Dude, I think your feelings would be much more appreciated and lauded on TOS. They love your type of thinking. See, everyone on that site believes that every White person, other than themselves, are racist. If you have even the tiniest bit of logical thinking and don't kowtow to the notion that all cops are racist and the only reason a White cop kills a minority is simply because the cop is racist. It HAS to be that reason...because no other reason will can be accepted. I got banned over there because I said Maxine Waters is a race whore. You will LOVE that place. Me...I'd like to catch a few of their mods (ZooView, SnoopRob, UNC1012) in the public and throat punch them. Bunch of pu$$y a$$ punks.
My assessment is Heel4life67 isn't worth the time I and others are giving him, via dignified, logical responses. I could see him even being put in time out by mods for some of the hateful stuff he(?) posted.
But one thing (of the very few coherent things one could decipher out of those dumpster fire posts) that was so over-the-top (but not nearly the first time I've heard it) from straight-up America haters and white person haters, is:
"America is the most racist country there is or ever was"
That is just an emotional, fact-free, history-ignorant, 10 on a 10-scale, lie
1) I have no idea why H4L would stay here even if USA were in top 10 racist countries, with so many other better alternatives
2) the countries historically and currently more racist than the US, are too numerous to mention, but a few points:
a) many countries in worldwide (Africa, Europe, Asia) had slavery long after abolition in America, including after abolition really was enforced here
b) I believe countries (primarily in Africa)
still have slaves today, including black persons owning and trading in black slaves
c) regarding other "racist" countries, it is pretty easy to get on a list to get in line to come to America - or even to get here illegally. Try - as a person of any other race or nationality - to become even a temporary resident in Japan, Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, etc. No chance. You're not even considered. Basically impossible.
d) people in China (uyghur muslims) that are being re-educated, sterilized, persecuted, starved, beaten, in Chinese concentration camps. Is USA more racist than that, or nah?
e) almost every other country in the world, today, to my knowledge, has more prominent racists per capita than USA, including most of Europe, Latin America, Asia. UK is the glaring example that comes to mind.
The above isn't to engage in whataboutism. Slavery and race persecution, or race prejudice is always wrong. But to say that America is worse, is behind most or all other countries in race relations is a flat out lie. USA can still improve, but has been a world leader ever since abolition or even back to Declaration of Independence, regarding rights and freedoms for all persons, regardless of race.