George Floyd death

this is my favorite, Biden introducing a paraplegic in a wheelchair. The best part is when he says 'Chuck is making everyone else stand up' and he gives the internationally recognized sign not for people standing up but for a dick standing up. The guy is just a buffoon and always has been.

He didn’t go hysterical. I was the one who clapped back lol

We're all just goat banging yankees to him, he can't single us out by person.

says one goatbanger to the other goatbanger, neither of which remembers that dadick13 is the one who responded with a GFY over an insult to a city that wasn't even named. There were a number of wadded up yankee panties that day. Young yankee goatbangers are so damn sensitive
says one goatbanger to the other goatbanger, neither of which remembers that dadick13 is the one who responded with a GFY over an insult to a city that wasn't even named. There were a number of wadded up yankee panties that day. Young yankee goatbangers are so damn sensitive

Chill your tits man, the civil war ended 150 years ago. It’s cool.
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this is my favorite, Biden introducing a paraplegic in a wheelchair. The best part is when he says 'Chuck is making everyone else stand up' and he gives the internationally recognized sign not for people standing up but for a dick standing up. The guy is just a buffoon and always has been.

Wtf does this have to do with Floyds death?
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I can see some of the point he is making. Bad cops do bad things to black and white people all the time. We just see more of situations like this. Its today's culture. Anyway, that cop needs to be strung up for this crime.

That is the thing that no one seems to want to say, cops are asses no matter what color the person in their sites may be. This thing with Mr Floyd, bad, very bad but I seriously doubt the cop acted as he did just because the man was black. If tghis occurred and a white man was the victim it would have got no mention, likely would never made anything other than the back page. Cops go in to minority neighborhoods and don't bury head in the sand, minority inner city neighborhoods crime is more abundant than in more upper class areas. The likelyhood that a person of color committed a crime is greater.

I don't condone what the cops did to Floyd but you let a white guy the cops think committed a crime resist arrest and that same knee will fall across that white man's neck just as quickly. This was a cop that let the adrenaline play way to much in to his actions, I will call scum any person, no matter what color they may be that supports what happened to Mr Floyd but just as much scum are those that are simply using Mr Floyd's death for their own personal agendas, in fact to me they are at least as bad as the cops involved, maybe worse. How in hades does setting a person's business on fire, looting someone's business in any way make what happened to Mr Floyd any more acceptable?

All this rioting does is punish innocent business owners and brings those rioting to the level of the very cops they say they have issue with? They have trampled on the poor man's legacy, they have cheapened Mr Floyd's death worse than the cops that killed the man.

WE are not going to move forward with race relations in this country until those in power become willing to sit down and really discuss. I don't see that happening because even in a place like this folks are not willing to honestly discuss, they are all about shaming you in to saying all the right things but no one really wants to talk about how either side of this issue really feel, what any side of this issue really see. They do not want your honest opinion, they want you to say the acceptable version and what some of us really feel is not acceptable to those that want to dictate what we think.
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That is the thing that no one seems to want to say, cops are asses no matter what color the person in their sites may be. This thing with Mr Floyd, bad, very bad but I seriously doubt the cop acted as he did just because the man was black. If tghis occurred and a white man was the victim it would have got no mention, likely would never made anything other than the back page. Cops go in to minority neighborhoods and don't bury head in the sand, minority inner city neighborhoods crime is more abundant than in more upper class areas. The likelyhood that a person of color committed a crime is greater.

I don't condone what the cops did to Floyd but you let a white guy the cops think committed a crime resist arrest and that same knee will fall across that white man's neck just as quickly. This was a cop that let the adrenaline play way to much in to his actions, I will call scum any person, no matter what color they may be that supports what happened to Mr Floyd but just as much scum are those that are simply using Mr Floyd's death for their own personal agendas, in fact to me they are at least as bad as the cops involved, maybe worse. How in hades does setting a person's business on fire, looting someone's business in any way make what happened to Mr Floyd any more acceptable?

All this rioting does is punish innocent business owners and brings those rioting to the level of the very cops they say they have issue with? They have trampled on the poor man's legacy, they have cheapened Mr Floyd's death worse than the cops that killed the man.

WE are not going to move forward with race relations in this country until those in power become willing to sit down and really discuss. I don't see that happening because even in a place like this folks are not willing to honestly discuss, they are all about shaming you in to saying all the right things but no one really wants to talk about how either side of this issue really feel, what any side of this issue really see. They do not want your honest opinion, they want you to say the acceptable version and what some of us really feel is not acceptable to those that want to dictate what we think.
Kindly reduce it to 500 words or less and have it on my desk by the end of the day.
That is the thing that no one seems to want to say, cops are asses no matter what color the person in their sites may be. This thing with Mr Floyd, bad, very bad but I seriously doubt the cop acted as he did just because the man was black. If tghis occurred and a white man was the victim it would have got no mention, likely would never made anything other than the back page. Cops go in to minority neighborhoods and don't bury head in the sand, minority inner city neighborhoods crime is more abundant than in more upper class areas. The likelyhood that a person of color committed a crime is greater.

I don't condone what the cops did to Floyd but you let a white guy the cops think committed a crime resist arrest and that same knee will fall across that white man's neck just as quickly. This was a cop that let the adrenaline play way to much in to his actions, I will call scum any person, no matter what color they may be that supports what happened to Mr Floyd but just as much scum are those that are simply using Mr Floyd's death for their own personal agendas, in fact to me they are at least as bad as the cops involved, maybe worse. How in hades does setting a person's business on fire, looting someone's business in any way make what happened to Mr Floyd any more acceptable?

All this rioting does is punish innocent business owners and brings those rioting to the level of the very cops they say they have issue with? They have trampled on the poor man's legacy, they have cheapened Mr Floyd's death worse than the cops that killed the man.

WE are not going to move forward with race relations in this country until those in power become willing to sit down and really discuss. I don't see that happening because even in a place like this folks are not willing to honestly discuss, they are all about shaming you in to saying all the right things but no one really wants to talk about how either side of this issue really feel, what any side of this issue really see. They do not want your honest opinion, they want you to say the acceptable version and what some of us really feel is not acceptable to those that want to dictate what we think.

Good poast!

They dont care of they destroy stuff because it isn't theirs.

I'm know every life matters but they are killing each other in record numbers and it doesn't raise any red flags but then when someone white kills a black man the outrage comes out.

Then the police go into their neighborhoods to investigate these murders and try and to solve them and bring someone to justice and they can't get any help from the community because "snitches get stitches"

When does it stop the entire country isnt responsible for what one man did.

What do they need to make this right?

Do they want reparations im not good with that at all i will not take responsibility for something that someone that might or might not have been related to me did 6 generation's ago.
Good poast!

They dont care of they destroy stuff because it isn't theirs.

I'm know every life matters but they are killing each other in record numbers and it doesn't raise any red flags but then when someone white kills a black man the outrage comes out.

Then the police go into their neighborhoods to investigate these murders and try and to solve them and bring someone to justice and they can't get any help from the community because "snitches get stitches"

When does it stop the entire country isnt responsible for what one man did.

What do they need to make this right?

Do they want reparations im not good with that at all i will not take responsibility for something that someone that might or might not have been related to me did 6 generation's ago.
Heard this the other day. “Pretending you don’t understand racism is one of the oldest tricks a racist uses”
Heard this the other day. “Pretending you don’t understand racism is one of the oldest tricks a racist uses”

I didnt pretend anything I said I'm not responsible for it.

People hating will never stop . White people are not the only group that hates. It just only seen as a problem when they do it.
Good poast!

They dont care of they destroy stuff because it isn't theirs.

I'm know every life matters but they are killing each other in record numbers and it doesn't raise any red flags but then when someone white kills a black man the outrage comes out.

Then the police go into their neighborhoods to investigate these murders and try and to solve them and bring someone to justice and they can't get any help from the community because "snitches get stitches"

When does it stop the entire country isnt responsible for what one man did.

What do they need to make this right?

Do they want reparations im not good with that at all i will not take responsibility for something that someone that might or might not have been related to me did 6 generation's ago.

Dude, this isn't just the reaction to what one man did. It's decades of abuse layered on top of each other. That's what you're not understanding. For too long police have not been held accountable for abuse or mistreatment and it's long overdue that changes. This happens to people of all races, but the black community bears the brunt of it.

Black on black crime isn't the focus here. That's something else entirely.
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I didnt pretend anything I said I'm not responsible for it.

People hating will never stop . White people are not the only group that hates. It just only seen as a problem when they do it.

Context. We are at the top of the food chain in this country. Therefore we have never experienced systematic abuse. So while all racism is equally horrendous not everyone feels it equally.

"People hating will never stop" is a cop out. It's not an excuse to sit back and do nothing. This whole situation is a wake up call.
Kindly reduce it to 500 words or less and have it on my desk by the end of the day.
Kindly send me the money you owe me! If tyou need to act like I report to you then you WILL pay me! So biatch, get the check out to me or STFU!
Kindly send me the money you owe me! If tyou need to act like I report to you then you WILL pay me! So biatch, get the check out to me or STFU!
Quit your bitchin'. You'll get paid like everybody else around here. Now I'm going to need you to go ahead and move your desk down to the basement. I've got some interns that need your space.
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Quit your bitchin'. You'll get paid like everybody else around here. Now I'm going to need you to go ahead and move your desk down to the basement. I've got some interns that need your space.
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What else is the dems fault besides racism? World hunger?

yea Thanks for pointing out other examples of you two being ****ing dumb asses

I'm not sure who's fault it is but I know for sure its isnt mine or yours.

I do know that this keeps happening in these democrat ran citys and they just keep voting the same way over and over. The democrats use black people for votes they dont give a shit about them or their problems.

They have voted that way for 60 years and according to everyone on the left it is worse than it has ever been. Of thats the case why not try something new, what do they have to lose?

Everyone says this is systematic well change those local governments and systems and see what the other side can do for them because what they are doing now isn't working.
I'm not sure who's fault it is but I know for sure its isnt mine or yours.

I do know that this keeps happening in these democrat ran citys and they just keep voting the same way over and over. The democrats use black people for votes they dont give a shit about them or their problems.

They have voted that way for 60 years and according to everyone on the left it is worse than it has ever been. Of thats the case why not try something new, what do they have to lose?

Everyone says this is systematic well change those local governments and systems and see what the other side can do for them because what they are doing now isn't working.
“ I don’t know who’s fault it is but let me tell you why it’s the Democrats fault”

“ I don’t know who’s fault it is but let me tell you why it’s the Democrats fault”


I didn't blame them i just said maybe they should try and change something they haven't changed in 60 years.

Tell us who the experts are telling you we should blame.
apparently lines are deeper at gun stores in cola than at liquor stores.

i personally don’t own a gun because i never felt the need, but i do have a tennis ball machine that can launch up to 90mph.
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Dude, you're like 10 years older than I am.

There were no participation trophies when I was growing up. I think these looters are morons and criminals.

I'm not screaming at Trump, I'm laughing.

The Trump crowd has gotten SO sensitive, man.

Trump supporters are so sensative thet they are our
When you have exhausted all options try something you haven't tried before.

Bob Johnson is already asking for reparations, so apparently money in their pockets will solve what hate individuals have in their hearts.

Bob Johnson should shut his Bobcat loving mouth. Share your money, not others money.
Heard this the other day. “Pretending you don’t understand racism is one of the oldest tricks a racist uses”
not understanding anything but feeling everything is the main trait of the liberal.
Now you’re starting to sound like a racist, have the Democrats gotten to you?

Nothing at all sounded racist I quoted to you what Bob Johnson said A man was murdered by cops and he starts asking about reparations. How will reparations stop people from hating someone, or being racist. That doesn't solve anything people want a solution, to a problem.

I other words Bob Johnson is implying that of America gives out money other people will stop hurting people based on the color of their skin.

These city are democrat ran they are the one hiring these racist cops. How can it not be at least a thought to try the other side?

See you take anything like normal from anyone that doesn't agree with you and label them. I'm the one asking the questions about with can be done and you are just ranting about nothing changing or being done. I posed the same questions to a black friend of mine and he didn't try and label me racist he continued with a back and forth about how we can stop the problem.

But other friends that are very left that I know I have posed the same questions to always try and label me. Its like they are so scared to be labeled racist that they can't even have a discussion about the topic. Those same men can't even speak on the differences in a peaceful protest and looters and rioters.

Its like people want ALL white people to apologize for being white and apologize for anything that has ever been done to a black person by a white person. I dont owe anyone an apology from anything I haven't done anything, but I do have sympathy for they cause because I see it as a problem.

The written laws of the country are color blind the problem are the people enforcing the laws, and those people are hired and voted into office by the people that are the victims of the problem.

As I said maybe try the other side, it can't get any worse according to the left.
@notashelbyfan ”the problem are the people enforcing the laws, and those people are hired and voted into office by the people that are the victims of the problem.”
“These city are democrat ran they are the one hiring these racist cops.”

Once again blaming the Democrats. 4th time. If you really think institutionalized racism is a Democrat (or a republican) problem then you’re a goddamn idiot. Are you really so blind so naïve so idiotic as to think racist cops only do racist things in democrat Run cities? Are you really that big of a moron? Yes that’s a rhetorical question
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