ummmm, no buckwheat, that is called conservatives...Liberals want people to be able to choose what they want for themselves, liberals believe in true freedom, the freedom we are SUPPOSE to have in this country.
Conservatives seem to mix up the gun issue and believe liberals want to take the guns away, not true- They want better screenings and background checks especially at gunshows (where I KNOW FOR A FACT crap gets sold without checking any-damn-thing~!!!)
Conservatives believe liberals want everything to be given to everyone for free, not true- they want people to be able to earn a fair wage so they can take care of their family without assistance, those who want to sit on their butt and suck in the gov teet are a whole different problem. Some people actually NEED help and that is different. We are not too stupid around here that we cannot figure out how to weed out the moochers. Here in SC Nikki Haley has figured out how to do it.
Conservatives want to be the moral police... whose morals? THEIRS only!
that is for starters......