Amongst those? Are you talking about the news crews who seem to be the only ones there not taking sides and participating in the chaos? Surely you don't think Trump was talking about those on the left.
Here are some facts:
The Unite the Right rally was organized by white supremacists. Jason Kessler, a Proud Boys member, applied for and obtained the permit for the rally. Participants on the right included members of the alt-right, Neo-Confederates, Neo-fascists, white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and far-right militias.
Many chanted racists and antisemitic slogans, and many carried weapons, Neo-Nazi symbols including the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, and
Deus vult crosses. The organizers listed as their goal the unification of the American white nationalist movement.
On the left there were equally bad people and Trump was correct when he stated both sides should be blamed.
So when Trump talks about the fine people in attendance are you suggesting he is talking about the ones not participating? If you can you point out anyone who was simply standing on the sideline with no dog in the fight, be my guess. Here is a plethora of photographs to thumb through:
Or you can watch any of these videos:
Good luck!
As you can plainly see, it's difficult if not impossible to spot any "fine people" in the photographs and videos. To go before the media and try and sugarcoat this rally was a big miscue by Trump which is all I originally was saying.