wrong. The Far Side has been looking for a perfect cause celebre for quite some time, and this turned out to be it. This cop didn't even shoot anybody, he simply restrained a guy who happened to croak out because he was a fat POS in poor condition. What anybody could see was that this cop's fate was sealed as soon as the para's couldn't find a pulse, because the media and the other usual rabble-rousers jumped straight into overdrive.
Ignore it all you want, but the county coroner made a note on his initial findings to the effect that had Floyd's death occurred at his own home, no one would have thought twice to consider it to be anything other than the death of a man in poor condition...with no indication of asphyxia being the cause of death. Yet that didn't make it to the final report. Go ahead and pretend that you don't know why. This episode has been publicized and hashed and rehashed way more than anything before it, and your denial doesn't change that. The public pressure to hang Chauvin has been overwhelming.
Just plain common sense is being completely ignored, as it usually is in these episodes of hysteria. A crowd is gathered watching a handful of cops roust a black guy, and some in the crowd are videoing the deal. Who is actually stupid enough to think that one of the cops is taking an action that he figures might very well result in the suspect's death, right there in front of God and everyone? C'mon man. This same scene has been enacted and re-enacted hundreds of times with only moderate notice if even that. The difference this time wasn't in any degree of guilt, it was in the amount of notice.