Gotcha. Yeah... don't waste it where it's not needed. Don't use dynamite to get rid of fire ants in your yard.
How about fishing?
Gotcha. Yeah... don't waste it where it's not needed. Don't use dynamite to get rid of fire ants in your yard.
But, that is Fascism, in simple terms.
Anytime people are burning books? You're a step closer to burning people in ovens.
You can't just invent definitions to suit your extreme political bias.
From the Oxford English:
Fascism: An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
Just to throw this out, there doesn't seem to be much difference between communism and fascism except that communism seems to rely more on central planning. It's basically who do you want to control that 1%, corporations or politicians?
In some ways, the stupidity of AOC and the Green New Deal made me think we are living through parts of the movie Idiocracy - just a few hundred years ahead of schedule.BTW, I'm waiting for AOC to start fining people for the methan in their farts. It could be like system they set up to fine curing in Demolition Man.
"Joe Blow, you been fined one credit for releasing methane into the atmosphere."
You read it all?In some ways, the stupidity of AOC and the Green New Deal made me think we are living through parts of the movie Idiocracy - just a few hundred years ahead of schedule.
Not just AOC, though.... other parts of our politics (DJT, etc), media, pop culture, consumer businesses - the satire movie isn't that far from reality
You are so ideologically possessed that you cannot think straight.
More Nazis were killed by communists than any other group. I'm no communist, but those ideologies are not even remotely similar.
Their economies aren't similar, but the rest of their ideology is eerily similar. Both are big government authoritarian states. They just seem to disagree on who should hold the power.
She is way too dumb to have put that little episode together herself. Someone put that performance together for her. She's quite literally the dumbest person in politics I've ever been aware of.
With that said, I guess I agree with some of the points made. However, her assumption is that "the bad guy" can make all these legislative changes that suit his funders. The problem with that is that "the bad guy" is only one guy. He can't make legislative changes by himself. And all those other bad guys in congress are most likely not funded by the same corps and PACs. So those other bad guys aren't going to just jump on board with the one bad guy's legislation because that's not doing anything to scratch the backs of their personal funding sources.
You’re conflating communism with Stalinism and Leninism. Once again proving you have no idea what you’re talking about. Go read the manifesto, Marx was no authoritarian.
To be fair, a few ''bad guys" own a huge contingent of Politicians.
I'm sure he wasn't. However, he failed to see what would be the natural progression of his policies. If you're going to take away the liberties of others, you will have to be authoritarian at some level, unless you're naive enough to think that everyone will just willingly let you trash said liberties.
He didn’t advocate for taking away liberty. He advocated for stopping other people from stealing liberty through economic oppression. I don’t agree with his means of doing so but claiming that he wanted to take liberties demonstrates a complete ignorance of his arguments.
But could he hit a fastball?
So, wouldn't he just be repeating Adam Smith at that point in time? How does communism then differ from laissez-faire?
None of it is. It's a phrase.
It can be in limited circumstances, but @NoleSoup4U essentially arguing for smaller government has nothing to do with Hitler killing Jews. It made zero sense for @dadika13 to bring it up.
Marx argues that capitalism is a necessary step towards communism. The growth of capital to the point where the population can be sustained must come before the transition. Russia, China and Cuba were agrarian societies that never got close to that point so they weren’t really true communist revolutions according to Marx.
The difference is that Marx argues that individuals should not own capital. That lead to wage slavery, especially as the means of production eradicate the value of specialization in the labor force. Wages plummet as machines become more responsible for production. Smith or Locke on the other hand would argue that ownership of capital is just like the ownership of property as long as it isn’t taken by force.
Their economies aren't similar, but the rest of their ideology is eerily similar. Both are big government authoritarian states. They just seem to disagree on who should hold the power.
For the millionth time, your history is wrong.
kThe simple point is that liberty is defined differently by everyone and to show that I used the most extreme example I could think of. It made perfect sense.
Yeah, this is kind of what I was expecting, and I thank you for Marx's interpretation. That being said, it's still authoritarian to tell someone that they can't keep the fruits of their labor. Now, is it as bad as murdering people? Of course not. That still doesn't change the fact that it needs authoritarianism in order to work, and that's where he didn't seem to fully grasp how that would work out.
The simple point is that liberty is defined differently by everyone and to show that I used the most extreme example I could think of. It made perfect sense.
Most of the time, you don’t keep the fruits of your labor under capitalism. If you work in a factory you don’t own what you build. You are paid a wage for your time. This was one of the foundational premises of the communist manifesto.
The wages are the fruits of your labor. You didn't think I was using the word "fruit" literally, did you?
You sound more like a lawyer than a history teacher.
I'm not talking about history, I'm talking about ideology.
If the value of your labor didn’t exceed your wage, then you wouldn’t be getting paid that. For the most part, laborers are paid a pittance relative to the value they create for the firm that hires them. That’s why wages are shit and corporate profits are through the roof. Most people are losing the majority of that fruit because they don’t exactly have the choice to just stop working. You take the wage being offered or you starve.
I’m neither.
It’s common sense.
You don’t see the direct connection between the two in this circumstance?
Ahh, my bad. I thought someone on here said that you were a history teacher. It honestly doesn't matter, I just thought that was your job.
History degree. Teaching it was not a thought. All good.
Yeah, you realize that one reason why wages are so low is that we've flooded the market with immigrants, right? What do you expect anyway, do you expect that an employer pays their employees more than what they earn? Let's not forget that stuff like disability, SS, and payroll taxes cut into how much an employer can pay their employees. Let's say that a worker produces at a rate of $25/hour for me, so after I factor in all fixed and variable costs, I could afford to pay them $19/hour. Then I have to factor in disability, SS, payroll, etc... and now that brings them down to $12/hour. So, by installing all these new laws, the government has cut the workers rate probably even more than the employer has.
Of course, this still doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the wages are considered the fruits of workers labor. You did nothing but try to move the goalposts, but I'm happy to debate that issue as well.
No, tell me where I was wrong in my assertions and what is right. Don't just tell me, "you don't know anything." That isn't helpful to the conversation.
I’m not saying firms should pay laborers the exact value of their labor. But if they were truly getting all of their fruits of their labor, then they would paid exactly their value. The need for a firm to generate profit makes that impossible. But Marx’s theory would state that abolishing the private ownership of capital would eliminate the need for constant growth (profit). This is Marx’s view not mine, just to be clear.
The value of labor started falling well over a century ago when we transitioned from specialized guilds and tradesmen to an industrial economy. You’re missing the argument because you’re so determined to keep going back to this right wing partisan crap.