OOTB Carolina football discussion thread

Please no more "hot name" coaches from a G5 team. I want our next failure to be from another P4 team or top coordinator.
Yeah... That guy could lose every game the rest of the season. My response wass out of frustration.

It's pretty alarming that NO ONE could find a way to stop JMU offensively. I dunno WTF happened... but, if other teams see the chinks, UNC may not win another game this season.
i don’t know what happen internally when butch was hired, but i know what happened everywhere else…i’m telling you, programs took notice as did recruiters…my neighbor was the former d-cord at sc and he said in 2011 “y’all are getting serious now”.

your point about being prepared might not have even been taken seriously, but i’m sure a guy was at miami and coached in the nfl knew what it took to get and keep athletes…not that it took money, etc, but it takes care and time…it takes someone saying, “no, you can’t sign your name for money” and “you can’t get free tattoos”.
exactly. It was actually publicized beforehand that this was going to be a serious hire. It was exciting to see that kind of attitude which was also almost an admission that we had NOT been serious before.

I'm not sure if we're on the same page regarding being prepared, but I was saying why would you have 20 compliance people if you didn't care if you were good enough to need that many. In other words, you wouldn't hire those 20 and then figure success would follow.

Butch stepped into a mess at Miami and he cleaned it up, at least as far as could be seen. You know he put in controls at that freak show, he had to. What I surmise happened here is that he relaxed because of our squeaky clean rep and the fact that the players' classroom stuff was not handled by the program.
I said, in the game thread on BH, "can we trade coaching staffs?"

Mack Brown is a cool guy and I can imitate him easily. But, he is WAY, WAY, WAYYYY past his prime.
it's a shame not to be able to put him in a position that benefits him AND us. He is universally well-respected, by other coaches, media types, everybody but us and that only because he isn't getting the job done.

Frigging ACC network cut off the end of my recording of the game and I had quit watching. I was very curious as to how he would interact with the other coach after the game. I imagine he greeted him just as if we had won.
butch was huge and i’m sure it’s a scary thought now…however, post butch, and now in this pool we’re in, shouldn’t carolina be prepared?…remember, the thought was “unc wasn’t ready for big-time football”…when bama has 20 more compliance officers than unc, it’s an issue.

i don’t know what a serious hire is anymore…how the hell would carolina be in on lance leipold when he’s at kansas compared to say dave aranda?…and who’s to say the jmu coach that got a dumpster fire together in six months isn’t the new spurrier?

I just wonder who they could get even if they were willing to cut the check. Any of the serious hire candidates will have a long list of options. I’d be looking at NFL coordinators before G5 head coaches just because so many of them fail they step up to coaching P4 programs.

Okay... can that amount be generated? If you're not sure, that's cool. That was my basic question earlier. Can UNC pay for the goods, if the goods are available?

Then, my other concern is; If you find a coaching staff that can put a winning program together... will they stay at UNC? I mean, if you found a gem somewhere that popped (sorta like Dabo did-- no one saw that coming when he was hired), would they haul ass like Mack Brown in 1997?

Honestly, right now I doubt it. To get to those kind of numbers for NIL you gotta bring in some big spenders but also have an army of small and medium sized donors making recurring contributions. For basketball? No problem. People know that’s a proven winner with a history and a culture. I just don’t see fans throwing a ton of money behind Carolina football until they see some proof of concept on the field. And it’s tough to win big without having the money to put the roster together in the first place. And Carolina has always been weird about paying coaches. We’re lucky that Roy wanted to be here because he could’ve doubled or tripled his earnings if he shopped the market.

In today’s version of CFB I think Carolina has a better chance of retaining a big time coach if they could ever get the machine going. If the money is rolling in to get players, and you have an easier playoff path by winning a weaker conference, then why leave for an SEC program? If the playoff structure changes or we start seeing SEC teams chewing up all the at large bids that could change though.

My pitch to the administration would be that football can be a major driver for increased admissions. Universities with big time football programs are more attractive and tend to see increased applications as a result. That would allow UNC to expand the student body without compromising on academic standards and therefore increase revenue that will benefit academic programs.

Clemson has some shiny brand new academic buildings that just so happen to have been funded and built right after Dabo put them back on the map.
He’ll probably always have better offers but Glenn Schumann would get me fired up about the football program again. Young dude from the right coaching tree.

Knowing our luck we’ve still got another 2-3 years of Mack before he hands the reins to Collins or Galloway.
having thought about this, the best position group is receiver…give it to galloway, let him hire/fire whoever, and let roll…if it doesn’t work in three years, work as in progress(lol i don’t know what that is), you move on.

but yes, the elephant in the room is how/who do you hire…unc isn’t even auburn or even ucla.
We've produced solid WR units, but I think we need a clean slate. Get all that stank off.
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I've kinda stopped paying attn to CFB, and it isn't just cuz UNC should've fired Mack after yr 3 or 4. There is more parity in the sport, which should be a good thing, but for some reason feels like it isn't. The leagues are funny mismatches (I don't know how many years it will take for me to think of Stanford and Cal or SMU as being ACC). NIL steals from watching player development. I was going to see we need the next Lance Leipold but just saw their rough start.
Recruiting-wise this place sells itself. Mack and Butch were great recruiters, but even Fedora got good players here. I don't think we need a big-name coach to recruit.

And IMO, NIL money should be less about HS recruiting (front 7 aside) and more about retention and acquisition. Big names don't always pan out. OL and QB are probably huge wastes of money given how hard it is to evaluate HS OL/QB.

Excluding NIL there is plenty of money going toward football. Look at Kenan, the practice building, etc, etc.

As far as "fan football culture", I don't think a big-name coach will immediately change that. Only sustained hard-nosed play that beats the ones you are supposed to beat.
only if they needed a rest stop on their way to better places to stay. Because the five star accommodations are reserved for basketball.
It's reserved for basically every other sport on campus because they win. You want to get out of the red roof inn? Start earning the money to do it instead of complaining that other people are more popular than you.
It's reserved for basically every other sport on campus because they win. You want to get out of the red roof inn? Start earning the money to do it instead of complaining that other people are more popular than you.
which came first, the chicken, the egg....or a deep hunger for some really good poultry?
It's reserved for basically every other sport on campus because they win. You want to get out of the red roof inn? Start earning the money to do it instead of complaining that other people are more popular than you.
It's pretty simple.... win games, people show up!

I can say with certainty that Death Valley looks a helluva lot different NOW than it did in 2000. Clemson had a legacy in football before that, but Tommy Bowden's teams were not generating the kind of turnout that Dabo's teams have since he was shown the door. Swinney is one of those once-in-a-lifetime coaches that was miraculously gifted to them.

I just don't think you're going to get any real contenders from a guy in his mid-70s. He has a history, but... that's all he has. He served UNC well in the 90s. He's laid a big turd this last time. He had great quarterbacks and still managed very mediocre results.
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Recruiting-wise this place sells itself. Mack and Butch were great recruiters, but even Fedora got good players here. I don't think we need a big-name coach to recruit.

And IMO, NIL money should be less about HS recruiting (front 7 aside) and more about retention and acquisition. Big names don't always pan out. OL and QB are probably huge wastes of money given how hard it is to evaluate HS OL/QB.

Excluding NIL there is plenty of money going toward football. Look at Kenan, the practice building, etc, etc.

As far as "fan football culture", I don't think a big-name coach will immediately change that. Only sustained hard-nosed play that beats the ones you are supposed to beat.

I think Carolina would be better served using a big chunk of NIL money to go after players from smaller programs in the portal. We should be raiding the rosters of programs like JMU every year. Go get some experienced guys that still have a couple of years of eligibility left.

There’s also always guys leaving big programs because they aren’t playing.
Recruiting-wise this place sells itself. Mack and Butch were great recruiters, but even Fedora got good players here. I don't think we need a big-name coach to recruit.
that's very true, but only up to a point. I have preached the same thing myself and amazingly have been met with derision over it. It's frustrating when our own fans sell us short as being capable of producing consistently high-level football. It's frustrating because of the immense opportunity being wasted.

Put an ace in place and they will come, I guarantee it. But settle into habitual mediocrity and they (the ones who hope to move on in football and who win championships for you), will stay away in droves no matter how good the recruiter is.
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I think Carolina would be better served using a big chunk of NIL money to go after players from smaller programs in the portal. We should be raiding the rosters of programs like JMU every year. Go get some experienced guys that still have a couple of years of eligibility left.

There’s also always guys leaving big programs because they aren’t playing.
Like Huzzie from ETSU
I think Carolina would be better served using a big chunk of NIL money to go after players from smaller programs in the portal. We should be raiding the rosters of programs like JMU every year. Go get some experienced guys that still have a couple of years of eligibility left.

There’s also always guys leaving big programs because they aren’t playing.
I don't disagree but I think those players are having a lot of NIL money waved in their faces. You can't just compete with NIL, you have to show an ability to do something with the talent.

I think I posted something like this previously, but it seems to me that too often our better players DO come from other programs. It suggests that they have received better coaching.
I think Carolina would be better served using a big chunk of NIL money to go after players from smaller programs in the portal. We should be raiding the rosters of programs like JMU every year. Go get some experienced guys that still have a couple of years of eligibility left.

There’s also always guys leaving big programs because they aren’t playing.
That's one area I don't think you can criticize Mack on. Given the resources, he's done good work in the portal.
I don't disagree but I think those players are having a lot of NIL money waved in their faces. You can't just compete with NIL, you have to show an ability to do something with the talent.

I think I posted something like this previously, but it seems to me that too often our better players DO come from other programs. It suggests that they have received better coaching.

I don’t disagree with that at all. Mack crushed it in recruiting the first few years after he came back. We had back to back NFL level QB’s and still had mediocre teams. Anyone arguing that talent development isn’t an issue at Carolina needs to have their head examined.

This also ties into the big reason I’m ready to see Mack leave. The recruiting has nose dived and that’s supposed to be his biggest strength. If he couldn’t win with better recruits why would we expect them to get better with less talent?
That's one area I don't think you can criticize Mack on. Given the resources, he's done good work in the portal.

He did really great work with HS recruiting too but he just hasn’t shown the ability to win big during this second tenure, even with talented rosters.

I don’t think we’re gonna get anybody who is better at Mack when it comes to recruiting. It’s fair to point out that it’s always been a major strength of his. But I’d like to think we could get someone who can develop the talent better and make better use of it.
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Your own performance. If my kids fail at something, I tell them to work on it to get better. I don't tell them they should bitch about others.
so when you're disappointed in their failures and you tell them to work on it, that isn't bitching? Or do you mean your performance and apparent failure as a parent is what we should be bitching about? I'm not sure what the message is that you're trying to convey.

Just to be clear, I don't think that because you bitch about your kids failures that it makes you a bad parent. Actually, I think that makes you a very good, concerned parent.

My message is simple. We can do much better at something that means a lot to me but we seldom have over a very long time, and I find that hard to I do what comes naturally to humans. I bitch about it. Hope that's OK with you.
He did really great work with HS recruiting too but he just hasn’t shown the ability to win big during this second tenure, even with talented rosters.

I don’t think we’re gonna get anybody who is better at Mack when it comes to recruiting. It’s fair to point out that it’s always been a major strength of his. But I’d like to think we could get someone who can develop the talent better and make better use of it.
If NIL was a thing a few years ago, would the 2020/2021 recruiting hauls be so awesome on paper? Twist:
But has it mattered? Would we even care today if we couldn't afford those big names?
That's one area I don't think you can criticize Mack on. Given the resources, he's done good work in the portal.
C'mon team, there must be at least one other thing about Mack that we can't criticize. Good sportsmanship when Dave Doeren is a$$hole to our players? Or does that fall into the DO criticize bucket.
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That's one area I don't think you can criticize Mack on. Given the resources, he's done good work in the portal.
agree, but at the same time when others were giving Dabo a hard time over not using the portal, I gave him some love for it. To me it sends a message to the recruited players that you are going to be loyal to their commitment to you and not go over their heads to build a winner, but rather stay committed to developing them into winners instead. I can't help but admire that, assuming that that is what his purpose is.

Of course, that all hinges on 1) being able to accomplish said development and 2) instill a desire to win in the belly of the team, both AS a team and individually..
Speaking of portal and HC replacements, the next guy should be somebody that can bring his own trench guys.

We lose the entire starting front 4 on the DL, plus Power Echols. Plus backup Josh Harris.
We lose the starting safeties and the best defender on the team Huzzie.

OL only loses Willie Lampkin, but you can bet an armored car that if Aidan Banfield grows a teeny bit longer he's going to get some calls from big programs.
C'mon team, there must be at least one other thing about Mack that we can't criticize. Good sportsmanship when Dave Doeren is a$$hole to our players? Or does that fall into the DO criticize bucket.
his sportsmanship definitely makes you proud; I just wish he would temper it with more winning. I wouldn't want a total win-at-all-costs a-hole for a coach, but an ordinary win-at-great-cost a-hole wouldn't be so bad.
Per espn:

Brown said he effectively offered his resignation to the team if players believed he was not capable of properly leading the program, but that the players "overwhelmingly" supported him.

horrible leadership unless you're at the country club. How is like this as a leader after all this "experience".
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his sportsmanship definitely makes you proud; I just wish he would temper it with more winning. I wouldn't want a total win-at-all-costs a-hole for a coach, but an ordinary win-at-great-cost a-hole wouldn't be so bad.
I don't want Bobby Knight, but i'd be okay with Jim Boeheim or Calhoun at this point.

(yes, these are bball coaches in a fball thread. oops)
He did really great work with HS recruiting too but he just hasn’t shown the ability to win big during this second tenure, even with talented rosters.

I don’t think we’re gonna get anybody who is better at Mack when it comes to recruiting. It’s fair to point out that it’s always been a major strength of his. But I’d like to think we could get someone who can develop the talent better and make better use of it.
I don't disagree, but I'm not the type to ignore the good. If I'm going to point out a coaches flaws, I have to recognize the positive as well. I think it's probably time for Mack to go at the end of the season. He's done a good job with some off field stuff, but he just hasn't been able to get it going on the field.
Per espn:

Brown said he effectively offered his resignation to the team if players believed he was not capable of properly leading the program, but that the players "overwhelmingly" supported him.

horrible leadership unless you're at the country club. How is like this as a leader after all this "experience".
You should watch his interview today to get more context and his exact words.
I don't want Bobby Knight, but i'd be okay with Jim Boeheim or Calhoun at this point.

(yes, these are bball coaches in a fball thread. oops)
I thought maybe you were willing to settle at this point for a decent coach of any kind. Wonder what Mike Fox is up to these days.
Per espn:

Brown said he effectively offered his resignation to the team if players believed he was not capable of properly leading the program, but that the players "overwhelmingly" supported him.

horrible leadership unless you're at the country club. How is like this as a leader after all this "experience".
As if they were going to all say "Yeah, coach... you're just not the guy." (collectively)

Unless this is some kind of flashpoint, and the team goes on a ferocious tear for the rest of the season, that was a pretty inexcusable blunder. Mack Brown is a really good guy. For all of the success that Brown has had at NC, he's had equivalent, glaring failures. There's NO WAY that should have happened Saturday--- none of it--- the game performance, the aftermath, whatever.

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