Netflix Finds

Godzilla minus one was really good. Easily the best of any of these. The story focuses on the dissatisfaction of the populace with the Japanese govt after ww2 which was interesting to me. Awesome special effects. Two things bother me

Why “minus one”? Must be a translation thing. Nothing in the movie hints at it

Why in the holy hell does the franchise always show Godzilla standing in the middle of the ocean? Going by scale it depicts him standing in about 40-50ft of water. The climax of the movie was to lure zilla to some deep trench like 1500 meters deep. They get him there and ….he’s standing up of course. Til he sinks. Then he comes back. And stands up.
I haven't seen the movie (though I grew up on B&W Godzilla movies) but this is why "Minus One." I don't know if the movie itself does anything to explain it, though.

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reason #593 why Spectrum sucks. I recently got into the Yellowstone marathon shown on one of the channels. But of course I couldn't catch all the episodes so I decided to use Spectrum's ballyhooed 'on demand' service to go from start to finish. I completed season one no problem and was ready to delve into season two. But there was no season two. There was season one, three, four, and five, but season two was missing and unattainable. No how no way.

WTF good is that? What kind of POS outfit does that? It isn't even like they're hoaxing you into buying something, they just fvcking suck that way.
Watching the latest “justified” installment. Pretty tired story line first few episodes. oliphant hasn’t missed a beat though. Then It takes a turn you won’t believe.
I just watched “Knox goes away” and enjoyed it. Michael Keaton might be my fav actor. I read the summary and it was like “hit man tries to help son while dying from a disease” and i thought how lame. But because it was Keaton I watched it and it is way deeper than that and worth the watch. Won’t win any academy awards but I would say a solid 7 of 10.
I had sworn off super hero movies but was drawn into the hideous vortex of the latest flash because, once again, keaton. It was entertaining enough. 6 of 10
They had planned to use his batman in a Nick Fury (Samuel Jackson's MCU character) type role, which would have him in multiple movies, before they rebooted the whole DC universe. Kinda pisses me off that's not going to happen. They had also planned to do a movie based on Batman Beyond, but that was scrapped as well. I hope they all break their little toe kicking the coffee table for cancelling all of that.