First of all, you would have to be a complete moron to think that ANY amount of pressure on the neck, no matter how slight, would restrict a person's airflow. But regardless of that, all that needed to be done with that tub of lard was to BAR his ability to get up, and there were other officers assisting in that endeavor. If you're truly too stupid to understand that, let's stop wasting time. Now please tell me what magic pressure-sensing device you have that informs you that ANY pressure was being applied to Floyd's neck, let alone windpipe-crushing or even just airflow-restricting pressure. Absent such a device, please tell me how any human being on the planet could tell by direct visual observation, let alone second hand video viewing, the amount of pressure IF ANY was being applied. How does that work, exactly?so you’re raising the possibility that chauvin exerted the proper pressure to pin Floyd down without restricting his air flow? Maybe he had that magic pressure sensing device?
It doesn't. But you know what always comes through in a pinch when you are being subjective? When you already have your mind made up? Presumption. Presumption lends itself to whatever argument you want to put forth. But presumption is not a substitute for reason and objectivity.
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