Get out your popcorn:
What most Anti Trump people fail to grasp is he is far from a "politician." He is for the country as a whole and party be damned. He is also pragmatic enough to understand that what's good for America isn't always good for EVERYONE because everyone has differing opinions of success and failure.
Pulling out of NAFTA, The Iranian Nuclear Deal, TPP, The Dumb as a bag of Rocks Paris Climate Accord, The IMF Treaty with Russia, Cutting aid to countries who support violent radical terrorists, Making America the leading EXPORTER of energy to the World, Getting the largest Tax Cut for all Americans passed, Lowering The Unemployment rates to all time lows for Hispanic and Black Americans, Appointing Women to Major positions in the Gvmt, Meeting with the Leader of N Korea, and when was the last time they shot off missiles over Japan may I ask? Negotiating from a position or power instead of weakness and leading from behind. Making our NATO members pay their fair share, Placed sanctions on Russian officials, Putting Severe Sanctions on Iran, Supported Israel by Establishing Jerusalem as their Capital and moving the American embassy there, UNDER BUDGET,. This is the same Israel whom Obama forgot and instead supported the Muslim Brotherhood I might add, and the middle east went to hell in a hand basket, and the list goes on and on. There are many more I could add. Does anyone really believe a politician ( Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders,) would have done these things? NO! Because they are bought and sold every day.
By the way President Trump donates all his pay to charity. Would have any other politician done the same? NO!
Has he been perfect? Hell no. Do I like many of his tweets? Hell No! Am I proud he is my President? HELL YES! He puts America FIRST and thats why he was voted into office. He has done more for America than Obama did in 8 years. Oh and he did away with the individual mandate also. Obamacare is almost DEAD. Anyone in their right mind knows that turning over the National Healthcare System to the Federal Government is asking for a clusterfrick of mass proportions. Trump understands that more regulations lead to less success. And he has cut unneeded job killing regulations more than any other President.
And here is a little knowledge for ya. If it wasn't for the FED raising Interest rates the Stock Market would still be heading north. Instead to stifle growth they started raising rates. Under Obama they kept rates at historic lows for one reason that we all know is true. Obama wasn't supposed to look that bad. Job growth during his administration was mainly seen in the government sector and not the private. Again big government and huge regulations meant to kill the middle class and a huge transfer of wealth was the idea. The FED went along to keep his anemic average economic growth in the black.
The market took off as soon as Trump was elected and that meant more jobs. And guess what, There are now more jobs with more coming
These aren't talking points but actual truths!
To truly make this country "Great Again" we have to stop judges from legislating from the bench and abolish the Dept of Education and send the responsibility back to the states and local governments who understand better what their children need to learn. Common Core? Really?
Just another way to make money nothing more nothing less. CC was a joke and even teachers knew it. Get politics out of school and go back to teaching Reading Writing and Arithmetic. Stop teaching Johnny he can be a girl if he wants to be.
Look at any early 1900's 6th grade schoolbook and or test that children learned back then and you will see that most 12 graders today couldn't understand nor pass them. The schools have to be changed and changed soon.
Sorry I rambled but still these are my thoughts, well at least a few I might say. I have many more that would take up more than I care to write. And I dont place all the blame on Obama either. Aside from being the worst President in modern history he has others that weren't for America either. We can start with LBJ and go from there if you like.
Life experiences tell you that throwing money at something that doesn't work, and continuing to throw money at the same thing, makes you a fool.
I'm pissed at both parties and I am now a registered Independent. I was a Republican since 1978 but no longer.
Anyway so if you really feel he isn't "good" for America, then you aren't paying attention to what he has accomplished, and you are paying close attention to the MSM, who fail with regularity to report anything positive about our President.
Rant over.
Oh and those who use fancy words to put together elequont paragraphs without substance are what we call "educated beyond their intelligence!"