legalize pot

Anybody who would vote against a MMJ referendum should watch this...

You're clearly not.

That's incredibly petty. There are obvious medicinal benefits but you'd deny people relief anyway? Yikes.
Bullshit. They have been able to extract the medicinal benefits of marijuana without the THC. If lobby was genuine they would only ask for legalization of the medicinal marijuana extract that does not make you high.

Instead, they want it all legal. The real purpose is to get high, legally. Not medicine. They hide in that cause to tug an peoples hearts and tickle the ears, but it is a front.
Well I sure hope you or anyone you love never has to deal with epilepsy or cancer. That is the most asinine statement I have ever read on here! smh
Why don't you read my posts before responding? Talk about asinine.

I suffered from gram mal seizure epilepsy for 10 years. I died once from my first seizure. I tried pot often and it did nothing. I tend to love myself. so you can kiss my ass.

There is non THC pot hat can be sue to treat epilepsy. Why not just legalize that?
Why don't you read my posts before responding? Talk about asinine.

I suffered from gram mal seizure epilepsy for 10 years. I died once from my first seizure. I tried pot often and it did nothing. I tend to love myself. so you can kiss my ass.

There is non THC pot hat can be sue to treat epilepsy. Why not just legalize that?

That is what I was talking about. They will not legalize even the part that will work. And I apologize for not reading your entire post. If you were getting the THC oil and it did not work for you, I am really sorry, but it does work for many, many children. If you were simply smoking it to treat, then I do understand why it did not work.
I'm under the impression that it does help medically, but even if it didn't, it should still be legal! As mentioned already, drinking alcohol is so much more dangerous and harmful. I have my doubts over how lazy and stupid people get after using it - but either way, why should we care? If you're on government assistance, you should not be allowed to use it - just in case it is making you more lazy (and as an incentive to get the hell off the public dime). This notion that once (not if) it gets legalized that the country is gonna be full of useless zombies is so overblown.

More people smoke weed than you would think, I imagine. This would just make it legal for them to do so.
Bullshit. They have been able to extract the medicinal benefits of marijuana without the THC. If lobby was genuine they would only ask for legalization of the medicinal marijuana extract that does not make you high.

Instead, they want it all legal. The real purpose is to get high, legally. Not medicine. They hide in that cause to tug an peoples hearts and tickle the ears, but it is a front.
Who are you, Tito Liebowitz?


Lighten up, man.
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Why don't you read my posts before responding? Talk about asinine.

I suffered from gram mal seizure epilepsy for 10 years. I died once from my first seizure. I tried pot often and it did nothing. I tend to love myself. so you can kiss my ass.

There is non THC pot hat can be sue to treat epilepsy. Why not just legalize that?
Whatever your stance on legalizing pot is, it is a PROVEN SCIENTIFIC FACT that it has medicinal benefits. Thats probably why it gets prescribed to people in states where medicinal marijuana is legal. Just a wild guess though.

I want to make crystal clear 2 points, first I totally agree with Lougi that the the effort put in to all the amazing benefits of weed is a "smoke screen", we all know folks want weed legal so they can get high legally and I for one do not have a problem at all with that. Second is that weed is not illegal because of health risks, when the other side takes that same argument it is full of just as much BS.

Do you guys understand the thinking that went in to making weed illegal in the first place, do you know why they did it? Does it ever make you wonder how when they made it illegal it actually in minority areas became easier to find? That actually was not by accident.
I want to make crystal clear 2 points, first I totally agree with Lougi that the the effort put in to all the amazing benefits of weed is a "smoke screen", we all know folks want weed legal so they can get high legally and I for one do not have a problem at all with that. Second is that weed is not illegal because of health risks, when the other side takes that same argument it is full of just as much BS.

Do you guys understand the thinking that went in to making weed illegal in the first place, do you know why they did it? Does it ever make you wonder how when they made it illegal it actually in minority areas became easier to find? That actually was not by accident.

Oh yea i understand the thinking. It was IDIOTIC UNEDUCATED PARANOID DELUDED LIES spread by evangelical nut jobs that smoking pot created sex zombies and heroin addicts. I heard the bullshit claims myself in high school and in church. And people STILL BELIEVE IT!

Meet harry anslinger. The man who led the charge to outlaw pot on the fed level.

“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”

“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”

“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”

“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”

“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”

“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”
So why is prostitution illegal??? people are hooking up with random people all the time spreading disease like crazy for free....oh yeah, the government has not figured out how to profit from prostitution yet and keep free-lancers from making a few bucks. Same reason marijuana is illegal... they cannot CONTROL it. People are not very likely to make beer and liquor under the table, only a few are even capable of doing it and being successful somewhat doing it. Let's just make absolutely everything illegal. smh
Oh yea i understand the thinking. It was IDIOTIC UNEDUCATED PARANOID DELUDED LIES spread by evangelical nut jobs that smoking pot created sex zombies and heroin addicts. I heard the bullshit claims myself in high school and in church. And people STILL BELIEVE IT!

Meet harry anslinger. The man who led the charge to outlaw pot on the fed level.

“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”

“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”

“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”

“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”

“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”

“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”

That was the thinking that was behind it, thou they were fine with it being available to the minority areas because it would passify them but it was a drug for the minoritys and they did not want white folks to have it. Hey, I am one of those white folks by the way that realize drugs were allowed in to the inner cities to passify minorities while we rounded them up and shoved them in to small housing areas with a severe lack of available quality education, no decent employment opportunities, and we gave them just enough food to keep them from starvation and all the while they were told they were being helped and not greatly harmed?

It came down to politicians wanting the minority vote and a certain party that spear headed that "Great Society" decided to spear head the charge to give minorities the right to vote, a right they as Americans should have always had, but spear head the right to vote and they will like sheep vote for us then go away until we need their vote again? Minorities have been used by the very people they trust, sad but true. Weed at the time and later on harder drugs like heroin were used to passify them, to keep them calm until they were needed again to vote. They actually believed they could contain the drugs to the minority areas and the white folks would want nothing outside of booze, as we see, they were very wrong.

Look, I believe everyone should be treated equally, no matter the color of their skin, their religious preference, sexual preference, ect. I do not believe in making up for sins of the past by tilting the scales in an opposite direction, equal has to start at some point and you do not get to equal by tilting the scales in the opposite direction for a while. We as a people should be looking forward rather than consistently looking backwards 2 wrongs will never equal a right.

What we should be doing is addressing the injustice of the awful educational opportunities in the inner cities, the first rung on the ladder upward is freedoms but the second has to be education, and the 3rd employment opportunity. How is it that politicians talk about wanting to solve the problem of education and specifically the inner cities but pander to the unions that made it so hard to fire a bad teacher? How is it we spend so much money to fix the problems but the inner city schools do not have access to computers for their students? How is it that we lock up inner city young men for dealing drugs when they can not find other ways to earn a decent income? We take them from being ameture criminals and we make them experienced seasoned criminals by housing them on our dime beside more season criminals?

We should ALL value our own personal freedoms above anything else and those should never be given away for the sake of anything, no matter how much spin is used to convince you.
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So why is prostitution illegal??? people are hooking up with random people all the time spreading disease like crazy for free....oh yeah, the government has not figured out how to profit from prostitution yet and keep free-lancers from making a few bucks. Same reason marijuana is illegal... they cannot CONTROL it. People are not very likely to make beer and liquor under the table, only a few are even capable of doing it and being successful somewhat doing it. Let's just make absolutely everything illegal. smh

If we don't get this nanny state thinking away from us everything except what a few fortunate enough to make the decisions will make everything else illegal. You can not even raise your own children any more with out fear of the state's version of abuse. At what point do people wake up?

The whole purpose and role of a politician is to talk and pander and basically perpetuate a problem. If they get solved, then they lose their usefulness in society.

Them Filip-Of-Pino's are worse than the damned Chinks. They all subhumans. Gooks is gooks and they ain't none of 'em to be trustified.

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Because Louigi's dad can't remember shit.

My dad was a drunk that suffered from PTSD from Vietnam. But, I don't want Wild Turkey to be against the law for everyone else.
Keep deflecting on the issue of just legalizing medicinal pot only. Circle jerk arguments and avoiding the obvious is your fortay.
Keep deflecting on the issue of just legalizing medicinal pot only. Circle jerk arguments and avoiding the obvious is your fortay.
Fortay? How does someone minor in Psychology and never learn the word forte? WTH is a "circle jerk argument?" I know what a circle jerk is, and I know what an argument is. I'm not sure how the two go together.

Deflecting what??? I've already openly admitted that people will be enjoying the BUZZ and the HIGH from marijuana! Of course they will. NO ONE here has stated otherwise! But, you're the stubborn one who keeps refusing the equally-clear FACT that it has immense medicinal purposes and uses. We haven't even begun to address the huge benefits of hemp!

Your dad is a pothead... BFD. Hopefully he's nowhere near as uptight as you are. If he's old, then he's going to have memory loss. Just like ALL OF US will! Basically every claim you've made here has been refuted... by several other posters. You're NOT "neutral" on this. Marijuana absolutely has medicinal uses. It didn't help you. Sorry!

Taking opiates for pain makes people constipated. Should we outlaw their use for people who NEED it? Taking Advil all the time will ruin your liver. You can catch a buzz off of lots of things used for medicinal purposes! Everything you put in your body has consequences. I would legalize all substances without hesitation. Prohibition does not work. The "War On Drugs" has long been lost. It was a phony war to begin with.

Take some consolation; You and I both always agree that the 16th Amendment should be repealed!;)
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Too bad irony isn't, because that one obviously went over your head.

LMAO at "fortay." Solid work there, champ.
Yep. Correcting spelling on a free message board is admission of losing a debate. If ya got nothing better than that. Thank you for losing, non champ.
Yep. Correcting spelling on a free message board is admission of losing a debate. If ya got nothing better than that. Thank you for losing, non champ.
Do you spell correctly on the paid message boards? I still need to know what a circle jerk argument is. Is that when the guys in the circle jerk argue over who's doing it right? I bet if they were all stoned, there would be no arguments.
I never corrected your spelling. I merely mocked your ineptitude.
The only ineptness displayed here is not on my part. It is of those like you who are inept enough to be fooled by a lying medicinal marijuana lobby that is a front for leisure use legalization.

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