OK gary but ya have to explain for me how we can effect that change?
I mean I am just guessing here but guessing the refs are not gonna come read our comments here and collectively agree, we better not do that to them again? We have played duke at duke, other teams have played them at their place, how has their fans or ours constant complaints about how those games have been called effected change in duke getting such great home cookin? I kinda do not see that it has, it is kinda one of those things that when we play duke at duke we have come to expect, maybe we have to expect it in all our huge games.
Look, I am not saying it is fair, I don't think it is, not saying we didn't get screwed in that natty game, felt the refs went way over board, especially the one that nearly dared our guy to get a tech as he was being picked up off the floor. Not saying any of that was right, just saying we have to adjust and over come when those things happen. Yeah, it may be a situation where we have to win by 10 for the final score board to say we won by 1, life ain't always fair as I would like it to be, sometimes life throws us these road blocks that are not fair. When that happens we have 2 choices, do nothing and complain how unfair life is or do what ever we can to over come.
That is all I am saying, we know in recruiting for example, things are not fair, the field is not a level field, it is way tilted to a couple of hated rivals, we know that, Roy knows that. Roy does the best he can to over come that, maybe he gets the best B-list kid but he develops that kid in to a A list player. In other words he works to over come. I am not in a position to make us any better, I can not give us the tools to over come but I can over come my own negative thoughts and look forward more to a positive tomorrow. It is about all I can really do but I think it is important to move past this and look at tomorrow.
I am not trying to tell you what to do my friend, telling you what I have done but that horse is dead and it don't matter how many more times we kick him, that is not changing.