
When are people going to stop listening to his ridiculousness. Dude is nothing more than an attention whore.
On the topics of the vaccine driving spread or "leaky" new variants, this is a technical and interesting thread. Trevor Bedford is the Epi and genome expert / computational virologist who was one of the first to nail down the origins in the US and one the MacArthur fellow grant ("genius award") :
I'm just ready for people to understand this isn't going away. It's going to be seasonal. Of course to do that, the media has to report this thing rationally and that doesn't get clicks. The people are going to have to ignore the sensationalism.
Not ignoring it. YES, it would be fascinating if somehow vaxxed/boosted people were more susceptible to catching omicron.
Thank you. It wasn't that hard to acknowledge. Just a really weird anomaly if it holds. Since I've noted the small sample size of the numbers every time, I bet you can guess what my prediction is.
The report says most cases were mild. People not vaccinated are less likely to get tested for something they equate to the flu.
I'm not necessarily disputing this, I just don't understand your assumptions or the basis for this leap. Why? Vaxxed or not, if someone thinks they have a cold or flu, why would they get tested unless there situation is one where they really need to know if their cold or flu is actually covid. And, if that's the case, you'd be getting tested whether your vaxxed or not. It' kind of like how many point out the boneheads who won't get vaxxed against doctors' advice, but as soon as they get sick, they run to the doctor.
I'm just ready for people to understand this isn't going away. It's going to be seasonal. Of course to do that, the media has to report this thing rationally and that doesn't get clicks. The people are going to have to ignore the sensationalism.
The media is trying to rush out and report anything Covid related, most of the time before the information has been studied. This results in a lot of information will later be proven wrong.
Thank you. It wasn't that hard to acknowledge. Just a really weird anomaly if it holds. Since I've noted the small sample size of the numbers every time, I bet you can guess what my prediction is.

I'm not necessarily disputing this, I just don't understand your assumptions or the basis for this leap. Why? Vaxxed or not, if someone thinks they have a cold or flu, why would they get tested unless there situation is one where they really need to know if their cold or flu is actually covid. And, if that's the case, you'd be getting tested whether your vaxxed or not. It' kind of like how many point out the boneheads who won't get vaxxed against doctors' advice, but as soon as they get sick, they run to the doctor.
I can't find the thing I saw which had some numbers, but it was probably a bit of a leap (biased or small sample). It was discussing how contact tracing and community surveillance (which requires testing) was easy in some groups of people and near impossible in some other groups of people.

It was something like the largest unvaccinated groups are republican, white evangelical and young - and young people were less likely to take the time to go to a clinic for a test, the others were vaccine-skeptical and therefore skeptical of the testing (basically they're covid-deniers). And then there are the people that are just too busy or lazy or unconcerned to get vaccinated, so they'd also be too busy or unconcerned to get tested.
The media is trying to rush out and report anything Covid related, most of the time before the information has been studied. This results in a lot of information will later be proven wrong.
It's not just covid stuff. The media has become too obsessed with bringing in money and being first to report on something. Fact checking comes last when it should come first. The problem is most people in society just trust what they see/hear/read as fact without question. It's getting even worse now, because you get confirmation biases in your news feed on the latest social media. Young people don't realize that the only news they will get is what the algorithm gives them. They will read that and their favorite celebrity on twitter and continue to live in a bubble.
There were studies showing the vaccines reduced viral load and viral load is correlated with transmission.
LOL really? Is there a study that indicates correlation equals causation? No. Is there a study that indicates that any study reveals all possibilities? No. Is there a study that indicates confirmation bias correlates to most of your posts? Yes, and it's ongoing.
LOL really? Is there a study that indicates correlation equals causation? No. Is there a study that indicates that any study reveals all possibilities? No. Is there a study that indicates confirmation bias correlates to most of your posts? Yes, and it's ongoing.
Seriously? You are casting doubt on the notion that increased viral load would mean more transmission of an airborne virus?
Yes, yes he is…
LOL please never go away, so that I can rest easy knowing that I'll never be the dumbest m'fvcker on this board.

blazers reference to a study or studies, which tellingly then became just a 'notion', doesn't tell the whole story of infection JUST AS I ignorant, illiterate country clod.

from the link...

"Does a Higher Viral Load for COVID-19 Make You More Contagious?​

Doctors aren’t sure. Some studies seem to show that it does, but others seem to show less of an effect."

And in reality, I wasn't even questioning that possibility, I was merely pointing out that the study blazers referred to wasn't some clear-cut, end-of-story rundown of Covid transmission. His response was a typical end-around to my post, and you predictably are stupid enough to applaud it.

Have someone read to you the article I linked. Then have them explain to you what you just heard. Or don't bother, since it's a waste of time trying to penetrate your thick skull.
A few posters here scoffed at the idea of trump politicizing and meddling with pub health and pandemic response...
A few posters here scoffed at the idea of trump politicizing and meddling with pub health and pandemic response...
I doubt anyone here claims Trump didn't put his imprint on the Covid response, any less than Biden is doing the same. In terms of politicking, there's more reason to believe Biden is acting politically in his Covid management than there is to claim that Trump did. But thanks anyway for posting this report from the House Select Subcommittee on Churning Up Some More Bullshit on Donald Trump for Political Purposes. It had been almost ten minutes since the last time the left trashed Trump.
I doubt anyone here claims Trump didn't put his imprint on the Covid response, any less than Biden is doing the same. In terms of politicking, there's more reason to believe Biden is acting politically in his Covid management than there is to claim that Trump did. But thanks anyway for posting this report from the House Select Subcommittee on Churning Up Some More Bullshit on Donald Trump for Political Purposes. It had been almost ten minutes since the last time the left trashed Trump.
You, and people lIke you, are the reason people call you people stupid.
You, and people lIke you, are the reason people call you people stupid.
you, and people like you, have never had an original thought. You have not once offered anything of substance, or anything not a regurgitation of someone else's opinion or idea. People like you can call me stupid all they care to, and I rest easy knowing that those never be able to explain why they believe that to be true. Because you're just voicing someone else's notion. You're not capable of having one of your own.
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you, and people like you, have never had an original thought. You have not once offered anything of substance, or anything not a regurgitation of someone else's opinion or idea. People like you can call me stupid all they care to, and I rest easy knowing that those never be able to explain why they believe that to be true. Because you're just voicing someone else's notion. You're not capable of having one of your own.
Happy Holidays!
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Do you people ever quit? 2024 looming much? Scared the orange man will come back to haunt you again?
No, not until the GOP becomes it's own party rather than the party of Trump. They're as obsessed as any dem with TDS. "Trump supporters" are being pushed in primaries simply for kissing his ring the most. GOP is paying Trump's legal bills.

2024 is looming and yes, i'm scared the orange man will come back to F up even more stuff.
No, not until the GOP becomes it's own party rather than the party of Trump. They're as obsessed as any dem with TDS. "Trump supporters" are being pushed in primaries simply for kissing his ring the most. GOP is paying Trump's legal bills.

2024 is looming and yes, i'm scared the orange man will come back to F up even more stuff.
Just think of all the stats, Twitter quotes, and handwringing you get to do it he comes back.

Remove orange man from your last line and add sleepy Joe and you see how the real world feels
No, not until the GOP becomes it's own party rather than the party of Trump. They're as obsessed as any dem with TDS. "Trump supporters" are being pushed in primaries simply for kissing his ring the most. GOP is paying Trump's legal bills.

2024 is looming and yes, i'm scared the orange man will come back to F up even more stuff.
And there it is. Admitting the obsession and addiction is the first step in getting help. You're on your way and we wish you luck on your journey. Now, the next big step will be to see beyond the orange haze and look at the reality of the policies behind the personalities. Not everything trumpie did was bad just because he was the one that did it. Or, to put it from your normal perspective, not everything Joe does is good just because Joe does it. You might try looking at issues rather than party or media talking points.
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And there it is. Admitting the obsession and addiction is the first step in getting help. You're on your way and we wish you luck on your journey. Now, the next big step will be to see beyond the orange haze and look at the reality of the policies behind the personalities. Not everything trumpie did was bad just because he was the one that did it. Or, to put it from your normal perspective, not everything Joe does is good just because Joe does it. You might try looking at issues rather than party or media talking points.
Who said anything about personality? Just look at legislation or politifical outcomes under Trump and look at his hires and advisors.
No, not until the GOP becomes it's own party rather than the party of Trump. They're as obsessed as any dem with TDS. "Trump supporters" are being pushed in primaries simply for kissing his ring the most. GOP is paying Trump's legal bills.

2024 is looming and yes, i'm scared the orange man will come back to F up even more stuff.
Thank you for admitting it. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you say that. I hope it consumes you and ruins your holidays.

Merry Christmas.
HA. Like you aren't afraid of Sleepy Joe and Kamala. Read your own posts. And like there aren't a crap-ton of conservative voters also afraid of Trump winning again.
HA. Like you aren't afraid of Sleepy Joe and Kamala. Read your own posts. And like there aren't a crap-ton of conservative voters also afraid of Trump winning again.
With the direction of things, I’m feeling pretty good. You and your dumbass, liberal brethren should be worried. And you are. And that pleases me.

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