I don't know why - but Ben R has always just annoyed me....rubbed me the wrong way - not even really related to his alleged misconduct with some young girl / woman in a bar restroom....I've just thought people overrated him over time. But he was big and hard to bring down, and its hard to argue with his results.Looked like Ben was soaking it all in that he was done.
That first play last night though, whoa! The ball just laying on the 1 yard line and Ben and the RB just kind of lollygag it....Ben stands there straight up....no way was he getting on the ground to go for that ball....wtf.....
and then 4 more picks during the night....granted, a couple were off WRs hands, but that overall QB performance is about as bad as you're ever going to see, at home, with a top set of WRs against an average defensive team.
I was very glad to see Cleveland win....generally think the Steeler fan base has a lot of self important, smug "look at me, I'm elite knowledgeable superior football fan" air about it.