OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Not true. Arrogance undermined by ignorance makes for someone who is completely intolerable. Do yourself a favor and learn when it's time to simply STFU.
arrogance undermined by ignorance? LOL. I'd take that over ignorance underlined by lies any day.
See that's your problem and has always been your problem. Everything that happens is just a way for you to engage in finger pointing politics.

In reality these mistakes go back to Bush, when we failed to take action against the Russian invasion of Georgia. It goes back to Obama, who's response to the annexation of Crimea was underwhelming and weak. It goes back to Trump, who sided with Russia over our own intelligence services in Helinski and gave effusive praise to Putin.

Now we haven't been totally idle. After Crimea, our country has been training and arming Ukraine to the teeth. Let's give credit to Obama and Trump for that. But no one sent a clear enough message. Putin was already smelling blood in the water by the time Biden came around. He didn't just believe we were weak, he thought the entire West, the democratic liberal order, was weak.
Whose* guys, whose*
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arrogance undermined by ignorance? LOL. I'd take that over ignorance underlined by lies any day.
My two Christmas wishes:

1 - Someone gives bluetard a wrapped gift with a dictionary inside
2 - Instructions are included so bluetard can learn how to use it
My two Christmas wishes:

1 - Someone gives bluetard a wrapped gift with a dictionary inside
2 - Instructions are included so bluetard can learn how to use it
you dumb fvck. There are no errors in my post; you're just too dumb to sense my meaning, in spite of the fact that I italicized the words that I knew you would (ignorantly) get caught up on. I actually tried to help you get through your illiteracy, and you still failed.

I'll make it even simpler. You said my arrogance was undermined (or weakened and made unjustified), by ignorance. I said your ignorance was underlined, (or emphasized), by the lies you rely on in place of actually knowing WTF you're talking about. Then I posited that I would prefer what you claimed about me over what I'm pointing out about you.

See how simple that is? If you still don't comprehend, get any fifth-grader to explain it to you.

And speaking of illiteracy, let's get some clarity on your gift-giving idiocy. So you want someone to put a dictionary inside a gift and then wrap the gift with the dictionary inside it? Really, retard? And then you are suggesting that someone who needs a dictionary be given instructions for using a dictionary. LMAO that that must have actually made sense to your dumb ass.

You're just a meathead, and you're in over your head because your insecurities have you constantly trying too hard. Maybe it's time you learned when to just STFU, lol.

BTW, I forgot to set my timer; how long has it been since I last checked in? Check your

logbook and let me know, if you don't mind.
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guess not, so i guess this means Trump is a weak, spineless, pussy america-hater for not freeing Whelan given the opportunity for two yrs?

no, it just means what it says, that Trump and Putin must not be as tight as the lefties claim. Duh. That being the case, what exactly do you suggest Trump should have done?

Maybe you think Trump should have swam across to Russia with his ka-bar clinched in his teeth and gotten to Whelan's cell where he would bend the steel bars away with his bare hands for Whelan to get out, and then he would swim back across the Atlantic with Whelan in tow.

But that isn't what you're really missing. Viktor Bout was available to Trump for exchange for Whelan, and he rightfully didn't do it. But the weak-ass bitch Biden DID trade Bout (and who knows what else) for an anti-American basketball player. Try to rationalize that for us.
Sure, but we're talking about Biden being 'weak' in your eyes and how Trump would never have done this. Well if it's illogical for me to surmise what Trump would have done, why is it okay for you? Furthermore, do we even know that this was done to appease the LGBT crowd?
The FACT, not just surmisal, is that Trump could have traded Bout but didn't. That's what makes it OK; that I don't base my argument on conjecture, especially not hate-born and strongly biased conjecture. Before you chime in about my bias, since I know you will; bias might cause me to respond but bias doesn't shape my contentions. You of course will claim otherwise even while allowing your bias to question mine.

And as @gunslingerdick pointed out about the LGBT appeasement, what other possible reason could there be to have done something this utterly stupid and immoral?
See that's your problem and has always been your problem. Everything that happens is just a way for you to engage in finger pointing politics.

In reality these mistakes go back to Bush, when we failed to take action against the Russian invasion of Georgia. It goes back to Obama, who's response to the annexation of Crimea was underwhelming and weak. It goes back to Trump, who sided with Russia over our own intelligence services in Helinski and gave effusive praise to Putin.

Now we haven't been totally idle. After Crimea, our country has been training and arming Ukraine to the teeth. Let's give credit to Obama and Trump for that. But no one sent a clear enough message. Putin was already smelling blood in the water by the time Biden came around. He didn't just believe we were weak, he thought the entire West, the democratic liberal order, was weak.
can you provide linkage to obama arming Ukraine? I looked and I can only find that he would NOT do so, as I have previously contended..

"However, despite bipartisan support from U.S. lawmakers to send lethal aid, the Obama administration would only commit to non-lethal support, which included equipment such as body armour, night goggles and helmets."

"Yet in 2018, with Donald Trump as president, the U.S. reversed course and agreed to provide Ukraine with $47 million worth of lethal weapons, which included 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launchers."
More bad news for groomers.

The most prolific pedos and groomers on the planet don’t have to provide health care for trans people. How is that bad news for them?
you dumb fvck. There are no errors in my post; you're just too dumb to sense my meaning, in spite of the fact that I italicized the words that I knew you would (ignorantly) get caught up on. I actually tried to help you get through your illiteracy, and you still failed.

I'll make it even simpler. You said my arrogance was undermined (or weakened and made unjustified), by ignorance. I said your ignorance was underlined, (or emphasized), by the lies you rely on in place of actually knowing WTF you're talking about. Then I posited that I would prefer what you claimed about me over what I'm pointing out about you.

See how simple that is? If you still don't comprehend, get any fifth-grader to explain it to you.

And speaking of illiteracy, let's get some clarity on your gift-giving idiocy. So you want someone to put a dictionary inside a gift and then wrap the gift with the dictionary inside it? Really, retard? And then you are suggesting that someone who needs a dictionary be given instructions for using a dictionary. LMAO that that must have actually made sense to your dumb ass.

You're just a meathead, and you're in over your head because your insecurities have you constantly trying too hard. Maybe it's time you learned when to just STFU, lol.

BTW, I forgot to set my timer; how long has it been since I last checked in? Check your

logbook and let me know, if you don't mind.
Even your idiotic, long-winded explanations don't make any sense.
red/blue is urban vs rural. The convo should almost be less about states and more about cities/counties.

In 2016 the 2,584 counties that Trump won generated just 36% of the country’s GDP, Hillary Clinton;s 472 were 64%.

In 2020 Biden’s 509 counties were 71%, while Trump’s 2,547 counties were just 29% of GDP. Plenty of 2020 was never-Trumpers who are still conservative though.

this is kinda interesting. LOL at DC.
I'm surprised it wasn't higher, to be honest, especially after looking at the map. Biden had to have won the counties comprising NYC, LA, SF, Boston, DC, Chicago, and Seattle. I would have figured those cities combined to make up the lion's share of the GDP.

But I'm guessing he didn't get a very high percentage of the vote from the main drivers of that high GDP generation in those cities. Where he cleaned up was the large tent cities and welfare lines in those areas.
I'm surprised it wasn't higher, to be honest, especially after looking at the map. Biden had to have won the counties comprising NYC, LA, SF, Boston, DC, Chicago, and Seattle. I would have figured those cities combined to make up the lion's share of the GDP.

But I'm guessing he didn't get a very high percentage of the vote from the main drivers of that high GDP generation in those cities. Where he cleaned up was the large tent cities and welfare lines in those areas.

That sounds a bit hyperbolic. So anyone who voted for Biden was a bum and anyone who contributed voted red?
That sounds a bit hyperbolic. So anyone who voted for Biden was a bum and anyone who contributed voted red?
No. We can't speak in absolutes - I'm sure there are plenty of bum Red voters and blue contributors. I was just saying that  most of the bums are voting blue and most of the contribution is voting red.

I just find it interesting how the Democratic party used to be the Worker's Party. Now, it's the Non-Worker's Party.
I just find it interesting how the Democratic party used to be the Worker's Party. Now, it's the Non-Worker's Party.
One party fights for wages, healthcare, clean air and water, education -- topics that help all Americans.

The other is about removing taxes, most from the rich and corporations), and removing legislation which protects this country from exploitation with harmful effects (pollution for example). Oh and culture war.

Which of the above can claim to be pro worker vs non-worker?
And that, predictably enough, is another birdbrain offering by the board's resident buffoon.
says the board's resident liar.

Why aren't you defending that idiotic post that I destroyed for you? Oh that's right, it's because you can't, you can only deflect from it with your infantile drivel. As per usual, of course.
says the board's resident liar.

Why aren't you defending that idiotic post that I destroyed for you? Oh that's right, it's because you can't, you can only deflect from it with your infantile drivel. As per usual, of course.
Do you mean the post where you thought your harebrained selection of "underlined" was a better word choice than "undermined"? The only thing you destroyed was any doubt that you're some kind of half-ass literary editor wannabe, quod erat demonstrandum.
One party fights for wages, healthcare, clean air and water, education -- topics that help all Americans.

The other is about removing taxes, most from the rich and corporations), and removing legislation which protects this country from exploitation with harmful effects (pollution for example). Oh and culture war.

Which of the above can claim to be pro worker vs non-worker?

One party fights for freedom.

The other party is about promoting mental illness and perpetuating divisive myths.

Which of the above can claim to be pro worker vs nonworker?
Do you mean the post where you thought your harebrained selection of "underlined" was a better word choice than "undermined"? The only thing you destroyed was any doubt that you're some kind of half-ass literary editor wannabe, quod erat demonstrandum.

lol no, I mean your post where you made an ass of yourself by trying too hard, as usual, to find fault with my faultless post.
lol no, I mean your post where you made an ass of yourself by trying too hard, as usual, to find fault with my faultless post.
Trying too hard? More like, hardly exerting myself. Meanwhile, you must be exhausted.
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No. We can't speak in absolutes - I'm sure there are plenty of bum Red voters and blue contributors. I was just saying that  most of the bums are voting blue and most of the contribution is voting red.

I just find it interesting how the Democratic party used to be the Worker's Party. Now, it's the Non-Worker's Party.

I don't know if I necessarily believe that. But I do agree that the Democratic Party is no longer the working man's party. They're just as corporate as the Republicans.
One party fights for wages, healthcare, clean air and water, education -- topics that help all Americans.

The other is about removing taxes, most from the rich and corporations), and removing legislation which protects this country from exploitation with harmful effects (pollution for example). Oh and culture war.

Which of the above can claim to be pro worker vs non-worker?

I agree with your assessment of the GOP. But I hold no illusions about the Democrats. They're too beholden to woke nonsense and corporatism to be a true working man's party.
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One party fights for wages, healthcare, clean air and water, education -- topics that help all Americans.

The other is about removing taxes, most from the rich and corporations), and removing legislation which protects this country from exploitation with harmful effects (pollution for example). Oh and culture war.

Which of the above can claim to be pro worker vs non-worker?
this is mostly typical libspeak hooey. It isn't a matter of line items that are fought for; what's fought for is who's paying. Libdems want me to pay for yours while I want you to pay for your own, but the implication that only one side cares about people having what they need is just bullshit.

Conservatives want a thriving, rich economy and business environment where jobs are available and workers and business come to agreement without the heavy hand of government interfering and ultimately causing jobs to be less available..

The dems want to burden the economy and take from me to give to you, with the twisted mindset that if I don't give to you I'm actually stealing from you. That isn't even an exaggeration. Conservatives understand the simple concept that if I burden business with taxes and social engineering, business of necessity turns around and covers those expenses with higher prices, which then burdens every consumer and ultimately causes the idiocy of making me pay for yours. It also makes those higher prices less competitive against foreign goods and services which means less domestic business which ultimately means fewer jobs.

Conservatives want wages to be worked out naturally between worker and business. That doesn't mean no unions, that means unions aren't given a governmental, heavy- handed leg up on business to increase wages now while worrying about the ultimately negative effects later.

Libdems are resentful of the fact that some have more than others and want to impose a right-now remedy while conservatives understand that human nature dictates that there will always be those who have more than others in a structure that promotes overall success. That's why conservatives celebrate the possibility of having more than others instead of fighting it. Libdems don't stop to think that our structure allows for those who have little to turn those tables with hard work and intelligence and just plain luck.

Accordingly, libdems whine that opportunities are hard to come by for the less fortunate but then promote immigration by pointing out how many immigrants come here and become successful.

Libdems do things that make me use the word 'ultimately' over and over because they think short-sightedly and expediently instead of using common sense and adhering to principles that don't create problems that have to be resolved down the road with more expediency and short-sightedness that causes more long-term problems, etc., etc..

Even environmental issues (including clean water and less pollution) aren't solely the province of libdems. It's a matter of establishing a balance between those and a healthy business environment. I do agree that conservatives tend to tip the scales too hard in favor of business; but I also maintain that dems give more lip service to those issues than they do in taking solid that there doesn't end up being much meaningful difference between the two.
one party is run by lying hypocrites catering to extremist fuk nuts at the expense of common sense logic and the constitution while the other is run by lying hypocrites catering to extremist fuk nuts at the expense of common sense logic and the constitution.

That's fair. I don't disagree.

But where you and I diverge is in the thinking that it can be any other way. I do not believe it can. So in that light, I'll take the lying, hypocritical fuk nuts whose ideology benefits more Americans and sends a better message, even if that party has backed their way into that message.
one party is run by lying hypocrites catering to extremist fuk nuts at the expense of common sense logic and the constitution while the other is run by lying hypocrites catering to extremist fuk nuts at the expense of common sense logic and the constitution.
but the libdems cater to their fuk nuts more than the pubs cater to theirs.

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