legalize pot

So why is prostitution illegal??? people are hooking up with random people all the time spreading disease like crazy for free....oh yeah, the government has not figured out how to profit from prostitution yet and keep free-lancers from making a few bucks. Same reason marijuana is illegal... they cannot CONTROL it. People are not very likely to make beer and liquor under the table, only a few are even capable of doing it and being successful somewhat doing it. Let's just make absolutely everything illegal. smh
You must not watch Moonshiners and Percy Flowers says Hello from the grave..
The biggest problem with marijuana and the reason that most are in prison for it , is the illegal sales and distribution. It is a very lucrative business , especially in the states where it is illegal. Smuggling cigarettes from low tax states to higher taxed states is also a lucrative business. If you legalize it , then a lot or all of the profitability for criminals goes away. It is only a matter of time before it is legalized and I know this because I read in Maxim (I believe) that this big hedge Fund guy is putting all his marbles into it. There are already a couple of companies working on brands , one Willie Nelson themed and the other Bob Marley themed for retail sales. You know when Wall Street starts gearing up that it's a coming. There are already 2-3 companies with stock listings but I think I read the NYSE is resistant to listing them so far but it is just a matter of time.
You must not watch Moonshiners and Percy Flowers says Hello from the grave..

I know there are a few who make moonshine illegally and my friend and I have actually home-brewed beer but we didn't sell it and it is not as good and is a pain in the butt to do so it's definitely easier to just buy at the store. Growing weed is something most pot users could easily do. Selling sex is easy too. My point was that the government would have a hard time controlling those. Booze isn't something they really have to compete with.
Hey jack wagon idjut. Thanks for wasting your time posting a bunch of links I will not click on or read.

I am not debating whether or not weed has medicinal use or not. In my case, it had no medicinal value. Others is it may, so be it. Just about every drug or item has some sort of debatable medical use including cocaine and heroin. Cocaine probably has more medicinal value than marijuana. My main point, which you keep missing, for the last time, is that the legalization lobby is lying stating they want it legal for medicinal purposes.

They want it legal for recreational purposes and are using the medical angle as a front to tug at peoples hearts. You keep ignoring this point, the main one.
Hey jack wagon idjut. Thanks for wasting your time posting a bunch of links I will not click on or read.

I am not debating whether or not weed has medicinal use or not. In my case, it had no medicinal value. Others is it may, so be it. Just about every drug or item has some sort of debatable medical use including cocaine and heroin. Cocaine probably has more medicinal value than marijuana. My main point, which you keep missing, for the last time, is that the legalization lobby is lying stating they want it legal for medicinal purposes.

They want it legal for recreational purposes and are using the medical angle as a front to tug at peoples hearts. You keep ignoring this point, the main one.

okay, I agree, most barking about it probably do want it for recreational purposes... so what?? BFD! It is still less harmful than alcohol and prescription drugs that truly is the drug problem!
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The only ineptness displayed here is not on my part. It is of those like you who are inept enough to be fooled by a lying medicinal marijuana lobby that is a front for leisure use legalization.
Swing and a miss.

I'm completely in favor of recreational marijuana use. In fact, I'm high right now.
okay, I agree, most barking about it probably do want it for recreational purposes... so what?? BFD! It is still less harmful than alcohol and prescription drugs that truly is the drug problem!

You fail again at reading poasts. I stated earlier that if RECREATIONAL marijuana was on the ballot, I would probably vote for it depending on taxation and regulation of RECREATIONAL sales and use.

What I will not do is vote for dishonest legislation for MEDICAL use when it is a false front. Liberal hidden socialistic agenda's often hide in such causes (medical. environmental, social ,etc.) This is just another example.

Just be honest. State up front you want it legal for recreational use first, the medical issues are secondary and maybe an added bonus, but don't insult my intelligence by stating the medical angle is the primary cause. WE all know it is not.

BTW, alcohol, prescription drugs, etc. are not the problem, it is the people that abuse them and those that profit from it (government included). The root cause of most dependency is mental illness. Legalizing Pot will not help this, only make it worse. Pot is addictive too, not physiologically like an opiate, but habitually.

Also, an often overlooked harmful effect of smoking marijuana is lung problems. Especially with dirty bong water, etc. Absolutely absurd that we rail against tobacco and smoking, yet the same folks advocate the benefits of marijuana smoking. Like there is a difference in the smoke, lol

I do not smoke cigarettes, hate it, but support it's legalization and am against statutes that prevent is being used in pool halls and bars, etc.
You fail again at reading poasts. I stated earlier that if RECREATIONAL marijuana was on the ballot, I would probably vote for it depending on taxation and regulation of RECREATIONAL sales and use.

What I will not do is vote for dishonest legislation for MEDICAL use when it is a false front. Liberal hidden socialistic agenda's often hide in such causes (medical. environmental, social ,etc.) This is just another example.

Just be honest. State up front you want it legal for recreational use first, the medical issues are secondary and maybe an added bonus, but don't insult my intelligence by stating the medical angle is the primary cause. WE all know it is not.

BTW, alcohol, prescription drugs, etc. are not the problem, it is the people that abuse them and those that profit from it (government included). The root cause of most dependency is mental illness. Legalizing Pot will not help this, only make it worse. Pot is addictive too, not physiologically like an opiate, but habitually.

Also, an often overlooked harmful effect of smoking marijuana is lung problems. Especially with dirty bong water, etc. Absolutely absurd that we rail against tobacco and smoking, yet the same folks advocate the benefits of marijuana smoking. Like there is a difference in the smoke, lol

I do not smoke cigarettes, hate it, but support it's legalization and am against statutes that prevent is being used in pool halls and bars, etc.

I have never smoked a cigarette. I smoked weed when I was in college socially, never have I bought any. I drink socially, lately VERY rarely and I have never tried any other drugs. I don't even take narcotic pain medicine when it is prescribed to me (that crap is VERY harmful to the body) and I just had major surgery six months ago and refused the Demerol or anything more than ibuprofen afterwards. Did they think I had lost my mind?? Yep but it was my choice just like it any other human beings choice to smoke weed, drink alcohol, screw possible STD ridden people for free or for money, and it is not my business what others do, not the government.

My niece is 30 years old and she is hooked on heroine. She left her husband and kids for this drug. Do I like it??? Hell no! Am I trying to help her see what she's doing to herself and trying to get her to voluntarily go to rehab? Absolutely!!!! BUT I cannot make her, I cannot change her and locking her up only exacerbates the problem because she gets outside goes right back to it.

I asked her why she chose to even try it.... She says because she wanted to do something she wasn't suppose to and see what the high was all about. One time and she was hooked. It's illegal, she's been to jail for it, she's still doing it. So what's the answer??? How do we fix that??? More jail or since it's so readily available and now even more dangerous being laced with Fentanyl, should it be legal but controlled somehow? Eliminate the street dealer and dangerous laced drug.

There really isn't a good answer other than instead of automatic jail time have automatic rehab for a year! Other than that, make it legal or let the fools just kill themselves with it.

I know you want it stated that it is for recreational use, I got that but what I find absurd is your belief that it is not also medicinal. I know for a fact that it is!! Personally, I believe freedom means doing what you want to do for yourself, don't harm others though, but if you want to smoke pot, shoot up drugs, drink yourself into cirrhosis or clog your arteries with fried foods and McDonalds then do it. We have too many people dictating what is right and wrong these days. I know what is best for me and what isn't. I don't need laws telling me if I'm doing things correctly or not.
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The sammich maker just made a HOLE IN ONE!
Nope. It was a shank. Again, she mischaractarized the notion there is no medicinal benefit to pot. I have stated the opposite. This Strum, is a circle jerk argument.
Nope. It was a shank. Again, she mischaractarized the notion there is no medicinal benefit to pot. I have stated the opposite. This Strum, is a circle jerk argument.
(whispered) You know... I think you're RIGHT! In fact, I'm starting to get a sneaking suspicion of the dreaded liberal, socialistic, Satan's-balls-on-a-stick, brain-washing agenda with that chick. She probably bleeds Commie Red, not Carolina Blue at ALL. Clandestine operative, I bet! Whew! You are smart, dude.

Too obtuse?
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Louigi most states make a distinction between medicinal and recreational pot. In fact 15 states allow medicinal use while recreational is illegall. U know why those states allow medicinal use? Cause its SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to be effective. Seems to me the only "smoke
Screen" is from you claiming people are fabricating/exxagerating/misrepresenting the medicinal benefits to promote recreational legalization. Since they're TWO DIFFERENT ISSUES ALTOGETHER Thats just bullshit. I
Nope. It was a shank. Again, she mischaractarized the notion there is no medicinal benefit to pot. I have stated the opposite. This Strum, is a circle jerk argument.

..."but don't insult my intelligence by stating the medical angle is the primary cause. WE all know it is not." See, Lougi? This is where we differ.... while I have no doubt that 99.999% of the stoners out there do indeed want it for recreational use, our legislators and medical personnel want it for a different reason entirely. It will take making it LEGAL to get the research we need from it done! If that means people who are already pot heads smoke way too many joints because it is legal, then whoop-ti-doo! They will do it anyway! I do not give a rat's behind if they do or not! I want to be able to have the research done that I truly believe WILL cure so many diseases in the future.

If that bugs you, oh well, sorry! I seriously question your statement about knowing psychology, you are not like any others I have met for sure. Carry on....
He is way off his rocker, I am sure you have figured that out by now though! ;)
No, I mean... I was asking people on the board here. Is NO ONE using it medically today? I see many using it recreationally. I was just wondering about the other. It was misleading, I guess. I'm handicapped by the liberal socialistic agenda.
Louigi most states make a distinction between medicinal and recreational pot. In fact 15 states allow medicinal use while recreational is illegall. U know why those states allow medicinal use? Cause its SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to be effective. Seems to me the only "smoke
Screen" is from you claiming people are fabricating/exxagerating/misrepresenting the medicinal benefits to promote recreational legalization. Since they're TWO DIFFERENT ISSUES ALTOGETHER Thats just bullshit. I
Yep, I have family and friends in California that have medical Marijuana cards. They give them to anybody. It is a front...
Yep, I have family and friends in California that have medical Marijuana cards. They give them to anybody. It is a front...
Your personal experience is not everyone's personal experience and it doesn't dictate the norm... just the norm for you.

Is this part of the Liberal Socialistic Agenda? Get everyone high so they can be easily led?
Your personal experience is not everyone's personal experience and it doesn't dictate the norm... just the norm for you.

Is this part of the Liberal Socialistic Agenda? Get everyone high so they can be easily led?

Oh Strum, you know they don't need marijuana to do that! All they need is Fox news, CNN and MSNBC and poof! they follow blindly! smh
The real $ in marijuana isn't going to be on the medicinal side , it's on the retail/pleasure side. Companies are already angling for this. I am really surprised that it hasn't moved faster just look at how fast the gay marriage and transgender issues moved. Once it is legal there's going to be a lot of guys unemployed in the illegal marijuana trade.
Nope. It was a shank. Again, she mischaractarized the notion there is no medicinal benefit to pot. I have stated the opposite. This Strum, is a circle jerk argument.

Wow. So you're acknowledging that it has medicinal benefits, which means that you would knowingly vote to criminalize something that you know brings people relief. That's sick. Frankly you're a disgusting human being if you would deny people help that might save their life just because you think its part of some "socialist agenda."

CBD extracts have completely changed the game for treating severe epilepsy in children. Let's just be clear about who it is you want to prevent from getting their medicine. And those families have to deal with misinformed morons like yourself trying to criminalize the very thing saving their child's life.
Frankly you're a disgusting human being
I will take that as a compliment from a liberal millennial POS like you.

So legalize the extract only. It is people like you that are dugusting human beings by derailing this solution in a greedy effort to get a legal high for yourself. You should be ashamed
I will take that as a compliment from a liberal millennial POS like you.

So legalize the extract only. It is people like you that are dugusting human beings by derailing this solution in a greedy effort to get a legal high for yourself. You should be ashamed

We would have already legalized the extracts as well as every other form of medical marijuana if it wasn't for the backwards morons like yourself voting against it.

Your logic is ridiculously warped. You acknowledge that marijuana has medical benefits but you'd vote against it being legalized. Meanwhile you'd probably vote for recreational legalization, yet your primary reasoning for voting against MMJ is that its a ruse to get recreational pot legalized, which you say you don't have a problem with.

I will take that as a compliment from a liberal millennial POS like you.

So legalize the extract only. It is people like you that are dugusting human beings by derailing this solution in a greedy effort to get a legal high for yourself. You should be ashamed

See if you'd stuck with cannabis you'd probably have still have some of those brain cells you killed with booze. And then you might not post garbage like this.

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