His arsh? What's his arsh? Why are you using my statements in quotes and then projecting yourself on them? I have deep issues with what what I'm not "use" to? Most human beings have issues with what they're not USED to. I'm used to the knowledge that Stackhouse is not a very good coach, and I'm used to the knowledge that the Fab 5 were glorified, exploited and their legacy resulted in removal of their wins due to NCAA violations. Those are facts, not opinions... or my issues.
I'm not sure it's my problem, here. This back-and-forth really feels like it's much more of a YP- a Your Problem. You're the one who is obsessed with Juwon Howard, Jerry Stackhouse, they're epic showdown in your imagination, and the certainty that Stackhouse is somehow the Resurrection of UNC Basketball. If you're from Kinston, then you're probably keen on Stackhouse. You must be since you've created a new thread warning everyone how UNC and Jerry are a match made in heaven, and you couldn't get enough attention here, I guess? If anything, my problem is being foolish enough to keep interacting with you.