You fail again at reading poasts. I stated earlier that if RECREATIONAL marijuana was on the ballot, I would probably vote for it depending on taxation and regulation of RECREATIONAL sales and use.
What I will not do is vote for dishonest legislation for MEDICAL use when it is a false front. Liberal hidden socialistic agenda's often hide in such causes (medical. environmental, social ,etc.) This is just another example.
Just be honest. State up front you want it legal for recreational use first, the medical issues are secondary and maybe an added bonus, but don't insult my intelligence by stating the medical angle is the primary cause. WE all know it is not.
BTW, alcohol, prescription drugs, etc. are not the problem, it is the people that abuse them and those that profit from it (government included). The root cause of most dependency is mental illness. Legalizing Pot will not help this, only make it worse. Pot is addictive too, not physiologically like an opiate, but habitually.
Also, an often overlooked harmful effect of smoking marijuana is lung problems. Especially with dirty bong water, etc. Absolutely absurd that we rail against tobacco and smoking, yet the same folks advocate the benefits of marijuana smoking. Like there is a difference in the smoke, lol
I do not smoke cigarettes, hate it, but support it's legalization and am against statutes that prevent is being used in pool halls and bars, etc.