
Slipped into the Appropriations bill.

" For the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency declared pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), this Act makes it unlawful under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act for any person, partnership, or corporation to engage in a deceptive act or practice in or affecting commerce associated with the treatment, cure, prevention, mitigation, or diagnosis of COVID–19 or a government benefit related to COVID–19. The Act provides that such a violation shall be treated as a violation of a rule defining an unfair or deceptive act or practice prescribed under Sec. 18(a)(1)(B) of the FTC Act."

So if a doctor thinks optimizing your Vitamin D levels or taking zinc or just telling people to do anything with respect to preventing, mitigating or treating Covid, if Fauci and company didn't like it, the doctor can be penalized and tried, both criminally and civilly, and that is happening.

Under these false laws, no doctor or provider are free to give their honest and best diagnosis and advice and treatment for Covid. They must follow specific advice designed to harm their patients. Fortunately, not everyone obeys the fake law.

So you dismiss real science, the fact the vaccines are causing not just blood clots but very odd ones.

One of the bigwig UK cardiologists in England publicly said no cardiologists there are taking the boosters or jab. I think he was even pro-vax prior to seeing the utter devastation the vaccines are causing.
Is that what it says on his desk and office door... and his degree?

Just keep taking the boosters and in a few years, you won't have to tolerate others spouting conspiracy theories.
who said i was still taking boosters?

i’m taking the hgh and prp therapy to keep me here long time…my biggest worry is the mercury in mackerel.
I'm a proponent of the vaccines, and have gotten vaxed/boosted, but the one thing I find odd is that they're not required to mention potential side effects like every other drug is. The side effect list for the most basic small molecule drugs are a mile long - and yet they don't discuss the side effects on these large molecule vax commercials?
I'm a proponent of the vaccines, and have gotten vaxed/boosted, but the one thing I find odd is that they're not required to mention potential side effects like every other drug is. The side effect list for the most basic small molecule drugs are a mile long - and yet they don't discuss the side effects on these large molecule vax commercials?
Have you ordered your tombstone?
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who said i was still taking boosters?

i’m taking the hgh and prp therapy to keep me here long time…my biggest worry is the mercury in mackerel.
Why are you not taking the boosters that our public health people strongly advise? Are you trying to be a super-spreader and just don't care about other people?
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The Epoch Times

I’ll never understand how mankind survived all those years without vaccines. Remarkable.
Well... they actually didn't survive. There were hundreds of millions of people dying of diseases before medical science created vaccines.

Smallpox, Polio, Influenza, Measles, Mumps, Rubella... and more... millions upon millions of dead people (mankind).

"People died painfully, mostly in infancy or childhood, primarily from diseases such as tuberculosis, pleurisy, typhus, tonsillitis, cholera and dysentery. With a lack of medical understanding of these ailments, a common treatment was bloodletting. The average lifespan at the time was around 35 years."

I'll never understand why hard-headed old people are always so afraid of medical science, especially when their politics are involved.
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Well... they actually didn't survive. There were hundreds of millions of people dying of diseases before medical science created vaccines.

Smallpox, Polio, Influenza, Measles, Mumps, Rubella... and more... millions upon millions of dead people (mankind).

"People died painfully, mostly in infancy or childhood, primarily from diseases such as tuberculosis, pleurisy, typhus, tonsillitis, cholera and dysentery. With a lack of medical understanding of these ailments, a common treatment was bloodletting. The average lifespan at the time was around 35 years."

I'll never understand why hard-headed old people are always so afraid of medical science, especially when their politics are involved.
Well, look in the mirror because you are a huge science denier and show it here all the time.
I tried to get an answer to the question of whether exposure to the virus would lead to a positive test even if one didn't become other words. wouldn't that be a normal immune reaction to confront a bug and then fight it off, and do so successfully if the viral load wasn't too great, such that you would test positive without even knowing that you were invaded? Isn't that what was referred to as being symptomless? The question is, if you're symptomless but test positive, are you counted as being sick? Because our immune systems are exposed to all manner of bugs all the time, and no one is considered sick unless there are symptoms.
The test is checking for elevated antibody levels, so you can certainly test positive and not have any signs or symptoms. It's kind of a moot point, though, because of how tightly the wastewater testing numbers have correlated with human antibody testing.
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The test is checking for elevated antibody levels, so you can certainly test positive and not have any signs or symptoms. It's kind of a moot point, though, because of how tightly the wastewater testing numbers have correlated with human antibody testing.
this doesn't exactly answer my question but thanks, it's helpful anyway.

We've got some serious action going on right now. Outside of a 5 week period last January, we have never had more COVID-19 prevalant in North Carolina (as evidenced by the wastewater levels). What the graph shows is the 21-day average, however the actual numbers over the last 2 weeks have been higher than that giant peak last year.

I've laid out the argument here that the vaccinations and boosters have had no effect. That means that avoiding large groups of people and wearing an effective mask correctly are all that we have individually to protect ourselves.

I've heard countless times "studies show masks don't work". Well, the studies don't show that at all. They show that mandatory mask policies did not work. Masks absolutely work, and have for us in medical fields for over a century. Here are the keys:
  • A mask must filter well. N95s are very good. Examination masks are OK, but not nearly as good. Cloth masks are poor. The virus is under a micron in size. Wearing a cloth mask is like trying to keep mosquitoes out with a chain link fence.
  • All of the masks are poor when you saturate them by wearing them for more than an hour; that's it.
  • A mask must have a good perimeter seal. If you don't have the mask over your nose and have big gaps around your cheeks, inhalations will just pull any floating virus right in around the edge of the mask.
  • Inside/Outside surfaces of the masks matter. Pay attention!
  • Proper donning of the mask means adaptation of the nosepiece, then applying the straps to the ears or head. Touching the mask with non-clean hands puts you at risk.
  • Removing a mask, setting it down on a non-clean surface, and rewearing the mask puts you at high risk.
  • Pulling your mask down below your chin picks up whatever organisms are on your skin under your chin, and brings it to your airway when you put the mask on. Stop touching your masks!!
In populations where mask mandates occurred, any violation of those masking principles destroyed the mandate's goal. That doesn't mean that masks are ineffective for individuals, however.

I'm as sick of this as anyone, but I'm back to wearing masks when encountering people in public places. grr. Stay safe!
this doesn't exactly answer my question but thanks, it's helpful anyway.
I reread your post, and (correct me if I'm wrong) it seems like your point is that if more people are exposed to the virus ("sick" or not), and elevate their immune systems to the virus, then ultimately that helps. I think the elephant in the room is the quick mutation rate of coronaviruses. We've had a lot of exposure and sickness in this country, but whatever immunity we have built up is obsolete because we now have BQ.1.1 as over half of the test samples. Whatever our bodies learned from BA.1, Delta, vaccinations, etc is irrelevant. This is why we've never made a vaccine that works agains a coronavirus.
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I reread your post, and (correct me if I'm wrong) it seems like your point is that if more people are exposed to the virus ("sick" or not), and elevate their immune systems to the virus, then ultimately that helps. I think the elephant in the room is the quick mutation rate of coronaviruses. We've had a lot of exposure and sickness in this country, but whatever immunity we have built up is obsolete because we now have BQ.1.1 as over half of the test samples. Whatever our bodies learned from BA.1, Delta, vaccinations, etc is irrelevant. This is why we've never made a vaccine that works agains a coronavirus.
actually, I haven't been trying to make a point although I do believe that that is a point to be made. What I'm after is this. We are continually exposed to all manner of pathogens, and more often than not, our immune system nips any potential infection in the bud before what we would normally call sickness results. The immune system reacts to the point of inducing symptoms mostly when it is initially overwhelmed by numbers of bad actors.

But I'm talking about numbers that are below any symptom-inducing threshold, but enough to initiate an immune response that we don't notice. When that happens, I imagine that we would test positive for antibodies to a particular pathogen that we have been exposed to. It's just the immune system doing its job, and a pos. test for antibodies does NOT mean we contracted an illness. This at least is my understanding of how diseases occur....or don't.

All I want to know is why there are categories of Covid with symptoms and Covid without symptoms, both categories connoting that a sickness has happened.....when it seems to me that a pos. test for Covid where no symptoms are present or where none have been present, isn't treated as simple casual exposure just as I assume it might be with any other pathogen.

Can you not test positive for Covid where no sickness has officially occurred? Maybe it's the medical definition of 'sickness' or 'disease' that I'm after.

Disclaimer: I don't really know what I'm talking about but I can understand whatever explanation can be provided.
Trump lost the election, in large part, because of Covid-19. So, literally everything associated with Covid-19 is based off of that variable before everything else. The more you love DJT, the more skeptical you are about anything and everything regarding Covid and vaccines, etc..
not 100% true ... i cant stand the prick but i'm entirely skeptical of all things covid / vaxx, etc. personally know dozens of people in this same boat.
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not 100% true ... i cant stand the prick but i'm entirely skeptical of all things covid / vaxx, etc. personally know dozens of people in this same boat.
Congratulations. And, who did you vote for in the last two elections? Clinton and Biden, right?

Lots of Republicans "can't stand the prick", but they support him all the same. And, they especially hate it when any Republican loses to any Democrat. And, Covid is a culprit in their minds.

We've got some serious action going on right now. Outside of a 5 week period last January, we have never had more COVID-19 prevalant in North Carolina (as evidenced by the wastewater levels). What the graph shows is the 21-day average, however the actual numbers over the last 2 weeks have been higher than that giant peak last year.

I've laid out the argument here that the vaccinations and boosters have had no effect. That means that avoiding large groups of people and wearing an effective mask correctly are all that we have individually to protect ourselves.

I've heard countless times "studies show masks don't work". Well, the studies don't show that at all. They show that mandatory mask policies did not work. Masks absolutely work, and have for us in medical fields for over a century. Here are the keys:
  • A mask must filter well. N95s are very good. Examination masks are OK, but not nearly as good. Cloth masks are poor. The virus is under a micron in size. Wearing a cloth mask is like trying to keep mosquitoes out with a chain link fence.
  • All of the masks are poor when you saturate them by wearing them for more than an hour; that's it.
  • A mask must have a good perimeter seal. If you don't have the mask over your nose and have big gaps around your cheeks, inhalations will just pull any floating virus right in around the edge of the mask.
  • Inside/Outside surfaces of the masks matter. Pay attention!
  • Proper donning of the mask means adaptation of the nosepiece, then applying the straps to the ears or head. Touching the mask with non-clean hands puts you at risk.
  • Removing a mask, setting it down on a non-clean surface, and rewearing the mask puts you at high risk.
  • Pulling your mask down below your chin picks up whatever organisms are on your skin under your chin, and brings it to your airway when you put the mask on. Stop touching your masks!!
In populations where mask mandates occurred, any violation of those masking principles destroyed the mandate's goal. That doesn't mean that masks are ineffective for individuals, however.

I'm as sick of this as anyone, but I'm back to wearing masks when encountering people in public places. grr. Stay safe!
Um, so you change the mask every hour? Always have a good perimeter seal? If the conditions you lay out determine whether a mask works or not, then we pretty much can say they do not work as people are not going to go around with dozens of N95 masks and change them out every hour.

The simple solution is to just treat Covid and do so early when someone is affected. Early treatment is required, which is why the CDC and Fauci did everything they could to stop all and any early treatments.

The gene therapy shots weaken the immune system and may then prevent herd immunity because so many lemmings took the shot or people were forced to.
I reread your post, and (correct me if I'm wrong) it seems like your point is that if more people are exposed to the virus ("sick" or not), and elevate their immune systems to the virus, then ultimately that helps. I think the elephant in the room is the quick mutation rate of coronaviruses. We've had a lot of exposure and sickness in this country, but whatever immunity we have built up is obsolete because we now have BQ.1.1 as over half of the test samples. Whatever our bodies learned from BA.1, Delta, vaccinations, etc is irrelevant. This is why we've never made a vaccine that works agains a coronavirus.
" This is why we've never made a vaccine that works agains a coronavirus."

Yep, and that explains the push for the vaccine in part. The jabs are not designed to work.
Um, so you change the mask every hour? Always have a good perimeter seal? If the conditions you lay out determine whether a mask works or not, then we pretty much can say they do not work as people are not going to go around with dozens of N95 masks and change them out every hour.

The simple solution is to just treat Covid and do so early when someone is affected. Early treatment is required, which is why the CDC and Fauci did everything they could to stop all and any early treatments.

The gene therapy shots weaken the immune system and may then prevent herd immunity because so many lemmings took the shot or people were forced to.
Yes. In our OSHA training we have been taught over the last 30 years to change our mask after ever hour of use.
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actually, I haven't been trying to make a point although I do believe that that is a point to be made. What I'm after is this. We are continually exposed to all manner of pathogens, and more often than not, our immune system nips any potential infection in the bud before what we would normally call sickness results. The immune system reacts to the point of inducing symptoms mostly when it is initially overwhelmed by numbers of bad actors.

But I'm talking about numbers that are below any symptom-inducing threshold, but enough to initiate an immune response that we don't notice. When that happens, I imagine that we would test positive for antibodies to a particular pathogen that we have been exposed to. It's just the immune system doing its job, and a pos. test for antibodies does NOT mean we contracted an illness. This at least is my understanding of how diseases occur....or don't.

All I want to know is why there are categories of Covid with symptoms and Covid without symptoms, both categories connoting that a sickness has happened.....when it seems to me that a pos. test for Covid where no symptoms are present or where none have been present, isn't treated as simple casual exposure just as I assume it might be with any other pathogen.

Can you not test positive for Covid where no sickness has officially occurred? Maybe it's the medical definition of 'sickness' or 'disease' that I'm after.

Disclaimer: I don't really know what I'm talking about but I can understand whatever explanation can be provided.
I think you are right on. You can test positive with no sense of “sickness”, but you are still an incubator and contagious even though it is a “subclinical infection”.
“I kept 3900 patients out of the hospital with Ivermectin. It’s the safest medication I have ever prescribed.”

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I think you are right on. You can test positive with no sense of “sickness”, but you are still an incubator and contagious even though it is a “subclinical infection”.
we're getting closer, thanks. I'm really talking as much or more about a pos. test after the contagious stage. And if there is a category called subclinical infection (so perfectly descriptive), why haven't the statistics reflected that (or have I been missing something?) ? Is that what it's called when you have no idea that you do have or have had the Covid bug?

Sorry for all the dumb questions and thanks for indulging me.
we're getting closer, thanks. I'm really talking as much or more about a pos. test after the contagious stage. And if there is a category called subclinical infection (so perfectly descriptive), why haven't the statistics reflected that (or have I been missing something?) ? Is that what it's called when you have no idea that you do have or have had the Covid bug?

Sorry for all the dumb questions and thanks for indulging me.
Yes. I think all communicable diseases are tallied this way (positive tests, hospitalizations, and deaths). This is where that wastewater stat is interesting. It’s not sensitive to people’s willingness/ability to test. But that’s why the graph is interesting; the amount of subclinical and clinical sicknesses are all picked up…yet it’s still been almost exactly the same statistical behavior as testing results.

I think tests after contagious stage are really misleading to the general number. I think that’s why they also tally “new infections” and “cases”.
Yes. I think all communicable diseases are tallied this way (positive tests, hospitalizations, and deaths). This is where that wastewater stat is interesting. It’s not sensitive to people’s willingness/ability to test. But that’s why the graph is interesting; the amount of subclinical and clinical sicknesses are all picked up…yet it’s still been almost exactly the same statistical behavior as testing results.

I think tests after contagious stage are really misleading to the general number. I think that’s why they also tally “new infections” and “cases”.

" I think tests after contagious stage are really misleading to the general number."

I'm getting nowhere. Is it the way I'm asking the question? In what way, and why, are tests after the contagious stage misleading? How are they accounted for is what I'm after. Are those positive tests not resulting in hospitalizations and deaths, and particularly those after the contagious stage, tallied as 'sickness'? And please understand, how anything that correlates to wastewater results, as interesting as that is, has little to do with what I want to know.

How is a positive test after contagion, and after having no symptoms presented, counted? Is any positive test considered to be indicative of actual sickness (or infection) having occurred?

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