformation
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fake ass joe rogan’s on here.

”are you healthy…do you eat well..,do you workout?”
Don’t forget “take vitamins!” I mean for fuks sake can you imagine the shit show if we had left everyone to their immune systems and vitamins n the face of the virus? It would be Spanish flu all over again. But hey….freedom!!!
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Wonder if they’re friends with the ones that brag about refusing to cooperate with the simplest most mundane attempts to help stop the spread of a virus that’s killed 700k americans while clutching their pearls over 13 servicemen killed in a terror attack. I see those fruitcakes all over fb as well.

Looks like somebody’s mad that someone else has crazy Facebook friends too. There’s room for both of us to make up shit. Settle down, Nancy.
Thanks and you can as well over afghanifukistan. Are those crocodile tears good in coffee?

This is the coronavirus thread. Please stay on topic and resist the urge to make irrelevant comments just because you’re mad I’m making fun of you and your overly dramatic hysteria.
Don’t forget “take vitamins!” I mean for fuks sake can you imagine the shit show if we had left everyone to their immune systems and vitamins n the face of the virus? It would be Spanish flu all over again. But hey….freedom!!!
and in twenty years, only the usual nambies would be sitting around enjoying freedom and a healthy economy and still bemoaning the fact that people die; as it is, in twenty years we'll be lucky if we've gotten over the damage we've done to our country because the usuals went nutso, as the usuals always tend to do.
This is the coronavirus thread. Please stay on topic and resist the urge to make irrelevant comments just because you’re mad I’m making fun of you and your overly dramatic hysteria.
I’ll post whatever I please. Please resist the urge to censor me cause you’re mad about being called out for your mock outrage and hypocrisy
Looks like somebody’s mad that someone else has crazy Facebook friends too. There’s room for both of us to make up shit. Settle down, Nancy.
I’ve never made up anything about what I’ve seen on fb. You’re just embarrassed to be part of such a circle of rw fuk nuts as you should be. And as for settling down that’s pretty hilarious coming from the guy who recently threatened to go pull someone out of their country store and beat them up.
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and in twenty years, only the usual nambies would be sitting around enjoying freedom and a healthy economy and still bemoaning the fact that people die; as it is, in twenty years we'll be lucky if we've gotten over the damage we've done to our country because the usuals went nutso, as the usuals always tend to do.
So do you think there would be less damage to our country if we hadn’t tried to slow the spread of the virus and just let it naturally run it’s course?
So do you think there would be less damage to our country if we hadn’t tried to slow the spread of the virus and just let it naturally run it’s course?
Would have been over a lot quicker if we just let it run. Or we could have just had a real shutdown. It should be obvious the flattening the curve idea has been a disaster.
Don’t forget “take vitamins!” I mean for fuks sake can you imagine the shit show if we had left everyone to their immune systems and vitamins n the face of the virus? It would be Spanish flu all over again. But hey….freedom!!!
Before the next pandemic we somehow need to make public health apolitical.
Would have been over a lot quicker if we just let it run. Or we could have just had a real shutdown. It should be obvious the flattening the curve idea has been a disaster.
It would have been over quicker but the death toll would be crazy. Not only deaths due to no vaccine, but healthcare system for acute/severe probs would have been worthless. Probably more long-covid continuing to hit healthcare too.
It would have been over quicker but the death toll would be crazy. Not only deaths due to no vaccine, but healthcare system for acute/severe probs would have been worthless. Probably more long-covid continuing to hit healthcare too.
Probably so, but it would at least be over and things back to normal. The slow recovery that we're having is allowing this thing to mutate, which just kills a lot of people. Just kills them over more time.
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Probably so, but it would at least be over and things back to normal. The slow recovery that we're having is allowing this thing to mutate, which just kills a lot of people. Just kills them over more time.
Kinda, but it isn't slow recovery causing the mutation, time or duration has nothing to do with it. Number of cases/infections is the driver for mutations.

If letting it run means lots of cases sooner then a 'delta' would have just hit us sooner.