OOTB's Political Thread . ..

one party is run by lying hypocrites catering to extremist fuk nuts at the expense of common sense logic and the constitution while the other is run by lying hypocrites catering to extremist fuk nuts at the expense of common sense logic and the constitution.
Dismantle most of the federal government and its extra-constitutional powers. Both parties
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Well done, Richmond folks! They finally decided they no longer need statues to glorify white supremacist traitors who tried to destroy the United States. All gone!

Took long enough! Who wants reminders that you lost a war, your wealth, your slaves, your way of life and a half million or more lives?
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Lotta interesting news today:

Literally all the alphabet agencies are politicized and corrupted, rotten to the core.


Established via 8 years under Barry - just continued through DJT admin and under clueless dumbfk POS Joe. He has no clue what’s going on - but just sits there drooling, stoned on his meds, allowing the continuation of what Barry started. Barry and his people are still running the show.
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Well done, Richmond folks! They finally decided they no longer need statues to glorify white supremacist traitors who tried to destroy the United States. All gone!

Took long enough! Who wants reminders that you lost a war, your wealth, your slaves, your way of life and a half million or more lives?
^^^^ still freeing the slaves after all these years.
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^^^^ still freeing the slaves after all these years.
Well, they were freed years ago... on paper. Jim Crow, lynching, "separate, but equal", redlining... showed-up and more was used to keep them enslaved as much as possible. The South lost the war but won the peace. It's making the actual freeing process much, much slower. But, getting rid of these statues to glorify the tradition of white supremacy and losing a war to destroy the USA helps at at least a little.

Because of shit like this, every generation has to fight the war a little bit more.
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Well, they were freed years ago... on paper. Jim Crow, lynching, "separate, but equal", redlining... showed-up and more was used to keep them enslaved as much as possible. The South lost the war but won the peace. It's making the actual freeing process much, much slower. But, getting rid of these statues to glorify the tradition of white supremacy and losing a war to destroy the USA helps at at least a little.

Because of shit like this, every generation has to fight the war a little bit.
^^^^ don't be so modest. Getting rid of that last statue must have freed hundreds of slaves. Thank God and baby Jesus you're on the job.

That means less traffic for your underground railroad though. Maybe you'll get lucky and somebody will enslave a fresh bunch for you.
^^^^ don't be so modest. Getting rid of that last statue must have freed hundreds of slaves. Thank God and baby Jesus you're on the job.

That means less traffic for your underground railroad though. Maybe you'll get lucky and somebody will enslave a fresh bunch for you.
Well, at least you're finally admitting that it was about freeing the slaves.

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Well, they were freed years ago... on paper. Jim Crow, lynching, "separate, but equal", redlining... showed-up and more was used to keep them enslaved as much as possible. The South lost the war but won the peace. It's making the actual freeing process much, much slower. But, getting rid of these statues to glorify the tradition of white supremacy and losing a war to destroy the USA helps at at least a little.

Because of shit like this, every generation has to fight the war a little bit more.

And yet, there are morons who still hold onto it.
Both of you are dumb as a bag of rocks. And that may be an insult to rocks.
Thinking that a statue has any kind of negative effect on someone's life and removing it helps make life better is dumb.

Putting up a statue to honor people who lost is dumb too, so a bunch of dumbness to go around.
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And yet, there are morons who still hold onto it.
Well, it was glorified and romanticized for a long, long time. It's the pervasiveness of the Lost Cause. If you ask most southerners, even today- especially if their lineage goes back to the Confederacy during the Civil War- if they're glad that the South lost the war... there's usually a pause. They know...or, at least we hope they know... that what their ancestors did was reprehensible, but it's also not easy to consciously chastise them for it. There's a sense of disloyalty. And, excuses are easy to find given the abundance of Lost Cause revisionism. The white South started making excuses from the time the war ended.
Thinking that a statue has any kind of negative effect on someone's life and removing it helps make life better is dumb.

Putting up a statue to honor people who lost is dumb too, so a bunch of dumbness to go around.
Nailed it. I’ll throw in that the claim that statues are “history” is dumb as well. People on both sides give them way too much power.

I can remember going in Cracker Barrel as a kid and them having an entire section in their gift shop devoted to civil war/confederate flag stuff. In particular I remember a car tag with a caricature of a “southern gentleman” waving his pistols and a conf flag with the caption “forget? Hell no!” Then we went and sat down and were waited on by a black waitress.
Well, at least you're finally admitting that it was about freeing the slaves.

we weren't talking about the Civil War but yes, I admit you're still fighting it and you're fighting it to free the slaves and to end slavery. Your zeal for freeing phantom slaves and ending a practice that doesn't exist is nothing short of fantastic. It's so noble...and so bizarre.

But then I have to inform you that in actuality, the Civil War was fought because Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union, not free the slaves. Ol' Abe missed that boat but bless your heart, that ship is still sailing for you.
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Thinking that a statue has any kind of negative effect on someone's life and removing it helps make life better is dumb.

Putting up a statue to honor people who lost is dumb too, so a bunch of dumbness to go around.
yeah, that Vietnam War Memorial is also just dumb then, right? I mean we lost, didn't we? Who the hell thought this was a good idea? Sure as hell wasn't you or strummer, I guess.

I can't explain why the dumb thing means so much to so many of us.

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Well, it was glorified and romanticized for a long, long time. It's the pervasiveness of the Lost Cause. If you ask most southerners, even today- especially if their lineage goes back to the Confederacy during the Civil War- if they're glad that the South lost the war... there's usually a pause. They know...or, at least we hope they know... that what their ancestors did was reprehensible, but it's also not easy to consciously chastise them for it. There's a sense of disloyalty. And, excuses are easy to find given the abundance of Lost Cause revisionism. The white South started making excuses from the time the war ended.
how limited is one who doesn't understand that one will always defend his home, warts and all? How idiotic is one to believe that we should hang our heads in shame long after those warts have been removed?
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When Confederate statues were up and not the center of attention, no one cared and no one talked about them. Since 2020 when statues were vandalized by morons and the whole idea of statues came under fire, the statues and the figures they represent, have grown in notoriety. Exponentially. All that was done through this movement is make the figures more popular. Every white dude in the South has since read up on all these figures they knew little about before 2020 so they could more knowledgeably tell their kids and anyone else that will listen about them. Just like the tranny trend. No one cared until the liberals started cramming it down everyone's throat. The pushback since tells the story.

Good job liberals. You f*ckin morons really know how to ease people's suffering.
Nailed it. I’ll throw in that the claim that statues are “history” is dumb as well. People on both sides give them way too much power.

I can remember going in Cracker Barrel as a kid and them having an entire section in their gift shop devoted to civil war/confederate flag stuff. In particular I remember a car tag with a caricature of a “southern gentleman” waving his pistols and a conf flag with the caption “forget? Hell no!” Then we went and sat down and were waited on by a black waitress.
my friend, don't you find it more remarkably telling that a business can sell that kind of remembrance while employing a person that according to some misguided zealots, should by all rights resent it too much to work there? Don't try too hard, like those zealots, to seek significance in fights that aren't being fought. Be over it and move on, like that waitress.
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my friend, don't you find it more remarkably telling that a business can sell that kind of remembrance while employing a person that according to some misguided zealots, should by all rights resent it too much to work there? Don't try too hard, like those zealots, to seek significance in fights that aren't being fought. Be over it and move on, like that waitress.
Yea that’s my point exactly. Back then it just wasn’t a big deal. The waitress learned to deal with as did we. I didn’t like seeing the stuff nor did my mom. But we just ignored it and walked by. Hash brown casserole has a way of making you forget.
Nailed it. I’ll throw in that the claim that statues are “history” is dumb as well. People on both sides give them way too much power.

I can remember going in Cracker Barrel as a kid and them having an entire section in their gift shop devoted to civil war/confederate flag stuff. In particular I remember a car tag with a caricature of a “southern gentleman” waving his pistols and a conf flag with the caption “forget? Hell no!” Then we went and sat down and were waited on by a black waitress.

That was before white saviors had told that poor black girl to be offended.

"Goddammit! You're offended because I said you were offended!. Don't try to think for yourself, darkie!"
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Yea that’s my point exactly. Back then it just wasn’t a big deal. The waitress learned to deal with as did we. I didn’t like seeing the stuff nor did my mom. But we just ignored it and walked by. Hash brown casserole has a way of making you forget.

Never was that much of a Cracker Barrel fan, but I knew some who couldn't pass one by. I have to admit though, hash brown casserole sounds delicious. I'll have that with two eggs over easy and those little link sausages, please.
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That's not really the best comparison. Memorials are different.
Jesus Christ. Really? I know you sometimes go into Lametown with your rationalizations and excuses but you should be embarrassed by this weak effort. You must be baiting me.

What you see in a statue or a plaque or a license plate with a Confederate soldier twirling pistols or any other kind of memorial...those things are all memorials of a in your head. You can see racism and hate in any and all of them if hate and racism dominates your thoughts, or you can see nobility and bravery and defense of homeland if you are inclined to see that. The healthy mind chooses either to see something positive, whatever that might be, in an inanimate object,....or nothing at all.
Jesus Christ. Really? I know you sometimes go into Lametown with your rationalizations and excuses but you should be embarrassed by this weak effort. You must be baiting me.

What you see in a statue or a plaque or a license plate with a Confederate soldier twirling pistols or any other kind of memorial...those things are all memorials of a in your head. You can see racism and hate in any and all of them if hate and racism dominates your thoughts, or you can see nobility and bravery and defense of homeland if you are inclined to see that. The healthy mind chooses either to see something positive, whatever that might be, in an inanimate object,....or nothing at all.

Except there's really nothing noble about the Confederacy. Nice logical fallacy by the way. If I think they're racist, racism must dominate my thoughts.

To make my position clear, I'm not against Confederate cemeteries or markers in that way. They were American soldiers who regrettably lost their lives in a terrible conflict. There's nothing wrong with honoring that aspect of it.

But the statues are a different story. Always have been. They're a symbol of the South's simultaneous inability to let go of the fact they lost and an assertion they were the moral victors. They were created as a way to resist change and the legal equality between white people and black people. And sorry, but Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Jeb Stuart, and the like, they betrayed this country and fought for a neo-medieval racial caste system. They don't even deserve sign posts much less statues.

And of course, I'm going to receive every excuse in the book and every whataboutism I usually get from from Confederate apologists. War isn't something that usually has a 'good' side and a 'bad' side. But there are wars where it is absolutely necessary one side wins. This was one of them and that side being the Union.
I mean sure, if I see it something on it, I'll comment. History was my major after all, it interests me.
am I supposed to be impressed by your major, or by what you express? I think the latter. And what you express isn't often a history lesson but rather negativity..

On the other hand, that's pretty cool that you majored in history. I love history myself. Any particular era?
am I supposed to be impressed by your major, or by what you express? I think the latter. And what you express isn't often a history lesson but rather negativity..

On the other hand, that's pretty cool that you majored in history. I love history myself. Any particular era?

The last century of the Roman Republic has always been fascinating to me.

In more contemporary eras, I'm keen on the United States, specifically the WW2 era and beyond. For Europe, I like studying the long 19th century. Been doing a lot of digging into the Russian Empire lately due to the ongoing war.

How about yourself?

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