OOTB's Political Thread . ..

really? He made one small reference within one sentence to the LGBT people, and then only regarding those who might be overly demanding. You replied with paragraphs about YOU and your LGBTness. Is there any chance you might eventually wake up and sense the problem that you're exemplifying?

Beyond that, of course bad cops need to be weeded out. But you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. You don't defund the police because there are an exceedingly small number of bad cops or because cops have to deal harshly with those behaving criminally. Vaccines are valuable in general, but there's room for acknowledging that we went way overboard in the name of public health concerning Covid. These aren't far right talking points, they are points that right-thinking, realistic people recognize and agree with.

Nailed the environment thing though.

I’m actually in agreement with a lot of this.
the part about the environment?

Yes but more than that.

I don't think weeding out bad cops means getting rid of the cops altogether. I think there was overreach and pearl clutching when it came to covid restrictions. I never thought vaccine mandates were a good idea.

However, there are people who call my existence "a late empire sign of things falling apart". There are people who see me as an affront to their religion and would gladly see me out of the way in some form or fashion. This is my point when he says "standing up to LGBT."

Two things can be true at the same time. Including the fact that neo-Marxists teaching CRT and hyper aggressive leftism in top class prep schools, and people like DeSantis legislating what you can and can't say in schools, are both wrong.

I am against both these mindsets. And if mindless idiots in the far right and far left camp will burn me at the stake for doing so, f**k em. I'm doing something right if I piss them both off.
Yes but more than that.

I don't think weeding out bad cops means getting rid of the cops altogether. I think there was overreach and pearl clutching when it came to covid restrictions. I never thought vaccine mandates were a good idea.

However, there are people who call my existence "a late empire sign of things falling apart". There are people who see me as an affront to their religion and would gladly see me out of the way in some form or fashion. This is my point when he says "standing up to LGBT."

Two things can be true at the same time. Including the fact that neo-Marxists teaching CRT and hyper aggressive leftism in top class prep schools, and people like DeSantis legislating what you can and can't say in schools, are both wrong.

I am against both these mindsets. And if mindless idiots in the far right and far left camp will burn me at the stake for doing so, f**k em. I'm doing something right if I piss them both off.

Don’t flatter yourself. You’re not pissing anyone off. Because you’re not doing anything at all except spouting trendy victimization bullshit and virtue signaling on internet chat boards. You’re no threat. You’re nothing of consequence. You might as well be a bot.
Two things can be true at the same time. Including the fact that neo-Marxists teaching CRT and hyper aggressive leftism in top class prep schools, and people like DeSantis legislating what you can and can't say in schools, are both wrong.
ten million things can be true at the same time. Maybe you mean two things that seemingly contradict can both be true; but it doesn't contradict that someone with a little common sense might try to restrain what those without any common sense at all say to our children in schools.
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Drag queens aren’t a public menace. It’s up to the schools to teach children proper education without interference from meddling parents. Cops who abuse their positions need to be held accountable. And environmental issues are paramount to our planet remaining healthy for human habitation. Vaccines are vital to public health.
"Drag queens aren’t a public menace." Absolutely true. However, they also should not be part of a school or library function anymore than they should be putting on Christmas plays that attempt to establish the birth of Christ as our Lord and Savior. While I can believe that, it's not appropriate in the neutral, public function. Private Christian schools can have at it.

"It’s up to the schools to teach children proper education without interference from meddling parents." I respectfully disagree. Why do teachers and administrators with an agenda get to decide what is or is not "proper" without blowback or input from parents?

"Cops who abuse their positions need to be held accountable." Can't imagine anyone truly disagreeing with this statement. However, we both know that this is not what happened and was not the intention of the entire anti-police crusade.

"And environmental issues are paramount to our planet remaining healthy for human habitation." I have previously posted on this topic that I don't believe that it is this simple. The statement presumes that humans at large have a measurable impact, but more importantly, it presumes that our little corner impacts it without everyone else joining in the fun. Did anyone see that the Swiss are possibly banning electric cars to preserve their resources and grid this winter?

"Vaccines are vital to public health." Again, this is absolutely true, but I assume you are referring to covid shots. Are we really still operating under the belief that these are an actual vaccine and should be mandated for any reason other than the money stream of Pfizer, et al.? Kids simply don't need them or benefit from them, why would they be vital to public health in that scenario?
It’s not that Twitter censored. That’s not the big revelation. It’s that a political party/Presidential candidate conspired with top execs to censor. Is that not disturbing to you?

This is what people are talking about when they use the word “cheat” in regards to the 2020 election.
I’m about as disturbed by it as you are by the fact that trump conspired with the most watched news org to censor and slant stories and promote outright lies.
I’m about as disturbed by it as you are by the fact that trump conspired with the most watched news org to censor and slant stories and promote outright lies.

Cool. Now answer the question without referencing Trump.

Also, the Twitter drop pretty much confirms the election was at least somewhat of a sham. Again, when people talk about the “cheat”, this (among other crooked shit) is what they were talking about.
It’s not that Twitter censored. That’s not the big revelation. It’s that a political party/Presidential candidate conspired with top execs to censor. Is that not disturbing to you?
The main thread (with screenshots) from Taibbi states that both political parties requested censor-favors and got them. So conspiring went both ways. Welcome to the world of private media.
This is what people are talking about when they use the word “cheat” in regards to the 2020 election.
Cuz people were going to vote differently over knowing Hunter was a crack-head? To date what has any dem or Indy learned from the laptop that would make them NOT vote against Trump?

Again, 2020 outcome wasn't pro-biden. It was libs, indies, and never-trumper repubs being anti-trump. It was entirely a referendum on Trump.

You love to talk about TDS, but Trump disgust is real, and tabloid-level unconfirmed rumors about an ex-veep's son weren't going to wash the stench off Trump. Still haven't.
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It’s that a political party/Presidential candidate conspired with top execs to censor.
Another thing - Musk owns Twitter. He has access to all it's history, yet there were zero requests on the "Twitter files" from dnc or Biden camp asking to squash the story, rather they were complaints about pornographic tweets.

Twitter was heavy-handed, but this is hardly evidence of "conspiring" tween Biden/dnc and twitter regarding the laptop story.
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The main thread (with screenshots) from Taibbi states that both political parties requested censor-favors and got them. So conspiring went both ways. Welcome to the world of private media.

Cuz people were going to vote differently over knowing Hunter was a crack-head? To date what has any dem or Indy learned from the laptop that would make them NOT vote against Trump?

Again, 2020 outcome wasn't pro-biden. It was libs, indies, and never-trumper repubs being anti-trump. It was entirely a referendum on Trump.

You love to talk about TDS, but Trump disgust is real, and tabloid-level unconfirmed rumors about an ex-veep's son weren't going to wash the stench off Trump. Still haven't.

Trump disgust is real because you weak minded idiots we’re told to be disgusted. Way to show everyone you took the bait.

The self owns from the liberals here over the past few days has been impressive.
Cuz people were going to vote differently over knowing Hunter was a crack-head? To date what has any dem or Indy learned from the laptop that would make them NOT vote against Trump?

Again, 2020 outcome wasn't pro-biden. It was libs, indies, and never-trumper repubs being anti-trump. It was entirely a referendum on Trump.

You love to talk about TDS, but Trump disgust is real, and tabloid-level unconfirmed rumors about an ex-veep's son weren't going to wash the stench off Trump. Still haven't.
people already knew Hunter was a crackhead. Nice try, as always. Obviously, to everyone without an agenda to push, there were other revelations to be had.

And we all know that most races are about who to vote against, not for. That election, like most, was a referendum on BOTH parties. You say it yourself, then you try to unsay it. Again, nice try. The laptop would have been more fuel for the 'against Biden' fire, very possibly making Trump the least 'less desirable' candidate. Not to put too fine a point on it, but after years of character assassination by the dems and the media, Trump had gained an unsavory reputation while Biden tried to push his phony ethicality. Pricking that hypocritical balloon with verified hints of influence peddling and lying by Joe Biden might very well have made a difference. The deniability of what seems obvious to many might very well have evaporated in the minds of swing voters.

Trump disgust IS real, but largely falsely manufactured. TDS is just as real, and washing the stench off Trump wasn't going to happen because too may people WANT to believe the worst about him. That's a given, just as Biden's obvious weaknesses were. But you're trying to deny the relevancy of letting Joe Biden's newly uncovered stench waft into the voters nostrils, while simultaneously trying to emphasize the importance of Trump's malodorousness. Un uh.

LOL and again, nice try.
Trump disgust IS real, but largely falsely manufactured.

people already knew Hunter was a crackhead. Nice try, as always. Obviously, to everyone without an agenda to push, there were other revelations to be had.

And we all know that most races are about who to vote against, not for. That election, like most, was a referendum on BOTH parties. You say it yourself, then you try to unsay it. Again, nice try. The laptop would have been more fuel for the 'against Biden' fire, very possibly making Trump the least 'less desirable' candidate. Not to put too fine a point on it, but after years of character assassination by the dems and the media, Trump had gained an unsavory reputation while Biden tried to push his phony ethicality. Pricking that hypocritical balloon with verified hints of influence peddling and lying by Joe Biden might very well have made a difference. The deniability of what seems obvious to many might very well have evaporated in the minds of swing voters.

Trump disgust IS real, but largely falsely manufactured. TDS is just as real, and washing the stench off Trump wasn't going to happen because too may people WANT to believe the worst about him. That's a given, just as Biden's obvious weaknesses were. But you're trying to deny the relevancy of letting Joe Biden's newly uncovered stench waft into the voters nostrils, while simultaneously trying to emphasize the importance of Trump's malodorousness. Un uh.

LOL and again, nice try.
The disgust for Trump comes from what people have heard come out of his own mouth and what he has done that they have seen with their own eyes. You don’t have to manufacture anything with that man.
The disgust for Trump comes from what people have heard come out of his own mouth and what he has done that they have seen with their own eyes. You don’t have to manufacture anything with that man.

Quick, name the things that have caused you to disgust Trump. Go…
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Saying we should ignore the constitution was pretty bad. Don't know if @prlyles took issue with that.

Don't help that idiot. He doesn't have an answer and was biding time until someone stepped in and helped him. Way to go.

But the disgust was already falsely manufactured. Anything following the rigged 2020 election can be seen as him (rightfully?) protesting the raw deal he got. Name things he did before the 2020 election that disgusted you.
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Don't help that idiot. He doesn't have an answer and was biding time until someone stepped in and helped him. Way to go.

But the disgust was already falsely manufactured. Anything following the rigged 2020 election can be seen as him (rightfully?) protesting the raw deal he got. Name things he did before the 2020 election that disgusted you.
I never said I was disgusted by him before the 2020 election. I thought he said/did some stupid things and didn't always agree with his policies, but that's no different than any other president.

Cornell Law School professor and media critic William A. Jacobson believes the mainstream media did learn a lesson from the "unjustified shutdown of the Biden family influence peddling scheme" exposed through the laptop.

"Unfortunately, in all likelihood the wrong lesson was learned, which is that concerted action by mainstream platforms and media outlets to help a Democrat candidate can work," Jacobson told Fox News Digital. "I doubt there are any regrets or that future such action will be deterred."
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Respect for Marriage Act passed, just more bipartisan law happening under sleepy Joe.


Oh, and I looked into this bill a little deeper. It's toothless. It still allows for states to define marriage however they see fit. No biggie other than liberals trying to pitch it as a win.
The disgust for Trump comes from what people have heard come out of his own mouth and what he has done that they have seen with their own eyes. You don’t have to manufacture anything with that man.
then why was such a vast effort invested in doing so? You can pretend that it had no effect on all those gullible sheep, but then what else would you expect from someone who has himself been completely sheared for over ten years.
Trump disgust IS real, but largely falsely manufactured.

Wrong, and it's amazing people can't see this.

Trump is womanizer, adulterer, possibly someone who's sexually assaulted women. He's a grifter, shyster, and has constantly screwed over small business over the course of his career. He's an egomaniacal narcissist who will literally say anything to get what he wants. A person who demands loyalty but gives none in return.

All of this can merely be observed. It's no accident that at least half of America, if not far more, despise him.

Trump brings the hate on himself. He gets as good as he gives.
Trump disgust is real because you weak minded idiots we’re told to be disgusted. Way to show everyone you took the bait.

The self owns from the liberals here over the past few days has been impressive.

And you're told he's the second coming and can do no wrong. He's a victim of his own ego and big mouth, not the liberal media.

I swear if he was a dictator, he'd outlaw/imprison anyone who criticized him.

Oh yeah, and he lost in 2020, fair and square. F**king get over it lol.
Wrong, and it's amazing people can't see this.

Trump is womanizer, adulterer, possibly someone who's sexually assaulted women. He's a grifter, shyster, and has constantly screwed over small business over the course of his career. He's an egomaniacal narcissist who will literally say anything to get what he wants. A person who demands loyalty but gives none in return.

All of this can merely be observed. It's no accident that at least half of America, if not far more, despise him.

Trump brings the hate on himself. He gets as good as he gives.

Pedophile worse than adulterer.

But I get you groomer types don’t get all worked up about that.
Pedophile worse than adulterer.

But I get you groomer types don’t get all worked up about that.

You know the thing about you that sucks the most? You're a willfully ignorant piece of shit. It's by choice.

Irrational hatred like yours only stems from deep personal insecurity. I can only imagine what that is.
You know the thing about you that sucks the most? You're a willfully ignorant piece of shit. It's by choice.

Irrational hatred like yours only stems from deep personal insecurity. I can only imagine what that is.

You know the worst thing about you? I’m sure you do. I reckon it doesn’t do any good to keep rehashing it here. And did you just call me insecure? Lol. Bro, I’m pretty secure of who and what I am. You?
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