I'm not going to get into another tit for tat back and forth about the politics of this since I have access to the the msm and dnc talking points - I know your responses in advance. What I honestly want to know, and it strikes me every time someone posts or says one of these type things about recent statistics involving trump counties versus biden counties, are two separate points about the basis for these stats.
First, there is always a built in assumption that the fatalities are amongst the dumb ass, uneducated trumpers. However, when a county is referred to as a trump county, it only means that they voted for trump. This can be 51 to 49. So, does the bald statement and implications of "trump counties" being the deathbeds of covid ever have a breakdown as to actual voting? No, not that I've been shown. So, of your 25 deaths, 13 could have been biden voters and 12 could have been trump voters even though it's a "trump county", which renders the stat meaningless. Until that information is supplied, it is worthless.
Second, and more important to my consideration, those types of statements always seem to apply to current trends with the political goal of upping the vax stats, but those pesky orangeman supporters refuse and are dying. Has anyone ever put out a such a statistic as to all covid deaths?
I am a firm believer that almost every county, regardless of how they vote, will eventually have a run of covid, be it the original or a variant. If a county is more urban, they are much more likely to have had an early run (and, shockers, they are also much more likely to be biden voters). Unless you fully account for previous infections (which they can't since there is no testing being done for antibodies, particularly asymptomatic or mild cases) and deaths, taking into account natural immunity versus the shot, this type of statistic is again meaningless. There are very few deaths taking place amongst those that have had the vax, had a previous case, and/or get early advanced treatment. The medically resistive to treatment, of all healthcare, are a real problem at this point.
Where is the stat or chart showing the trump counties versus the biden counties compared to overall deaths since the beginning, not just a stat of who are the ones left to contract a case? Or does that not serve the playbook of relentlessly complaining about trump (the irony being that he pushed out the vax and took it himself)?