Um, it was a planned and permitted event. What don't you understand about that?
Unfortunately, FBI and democrat assets started tearing up things while Trump was still talking. No one that then heard Trump talking can somehow have been inspired to take down the signs, the barricades, which the cops themselves also took down, and begin the disruption.
When the Trump supporters left to attend the planned event at the Capitol, the stage had been broken down, and chaos already reigned inspired and planned once again by FBI assets. The idea was to break up the event, which was completely permitted and legal, instigate hostilities and falsely smear Trump supports as violent insurrectionists.
That's fact. You just want to keep listening to absurd liars telling you it was an insurrection when no such thing happened.
Also, there were 2 sides of the Capitol with things happening. Guys like the shaman dude were literally escorted by the police into and around the Capitol, and the doors which were designed to withstand explosives had to be opened from the inside and were magnetically locked. They are the kind of doors our embassies use, and no mass of people could force them open.