That is the thing that no one seems to want to say, cops are asses no matter what color the person in their sites may be. This thing with Mr Floyd, bad, very bad but I seriously doubt the cop acted as he did just because the man was black. If tghis occurred and a white man was the victim it would have got no mention, likely would never made anything other than the back page. Cops go in to minority neighborhoods and don't bury head in the sand, minority inner city neighborhoods crime is more abundant than in more upper class areas. The likelyhood that a person of color committed a crime is greater.
I don't condone what the cops did to Floyd but you let a white guy the cops think committed a crime resist arrest and that same knee will fall across that white man's neck just as quickly. This was a cop that let the adrenaline play way to much in to his actions, I will call scum any person, no matter what color they may be that supports what happened to Mr Floyd but just as much scum are those that are simply using Mr Floyd's death for their own personal agendas, in fact to me they are at least as bad as the cops involved, maybe worse. How in hades does setting a person's business on fire, looting someone's business in any way make what happened to Mr Floyd any more acceptable?
All this rioting does is punish innocent business owners and brings those rioting to the level of the very cops they say they have issue with? They have trampled on the poor man's legacy, they have cheapened Mr Floyd's death worse than the cops that killed the man.
WE are not going to move forward with race relations in this country until those in power become willing to sit down and really discuss. I don't see that happening because even in a place like this folks are not willing to honestly discuss, they are all about shaming you in to saying all the right things but no one really wants to talk about how either side of this issue really feel, what any side of this issue really see. They do not want your honest opinion, they want you to say the acceptable version and what some of us really feel is not acceptable to those that want to dictate what we think.