OOTB Carolina football discussion thread

Interesting to see those comments. Most of the stories I read lately are debating if the LSU guy should be taken before Drake, with Drake sliding to QB3.
At this point, I always wonder if those are reality based or designed to draw clicks during voids. One thing that hasn't been mentioned when I've seen Caleb and Drake compared are the demands/family backgrounds. Some interesting stuff came out from Caleb's dad last year where they allegedly wanted a percentage of ownership as part of any team drafting him. NFL quickly and quietly came out with a rule prohibiting it and it went away. But, I think it speaks volumes about how they see themselves respectively when you start making comparisons. This is going to be a fun ride. I just hope Drake goes somewhere that the circumstances are relatively fair for him to succeed.
At this point, I always wonder if those are reality based or designed to draw clicks during voids. One thing that hasn't been mentioned when I've seen Caleb and Drake compared are the demands/family backgrounds. Some interesting stuff came out from Caleb's dad last year where they allegedly wanted a percentage of ownership as part of any team drafting him. NFL quickly and quietly came out with a rule prohibiting it and it went away. But, I think it speaks volumes about how they see themselves respectively when you start making comparisons. This is going to be a fun ride. I just hope Drake goes somewhere that the circumstances are relatively fair for him to succeed.

lol at ownership stake.

I agree with your first thought but I also think sometimes teams plant stories in the media to throw other teams off their scent. With regard to potential trades, it can behoove certain teams for stuff like this to come out.
At this point, I always wonder if those are reality based or designed to draw clicks during voids. One thing that hasn't been mentioned when I've seen Caleb and Drake compared are the demands/family backgrounds. Some interesting stuff came out from Caleb's dad last year where they allegedly wanted a percentage of ownership as part of any team drafting him. NFL quickly and quietly came out with a rule prohibiting it and it went away. But, I think it speaks volumes about how they see themselves respectively when you start making comparisons. This is going to be a fun ride. I just hope Drake goes somewhere that the circumstances are relatively fair for him to succeed.
It's based on emotion. A Heisman winner is always going to get a bump, especially before the combine. I suspect that Drake will move back to a solid #2 after the combine.
lol at ownership stake.

I agree with your first thought but I also think sometimes teams plant stories in the media to throw other teams off their scent. With regard to potential trades, it can behoove certain teams for stuff like this to come out.
You are not wrong. There is a reason this period of time is known as the Lying Season.
scouts now say it’s not about the arm strength, but more about placement, anticipation, and pocket awareness…now they’re going more horizontal in the nfl, but still can throw the go…let’s forget about mahomes, he’s the outlier.

drake’s comp is herbert…herbert’s arm isn’t questioned, it’s his awareness and anticipation.
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Sam to the Seahawks. Was hoping Denver might get him, but pretty much anyone is better than Washington.
Does this change the scenarios much? How does this force the ACC to settle? Or how might it make an exit less insanely expensive? I haven't been paying a ton of attn.
It doesn't force them to do anything, but now you are fighting two court battles (my guess UNC will file their own before EOY, so soon to be 3). These are the types of situations where no one wants to go to court and go through depositions. There's a reason all these conferences settle. It took about two years for the ACC to settle with Maryland, so it's not going to happen soon, but it's the beginning of the end for the current ACC as we know it.
It doesn't force them to do anything, but now you are fighting two court battles (my guess UNC will file their own before EOY, so soon to be 3). These are the types of situations where no one wants to go to court and go through depositions. There's a reason all these conferences settle. It took about two years for the ACC to settle with Maryland, so it's not going to happen soon, but it's the beginning of the end for the current ACC as we know it.
Hope springs. Of course we have no idea what college fball will even look like 2 yrs from now.
I’m really REALLY pulling hard for the kid and like him a lot but it’s gotta be said (and no I ain’t got the balls to say it in radar)….cadeau is not coming close to living up to the hype. Everyone likes him and makes excuses for him and that’s fine. But all know is what I see and that ain’t nowhere close to what we were told to expect. I hope he can turn it around.
I’m really REALLY pulling hard for the kid and like him a lot but it’s gotta be said (and no I ain’t got the balls to say it in radar)….cadeau is not coming close to living up to the hype. Everyone likes him and makes excuses for him and that’s fine. But all know is what I see and that ain’t nowhere close to what we were told to expect. I hope he can turn it around.
Is he playing football this year?
Maybe that’s why he’s struggling. Why is he playing football? Wth
I never paid attention to whatever "hype" there was for him. I think he's been a great addition to this group. I didn't know he was supposed to be a prodigy. He doesn't "look" like a prodigy, but looks can be deceiving sometimes.

I'd like to see him come back for a sophomore season.
I never paid attention to whatever "hype" there was for him. I think he's been a great addition to this group. I didn't know he was supposed to be a prodigy. He doesn't "look" like a prodigy, but looks can be deceiving sometimes.

I'd like to see him come back for a sophomore season.
People on radar were saying he was going to be just as good, if not better than Ford.
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People on radar were saying he was going to be just as good, if not better than Ford.
Oh... well, I dunno how you can even compare those two. I know Ford was an all-time UNC guard and legacy player. He won the Case trophy as a freshman, I think.

Elliot definitely seems to help the overall effectiveness of this team. He could definitely become one of the greats, I'm sure. He's barely a freshman!
Oh... well, I dunno how you can even compare those two. I know Ford was an all-time UNC guard and legacy player. He won the Case trophy as a freshman, I think.

Elliot definitely seems to help the overall effectiveness of this team. He could definitely become one of the greats, I'm sure. He's barely a freshman!
The way I understood it was that a big part of the reasoning for what’s his name transferring to Ariz was to make room for EC Leaving high school early as the next great pg. although there was other stuff too I guess chemistry wise. I’ve seen prob 1/3 of the games. To my untrained eye he’s not a 5 star elite talent. He can’t shoot a lick, can’t play defense, and commits stupid fouls. The “experts” claim when he’s on the floor there’s better spacing and ball movement and so on and he does avg a decent amount of assists. So that’s good. I just see a kid struggling. But I’m also the guy who said Felton 2 would have his jersey in the rafters.
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The way I understood it was that a big part of the reasoning for what’s his name transferring to Ariz was to make room for EC Leaving high school early as the next great pg. although there was other stuff too I guess chemistry wise. I’ve seen prob 1/3 of the games. To my untrained eye he’s not a 5 star elite talent. He can’t shoot a lick, can’t play defense, and commits stupid fouls. The “experts” claim when he’s on the floor there’s better spacing and ball movement and so on and he does avg a decent amount of assists. So that’s good. I just see a kid struggling. But I’m also the guy who said Felton 2 would have his jersey in the rafters.
Sounds like unrealistic expectations from people whose optimism and zeal clouded their judgement. If he was the catalyst for Love transferring, then I think everyone benefited from that.
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I’m also the guy who said Felton 2 would have his jersey in the rafters.
when i saw ray play in the hs title game here i thought he was going to be ford…i have never seen a high school guard carry a team to a title like that…he was an amazing player, probably my favorite with cota.
The way I understood it was that a big part of the reasoning for what’s his name transferring to Ariz was to make room for EC Leaving high school early as the next great pg. although there was other stuff too I guess chemistry wise. I’ve seen prob 1/3 of the games. To my untrained eye he’s not a 5 star elite talent. He can’t shoot a lick, can’t play defense, and commits stupid fouls. The “experts” claim when he’s on the floor there’s better spacing and ball movement and so on and he does avg a decent amount of assists. So that’s good. I just see a kid struggling. But I’m also the guy who said Felton 2 would have his jersey in the rafters.

For starters, I don’t specifically remember many Carolina fans overhyping Cadeau. I’m sure it happens as it does with literally every 5 star recruit (Good luck next year Drake and Ian). He was a highly rated, highly regarded, basically can’t miss prospect as a senior by most, if not all, recruiting services. Some questioned his size but it was generally consensus that he was elite and a “possible” OAD prospect.

As for how it’s played out, I have very few complaints outside of his shooting. He is a freshman PG. I can’t remember one of those that didn’t struggle. Kenny Anderson? Marbury? John Wall?

Cadeau has an elite first step, and prototypical PG vision. He allows us to play at a pace reminiscent of Roy’s teams which we clearly did not see with Love and RJ sharing the backcourt the last couple of years. Cadeau was a bad defender to begin the year but I think he’s improved immensely on the ball. He can still improve his help/team D, but show me a freshman who can’t. His shooting is now the stuff of legend though. I said yesterday that he’s the worst shooter for a starting Carolina player in my lifetime. I think it’s completely in his head now and the way defenses are playing him is exacerbating his lack of confidence. He was a “good” shooter in high school. Nothing like what we’ve seen this season. He has improved significantly at the FT line throughout his freshman year. All signs point to him improving in the future. He will come back for a year two (barring a national championship) and I think he’ll be a much better shooter. And I think he’ll improve in other areas too and has All-American potential.

But the main takeaway shouldn’t be overlooked and that’s the fact that we’re a 1 seed in large part because of him. RJ is an All-American and ACCPOY in large part because of him. He has freed up RJ from having to be the primary ball handler and pace setter which has in turn allowed him to be an elite shot maker. Yes, RJ is still on the ball a lot. But can you imagine if he had had to play the whole year at 32-34 mpg as the primary ball handler? Would he have held up? No chance IMO. Who else is gonna share those duties? Seth? I love Seth but no way he can run the offense.

We live in a time where sports have become too big. And it causes us all to consciously or unconsciously have unrealistic expectations for players we used to allow for learning. If you step back and look at it, Cadeau has played about as good as any of us should hope for from a freshman PG.
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For starters, I don’t specifically remember many Carolina fans overhyping Cadeau.
those aren't Carolina fans on Blitz? I've seldom seen so many fans overhype a player so much. I've been around a while and I've seen some overhype. His overhype was right on up there. I guess they were just desperate for some salvation.

After a while, I made the comment I just hope he doesn't trip over his cape (cause you know, superheroes wear capes a lot). So he turned out not to be quite what they thought he would be. But I think he turned out to be just what we needed, and if he sticks around long enough, he might even end up being more than we ever hoped for.

He has some limitations, but what floored me is the way he stepped into that aftermath of a train wreck and from the get-go ran the floor like he'd been on the job a year already.

Edit to replace 'Radar' with 'Blitz'.
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those aren't Carolina fans on Radar? I've seldom seen so many fans overhype a player so much. I've been around a while and I've seen some overhype. His overhype was right on up there. I guess they were just desperate for some salvation.

After a while, I made the comment I just hope he doesn't trip over his cape (cause you know, superheroes wear capes a lot). So he turned out not to be quite what they thought he would be. But I think he turned out to be just what we needed, and if he sticks around long enough, he might even end up being more than we ever hoped for.

He has some limitations, but what floored me is the way he stepped into that aftermath of a train wreck and from the get-go ran the floor like he'd been on the job a year already.
yes…he’s fantastic eye level, just not a scorer on every level…and that’s ok, just like marshall.

to me right now, he’s cota plus the motor…cota found his shot later.
yes…he’s fantastic eye level, just not a scorer on every level…and that’s ok, just like marshall.

to me right now, he’s cota plus the motor…cota found his shot later.
I don't think Cadeau will be the assist machine that Easy Ed was, but then Ed had some special help since it takes two players to complete an assist.

On the other hand, you're definitely right about the motor and I think you're right about the shot. I expect to see him start hitting some of those threes next year and learning better when to bail or pull up and just generally get more creative on the penetrations. You know it has to be killing him to be like RJ with the shooting.

But I'm gonna let him be Cadeau and let Easy Ed be one of my very most favorite players of all time and hope Cadeau matches that.
8-5 with Drake Maye

I'm going to be optimistic with a 5-7 record

Minn- Loss
JMU- Loss
Duke- Loss
Pitt- Win
GT- loss
UVA- Loss
FSU- Loss
Wake- Win
BC- Win

If they beat JMU, they will lose to BC
8-5 with Drake Maye

I'm going to be optimistic with a 5-7 record

Minn- Loss
JMU- Loss
Duke- Loss
Pitt- Win
GT- loss
UVA- Loss
FSU- Loss
Wake- Win
BC- Win

If they beat JMU, they will lose to BC
I wasn't feeling that great about the season, but given your history of bad predictions I all of a sudden feel good.
If this was any other program I’d say the path is wide open to get to the ACC championship. The toughest conference game on the schedule looks a lot more winnable after last night and we avoid most of the top teams in the conference.

Unfortunately the most crucial unit for success this year is also the biggest question mark. I fully expect the OL to continue to suck but if by some miracle they turn things around up front then they should win 9-10 games against this schedule.

I think they’ll probably win 8 with some head scratchers in the loss column
I predict we will clean the clock this year.


I mean seriously, look at all that discoloration.

If we lose to State again, let's make Mack do it.
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can’t believe this starts thursday…without knowing the qb from a previous year, i have no idea what to predict record wise.

i can predict disappointment, laughter, some wtf’s, some f this, and one or two thank goodnesses…and as always a “these uniforms suck!”