
sure, but he’s not following city or county recommended regs which puts others at risk...then the people there get back to campus, drive the numbers up, which pushes back any sense of normalcy returning for the responsible ones.

but hey, it’s all about the moment.
LOL, you say 'sure' about the answer to your own question? If you were sure of the answer, why'd you have to ask?

If they had set up adequate funding (with some public accountability) to go to businesses that were forced to close, then people wouldn't have broken the rules out of desperation. They could have made a stipulation that any businesses caught violating the public health mandates would lose their loan/rent forgiveness, etc., and pretty much everybody would have followed the rules.

great point. In fact, I don't see why they didn't build every individual his/her own isolation house pre-wired to provide work-from-home capability, and a closet stuffed with thousand dollar bills for just-in-case kind of shit. Swimming pool included. Nothing extravagant though, after all there is a limit.
LOL, you say 'sure' about the answer to your own question? If you were sure of the answer, why'd you have to ask?

great point. In fact, I don't see why they didn't build every individual his/her own isolation house pre-wired to provide work-from-home capability, and a closet stuffed with thousand dollar bills for just-in-case kind of shit. Swimming pool included. Nothing extravagant though, after all there is a limit.
That's not "trying too hard", either, right?

It's like everything you contribute fell out of a book titled "Trying Too Hard."
If I see 'pneumonia was a contributing factor in a covid death', my belief is that pneumonia existed or was contracted independently of covid and contributed to the death in that respect.
You should ask a medical examiner for clarification.
Or ask the cdc mortality stats guy:
"Acute conditions that occurred as a result of covid-19"

"Really old news"? The data came out last week - I didn't see it poasted here.

Had we seen elsewhere, from a credible source, that only 6% of the deaths were from people that didn't have co-morbidities? I know there was a poaster on here trying to tell everyone that 105% of the country had co-morbidities, but in reality there are a lot of people that should rest easier with this information.
Even moderate sites point out your reasoning around that link as debunked and old news.

"He said experts have long said that underlying conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure are risk factors for having a more severe case of coronavirus, so "that's not anything surprising" that conditions like that were listed as present in many coronavirus deaths."
"I'm not sure why this is even a story other than people are trying to minimize what is a serious infectious disease," Adalja added.

Chinese spies attempt to hack UNC research on COVID-19
Even moderate sites point out your reasoning around that link as debunked and old news.

"He said experts have long said that underlying conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure are risk factors for having a more severe case of coronavirus, so "that's not anything surprising" that conditions like that were listed as present in many coronavirus deaths."
"I'm not sure why this is even a story other than people are trying to minimize what is a serious infectious disease," Adalja added.

Well, now it's old news since you waited a week to respond.

And I'm not saying the deaths are 10K instead of 180K as that article is stating. I'm just pointing out that the virus, ON AVERAGE, isn't as deadly for a person without other health conditions as once thought.
You should ask a medical examiner for clarification.
Or ask the cdc mortality stats guy:
"Acute conditions that occurred as a result of covid-19"

what's your point in me reading this? Nothing in it contradicts anything I said. As your article states, and accordingly verifies what I also stipulate, a condition arising from covid is still considered a covid condition and if it results in death, it is considered a covid death.

A condition that exists independently of covid but which contributes to death is what I believe to properly be considered a contributing factor,
and I gave examples of why that is so.

You apparently overlooked the sentence of mine before the one you conveniently responded to out of context. It says...

"I don't know how these stats are actually considered and compiled, and I really don't give a shit, but somebody is misusing the concept of a 'contributing factor'. "

Nothing you provided here alters my belief or changes what I claim to be true.

EDIT to add; I can almost guarantee that if one asked a number of medical examiners, many would agree with me.
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That's not "trying too hard", either, right?

It's like everything you contribute fell out of a book titled "Trying Too Hard."
I guess I got under your skin pointing out that you try too hard. Wish I could take it back but that would be dishonest of me. Next I'm going to have to point out how unoriginal your retorts are.

As to this post of yours, of course I'm trying hard in this instance that you weren't smart enough to keep your nose out of....I happen to have a bit of a jabfest going with prlyles (my favorite commie) and my response to him is entirely appropriate in that context. I suggest you either mind your own business or just be smarter, preferably the latter.
I guess I got under your skin pointing out that you try too hard. Wish I could take it back but that would be dishonest of me. Next I'm going to have to point out how unoriginal your retorts are.

As to this post of yours, of course I'm trying hard in this instance that you weren't smart enough to keep your nose out of....I happen to have a bit of a jabfest going with prlyles (my favorite commie) and my response to him is entirely appropriate in that context. I suggest you either mind your own business or just be smarter, preferably the latter.

So I'm Trump wrong? Is it not easily transmissible? It's funny because we've been hearing his base say that very thing but it appears Trump disagrees.

It can't be that Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and will tell his base things that could harm their lives just so he keeps their vote. Could it?
1. We should all have n95. Any gov official who wanted an economy to be open w fewer scared and sick people should have jumped on mask production back in late Jan.

2. That post is false, even facebook is halting the repeat of that orig info, please stop spreading misinfo:

How many times do we have to explain that the point of masks is not to filter out the virus? It’s job is to stop you from spreading water particles that can carry the virus and infect other people. You wear a mask to protect others because it's the decent thing to do.
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How many times do we have to explain that the point of masks is not to filter out the virus? It’s job is to stop you from spreading water particles that can carry the virus and infect other people. You wear a mask to protect others because it's the decent thing to do.

This simple explanation is far too complex for the average American.
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How many times do we have to explain that the point of masks is not to filter out the virus? It’s job is to stop you from spreading water particles that can carry the virus and infect other people. You wear a mask to protect others because it's the decent thing to do.
Well, you just said the mask won’t filter out the virus. So your telling that a mask works outbound but not inbound. That makes sense.
Well, you just said the mask won’t filter out the virus. So your telling that a mask works outbound but not inbound. That makes sense.

It catches water particles that can carry the virus if you are infected. If you're not wearing a mask then those spread all over the place when you breathe and increase the risk of you spreading the virus.


One category of evidence comes from laboratory studies of respiratory droplets and the ability of various masks to block them. An experiment using high-speed video found that hundreds of droplets ranging from 20 to 500 micrometers were generated when saying a simple phrase, but that nearly all these droplets were blocked when the mouth was covered by a damp washcloth. Another study of people who had influenza or the common cold found that wearing a surgical mask significantly reduced the amount of these respiratory viruses emitted in droplets and aerosols.”
How many times do we have to explain that the point of masks is not to filter out the virus? It’s job is to stop you from spreading water particles that can carry the virus and infect other people. You wear a mask to protect others because it's the decent thing to do.

How many times do some of us have to explain that we don’t give any f*cks what you consider to be “the decent thing to do”?
It catches water particles that can carry the virus if you are infected. If you're not wearing a mask then those spread all over the place when you breathe and increase the risk of you spreading the virus.


One category of evidence comes from laboratory studies of respiratory droplets and the ability of various masks to block them. An experiment using high-speed video found that hundreds of droplets ranging from 20 to 500 micrometers were generated when saying a simple phrase, but that nearly all these droplets were blocked when the mouth was covered by a damp washcloth. Another study of people who had influenza or the common cold found that wearing a surgical mask significantly reduced the amount of these respiratory viruses emitted in droplets and aerosols.”
...well then it should stop incoming droplets just as effectively? Hmmm?
...well then it should stop incoming droplets just as effectively? Hmmm?

It would catch them and they would be on the outside of your mask...

Or the could get all over your clothes, or in your eyes. Then they go home with you. All because some asshole refused to wear a mask.
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You mean herd immunity. And I agree. That’s the approach we should have taken.
but he's right, herd mentality is the route we did take, and it's the route we always take. Because we aren't a village as the kumbaya-ers like to assert, we are a herd. And if you dare to stand outside the herd, you'll get roped back in or made into hamburger if you resist. Independence of mind or action is not well tolerated by the herd.
How many times do some of us have to explain that we don’t give any f*cks what you consider to be “the decent thing to do”?

I think it's funny that you wear that as a badge of honor. It's probably just tough guy internet message board talk but if you actually celebrate being that much of a narcissistic selfish asshole in your real life then that's lame. In talking with you on other topics, I don't think you actually are and that you just play that on TV here at OOTB.
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I think it's funny that you wear that as a badge of honor. It's probably just tough guy internet message board talk but if you actually celebrate being that much of a narcissistic selfish asshole in your real life then that's lame. In talking with you on other topics, I don't think you actually are and that you just play that on TV here at OOTB.

You know, it's funny. I used to care far more about other people. I've spent my entire professional career in helping professions. 25 years of consideration for others. I've sacrificed repeatedly for others or for "the common good". But things have changed. The times have changed me. I've noticed that others don't give a shit about what I consider "decent". Why should I?

It's a dog eat dog world. I'm now out for me and mine.
but he's right, herd mentality is the route we did take, and it's the route we always take. Because we aren't a village as the kumbaya-ers like to assert, we are a herd. And if you dare to stand outside the herd, you'll get roped back in or made into hamburger if you resist. Independence of mind or action is not well tolerated by the herd.
Well... we've evolved as a species. But, some of us resist. Your last sentence, and Trump's verbal gaffe of "herd mentality" regarding Covid, just helps to reveal the true cult identity.
Well... we've evolved as a species. But, some of us resist. Your last sentence, and Trump's verbal gaffe of "herd mentality" regarding Covid, just helps to reveal the true cult identity.
maybe it wasn't a gaffe, but instead a gaff that he snagged you with. Yep, I bet that's it. I do know know you're susceptible, har har...