Thank you for your kind remarks. Sit down for this one because it may surprise you- 1. Tony doesn’t always tell the truth. And 2. Tony has flip flopped on nearly every single opinion throughout this pandemic.What a load of horseshit. This is the exact type of stupidity and rhetoric that makes it seem like we’re doomed to never get through this. This question has been answered 1000 times and literally 15 seconds of research would reveal the answer as well. you may not like the answer… obviously from your posts you’re in denial of a lot of facts… but just cause you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean it hasn’t been answered…because it has…this was nearly a year ago
Now the article you posted is not what I brought up. That article says that Tony would tell people who’ve already had it to get the vaccine and he thinks it will do them no harm.
What I brought up, is what Tony could not answer in a live CNN interview just last week, either Thursday or Friday I believe. The question posed- what would you tell vaccinated Americans who say they have already had covid and have natural immunity and that’s why I’m not getting the vaccine? His response- “that’s a really good question and I don’t have a firm answer on that and it’s something we need to seriously take a look at.”
now I’m sure, you probably “won’t like that answer.”