Obama was worse, as evidenced by his handling of the Ferguson case. He had a great opportunity to unify the races once and for all. Instead, he chose to further divide us and neuter our policemen.I also think it's horribly shitty to only defend people who support you when you're President. The best Presidents tried to understand those who dislike them, the worst tried to further that divide. History will see Trump as the latter.
Amen. According to statistics, a cop is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black man than vice versa. This was a bad cop who should and will be prosecuted for manslaughter. He’ll go to prison. Justice done. In all likelihood, he won’t survive long.You can be outraged at both. I know because I am. You can also think the cop was just a terrible cop who used excessive force. You don’t have to think he did it because he hates black people. And you don’t have to think I’m a racist because I don’t necessarily see the race angle here. Why can’t it just be a bad cop killed a guy?
It’s terrible when any, repeat any citizen is wrongly killed by a police officer. Policemen are generally held to a higher standard because of the power they wield and because they’re supposed to uphold our laws. But like any other profession, there are bad people working in it. So hold them accountable, and prosecute them when it’s clear they exceeded their bounds.
But the media has a tendency to paint policemen with a broad, unfavorable brush, much as our last President did. This has widened the divide between policemen and their communities and made a thankless, already difficult job even tougher.
I wish the press would stop vilifying the police in general, and stop stop blowing these incidences out of proportion. That is what leads to the senseless and lawless riotous behavior such as burning and looting, which most adversely affects the lawbreakers’ own neighbors and family members.
When rioters can burn a police station with impunity, it spells the beginning of the end of law and order. MLK would be appalled at the lawlessness.