What a creepy, evil, little Napoleon-omplex, monster this guy has turned out to be. He needs to be on TV like other people need air.
He said over the weekend "if you criticize me, you are criticizing science". Who elected him? (nobody) and made him God? (nobody).
And he is so thin-skinned especially when he is caught lying, and contributing to the cause of the COVID pandemic (Wuhan labs, funding gain of function research). I suppose I'd be defensive, too....that is a lot of blood on his hands.
I don't think anybody outside the current administration, CDC, and WHO listen to or respect him. He lost any credibility long ago, and most people just tune him out.
Wait for the backlash coming next time Brandon pushes some crazy lockdown, vaxxup, or maskup idiotic policy, based on Fraudci's "science".
They'll rightly get another hot steaming pile of GFY served to them. They've already had to basically neuter the vaxx mandates because they know darn well the mandates aren't constitutional at all. Purely illegal.
And no way could they enforce compliance - even trying at all to force compliance would devestate the economy and vital services (health care, police, fire, first responders, supply chain, travel logistics, etc.
That's not changing. And millions in US (and 10's of millions worldwide) are DONE with coerced "compliance".
You love to see it.