Culture Comparisons.....


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2004

I thought this Adam Lucas article came out at the perfect time. We either sale our soul out to the OAD culture or we continue doing things the Carolina Family way! Dook and Kantucky can continue getting the OAD's but they will NEVER EVER have the Family Culture that Carolina has.....and NOTHING they can do will EVER change that.....and that my friends is the thing that pisses them off more then anything! Hearing Zion mention the "Brotherhood" tonight was laughable.....Dook has NO CLUE what true BROTHERHOOD is and NEVER will. UNC is the only College Basketball program that has that Family, Tradition, Brotherhood Culture and it is frankly to late for anyone to truly emulate that although some are doing a good job of trying. While Zion would have been a good get, Carolina should not trade it's Values and Culture for any one player!! It is a Damn Good Day to be a Tar Heel!
Great post and great article.

The Carolina Family is not just something players, coaches, and us fans say, it is something that is living and breathing, it is a way of life, and that's why it goes hand in hand with Carolina Way. Our players and coaches all believe in it, have it in their hearts and minds and ever fiber of their body acts in accordance to it. They represent it because that is what was instilled in them once they got here, was strengthened as they were here and stayed with them for the rest of their lives no matter what they did. There is a reason that former players love to come back to Carolina for pickup in the summer, to see games, to take a walk on Franklin Street and talk to fans and sign autographs, it is because it is a part of who they are and it is something that they pride themselves on being a part of. It's the reason we as fans love Carolina Basketball because we too have been able to become a part of it, we have seen these players go through ups and downs as they have grown and developed and through it all we stuck with them and cried with them and cheered for them because it is what we believe in and what we love. I love this line: "It doesn't matter when you played for Carolina, or who your teammates were, or who was your head coach. All that matters is that you are a Tar Heel, and everything else is secondary." You know what makes this Family even more special is that it takes the bond that they share from playing a great game, the game of basketball and uses that as a way to form relationships outside of it, as something that they can have even if they never even played together or met each other, it's a connection unlike no other. It is the reason that Tyler Hansbrough can bend down at the free throw line in his rookie year in the NBA and be met by a Hey, hows everything going by Vince Carter, it is why Jalek Felton can text Kendall Marshall after a game to talk about the Carolina offense and what he went through when trying to learn it himself and how Huffman can work on his post moves with Sheed in the offseason before even playing a game in the Smith Center. It's because this is a Family it's not just something that you once were were a member of, it's something that you always are a part of, Once a Tar Heel always a Tar Heel. The Carolina Way is able to use basketball in the best way possible by impacting each person in a way that lasts a lifetime because it really has, the same values today that Coach Williams and his players hold were the ones that have been passed down from Coach Smith. They all walked around on the same campus, ate at the same places, wore those same Carolina Blue jerseys with that argyle, sweated on that same hardwood floor and ran that Carolina mile because they at the end of the day they all were North Carolina Basketball players.

And that's what brings us all together because each of us truly believes in the Carolina Way and the values of family and integrity that it holds, we have seen our guys exhibit these characteristics that our coaches have instilled in them throughout the years leading us to realize how unique it is and how special it is that it continues to be a great part of what Carolina Basketball represents. It is a Family, It is a Tradition, It is a Way of Life, It is how Carolina Basketball is and always has been. It is what makes us who we are as fans and what Carolina Basketball is, A FAMILY.
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Let's be real. I hate Dook and K as much as I possibly can as a rival of my favorite team. I do not for one minute though believe they have "sold out" or are doing anything shady in successfully landing these guys. I hate K but give the man his due. We would be elated if Zion put on a Tar Heel cap last night instead of a dook csp.
Love this post, exactly why i have rooted for these Heels for 35 years. Hope they never change.
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I thought this Adam Lucas article came out at the perfect time. We either sale our soul out to the OAD culture or we continue doing things the Carolina Family way! Dook and Kantucky can continue getting the OAD's but they will NEVER EVER have the Family Culture that Carolina has.....and NOTHING they can do will EVER change that.....and that my friends is the thing that pisses them off more then anything! Hearing Zion mention the "Brotherhood" tonight was laughable.....Dook has NO CLUE what true BROTHERHOOD is and NEVER will. UNC is the only College Basketball program that has that Family, Tradition, Brotherhood Culture and it is frankly to late for anyone to truly emulate that although some are doing a good job of trying. While Zion would have been a good get, Carolina should not trade it's Values and Culture for any one player!! It is a Damn Good Day to be a Tar Heel!
Spot on, That "brotherhood" crap is so transparently phony, and an obvious attempt by k (capel) to create a pretend-world of somebody actually giving a shit about their players when they're not playing (or, um, starting) at dook. It's also a pathetic attempt to counter the very real Carolina Family. Justin's quote sez it all:
"There are a lot of guys in the NBA that might joke about (the Carolina family)," Jackson said. "What I've realized is that it's jealousy. They wish they had that same type of feel. But they don't."


Somewhat different from the "student-athlete" experience they get over there with 8 months playing for the Durham Dookies D-League franchise.