
you Covid fear mongers have done a terrible wrong to our fellow man.

I can't believe what I just saw. And the worst part was that dude ran up on them like he was going to physically separate them if they refused. And someone paid for that? I know how I would be feeling if I had just lost someone important to me. And that dude would regret coming at me with that shit with me in that state of mind.

My aunt died in May. Her family didn't get to celebrate her life. Protest still happened. But my family never got to say their goodbyes. George Floyd had thousands attend his funeral. Everyone gathered for RBG. But my aunt and her family didn't get shit. It befuddles me that some can't see what this is doing to us.
If they all recover and have no lingering effects, is this still a big deal to you?
Depends how many people they spread it to and if the people they spread it to have to be hospitalized, suffer, or have long-term probs. Apparently some staffers were told to silence or hide their positivity, which is pretty negligent.
It almost looks like refusing to wear masks leads to the virus spreading more. But that wouldn't make any sense...

Yeah, of course not.

The CDC study, which surveyed symptomatic COVID-19 patients, has found that 70.6% of respondents reported “always” wearing a mask, while an additional 14.4% say they “often” wear a mask. That means a whopping 85% of infected COVID-19 patients reported habitual mask wearing. Only 3.9% of those infected said they “never” wear a face covering.

You mask people are insane, but at least you fool yourselves into thinking that you have some control.
Correlation isn't causation (as the tweet said) but still:


It sucks, but given how slow it will be to roll out a vaccine, i think you might as well get used to mask mandates being around beyond next summer.
It sucks, but given how slow it will be to roll out a vaccine, i think you might as well get used to mask mandates being around beyond next summer.
A vaccine is coming very soon. We're working on a great vaccine. It will be available really soon.
exactly. I rarely put one on and most people around here feel the same.

I just choose to patronize businesses that don’t require it, of which, there are plenty. I don’t have a problem with any business requiring their shoppers wear one. I can then choose to not patronize that establishment, which is what I do. But I do have a problem with the government (whether federal, state or local) making me adhere to absurd mask requirements that are just for show purposes.
I just choose to patronize businesses that don’t require it, of which, there are plenty. I don’t have a problem with any business requiring their shoppers wear one. I can then choose to not patronize that establishment, which is what I do. But I do have a problem with the government (whether federal, state or local) making me adhere to absurd mask requirements that are just for show purposes.

Same, but some places, like your MD or DDS, aren't going to let you avoid it. My local post office doesn't care but the DMV damn sure does. You get the drift.

Masks are the solution for failed political policies, because masks give the politicians and their mind-numbed supporters a way to blame YOU if you get the Kungflu.
I just choose to patronize businesses that don’t require it, of which, there are plenty. I don’t have a problem with any business requiring their shoppers wear one. I can then choose to not patronize that establishment, which is what I do. But I do have a problem with the government (whether federal, state or local) making me adhere to absurd mask requirements that are just for show purposes.

Masks are the solution for failed political policies, because masks give the politicians and their mind-numbed supporters a way to blame YOU if you get the Kungflu.
Accept in Germany, China, Japan, etc, etc where life is mostly normal in part because of masks among a few other things that aid in reduction.
Accept in Germany, China, Japan, etc, etc where life is mostly normal in part because of masks among a few other things that aid in reduction.

I thought you posted something earlier ITT about correlation and causation?

Masks are irrelevant in preventing the Rona. You can wear one if you want though- I certainly won't stop you.
I just choose to patronize businesses that don’t require it, of which, there are plenty. I don’t have a problem with any business requiring their shoppers wear one. I can then choose to not patronize that establishment, which is what I do. But I do have a problem with the government (whether federal, state or local) making me adhere to absurd mask requirements that are just for show purposes.

There are plenty down there?

Up here - none. Like zero that allow you to not wear a mask when you go in their business.

VA has 300 new cases per day on average more than NJ over the past week despite having basically the same population. I know you think that means nothing but hey, facts are a bitch.
There are plenty down there?

Up here - none. Like zero that allow you to not wear a mask when you go in their business.

VA has 300 new cases per day on average more than NJ over the past week despite having basically the same population. I know you think that means nothing but hey, facts are a bitch.

I understand. The way I see it is businesses have the right to decide if they want to require masks or not. If you're scared of potentially contracting the virus, it looks like you should patronize businesses that require masks. If you're like me and don't care and feel like the sooner I get it and get over it, the better, then I'm free to patronize businesses that don't require them. If you are worried that you - as a mask wearer - will come into contact with me - a non-wearer - then it is on you to modify your behavior to ensure your own safety. If that means you going and doing less, then that's a decision that you make.
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There are plenty down there?

Up here - none. Like zero that allow you to not wear a mask when you go in their business.

VA has 300 new cases per day on average more than NJ over the past week despite having basically the same population. I know you think that means nothing but hey, facts are a bitch.

In NC, I haven't put a mask on in a long time. Maybe since 9/14, which is when I went to the MD. No one cares.

Ackshually, I take that back- we went to dinner in Chapel Hill that weekend and I had to wear one to walk 5' to the table. Fortunately when I sat down I was below KungFlu operating altitude, so I was completely safe.
I understand. The way I see it is businesses have the right to decide if they want to require masks or not. If you're scared of potentially contracting the virus, it looks like you should patronize businesses that require masks. If you're like me and don't care and feel like the sooner I get it and get over it, the better, then I'm free to patronize businesses that don't require them. If you are worried that you - as a mask wearer - will come into contact with me - a non-wearer - then it is on you to modify your behavior to ensure your own safety. If that means you going and doing less, then that's a decision that you make.

I don't disagree with you.

I was just more surprised that there are that many options for you to go without a mask on inside. Up here - you literally wouldn't be able to get food, coffee in the morning, clothes, etc. etc.
In NC, I haven't put a mask on in a long time. Maybe since 9/14, which is when I went to the MD. No one cares.

Ackshually, I take that back- we went to dinner in Chapel Hill that weekend and I had to wear one to walk 5' to the table. Fortunately when I sat down I was below KungFlu operating altitude, so I was completely safe.
What grocery store allows no mask in NC?
I don't disagree with you.

I was just more surprised that there are that many options for you to go without a mask on inside. Up here - you literally wouldn't be able to get food, coffee in the morning, clothes, etc. etc.

I understand. In fact, when I went to Folly Beach, SC this summer (beginning of August), you couldn't go in anywhere without a mask. I was surprised by that because I know the culture of that area and the mask mandate seemed out of place. So what did I do? Not go in anywhere. Places lost my business. I'm not mad at them. But they shouldn't be mad at me either.
I thought you posted something earlier ITT about correlation and causation?
You can ignore the control of the virus in Germany or other countries because they haven't scientifically proven the causation, OR just do what they're doing cause it works and you want your economy back.

Masks prevent the escape of larger droplets so those droplets don't evaporate, becoming smaller particles borne by air.
Furthermore, the whole "mask vs no mask" thing has probably helped some locally owned businesses. For example, there's a little mom and pop butcher shop and grocery here in town that I used to go to only for cut meat. But now I buy almost all my shit there because they don't require masks. So, I imagine they've seen their business boom.

On the other hand, this is hurting many businesses. I was asked to support "black owned" businesses in May, June, etc. That was the big push. And I would have been happy to do so. But they require I wear a mask. So I have not yet had a chance to do so. I wonder if they'll make it long enough for me to support them without wearing a mask.
Furthermore, the whole "mask vs no mask" thing has probably helped some locally owned businesses. For example, there's a little mom and pop butcher shop and grocery here in town that I used to go to only for cut meat. But now I buy almost all my shit there because they don't require masks. So, I imagine they've seen their business boom.
This works in some places, but not others. Some places have lost business because the aren't requiring masks for workers or patrons.
If you are worried that you - as a mask wearer - will come into contact with me - a non-wearer - then it is on you to modify your behavior to ensure your own safety. If that means you going and doing less, then that's a decision that you make.
So, to take this to its logical end, If I am worried that you driving drunk might kill me and my family I should just stay off the road because no one should be able to tell you what to do and you want to drive drunk?
So, to take this to its logical end, If I am worried that you driving drunk might kill me and my family I should just stay off the road because no one should be able to tell you what to do and you want to drive drunk?


Or be content with the risk inherent to living.
So, to take this to its logical end, you don't believe we should have laws against driving drunk, correct?

That's not at all what I said. And please stop using "to take this to its logical end" because the leaps you are making are not in any way, "logical".
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To take this to its logical end, I assume you support people in ski masks being able to board planes and vote without revealing their identity.
Good non-answer. Example 1, I don’t want to wear a mask to protect other people from me. Example 2, I don’t want to be made to drive sober to protect other people from me.

Lets just drop this, have a good rest of the day.

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