OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So now you're suggesting guilt and a guilty verdict are the same thing? Because they are not.
lol, no of course not, and don't try to slip out of this with such a clumsy strawman, or I'll ask you again if you really think an investigation determines guilt, or if you think that charges are filed after the trial. Moron.

You bit the big one here. Own it.

ETA; this is especially gratifying after you tried to ridicule my legal expertise. LMAO
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And that’s where we’re not going to ever see eye to eye. Being trans is not a lifestyle choice and never has been.
of course it is. One could feel gender dysphoria and continue to follow his/her biological path, or rather choose to go in the opposite direction. I have to think there are tons of people who have some of those feelings but are not convinced that they want to or should explore or act on them. And I'm sure a good many decide to do nothing and find that those feelings pass, as well as those who do act on them and then regret doing so.

To merely have the feelings is not the same as being transgender. Take @Heels Noir, for instance, an obviously confused person who is currently mutilating himself......
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And that’s where we’re not going to ever see eye to eye. Being trans is not a lifestyle choice and never has been. Again, it’s not a hobby or ideology that you don’t agree with but can still look past in the interest of friendship. It just is. That’s all.

“Love the cancer victim, hate the cancer,” is pretty analogous to “love the sinner, hate the sin.” Which has been used to justify prejudice towards lgbt people for years. I don’t buy that. It’s not tenable.

Lol you can’t force anyone to be a midget and you can’t force anyone to be trans. What’s the fuss on your end anyway? We’re not asking for everyone to be like us. We’re asking for equal consideration and dignity as anyone else would.
" Being trans is not a lifestyle choice and never has been."

Who says? It certainly is a lifestyle choice, Those hormones don't just magically appear just because you identify as the opposite sex, do they?
How come? Uh, maybe because it's just in people's heads?

And any psychological condition can indeed be induced and manipulated. Pretending otherwise is just stupid.

Take PTSD. Some perhaps are immune to it but subject most to certain conditioning (circumstances in this case), and one can induce PTSD in others.

Gender dysphoria is a psychological condition and people can be and are groomed into it.
of course it is. One could feel gender dysphoria and continue to follow his/her biological path, or rather choose to go in the opposite direction. I have to think there are tons of people who have some of those feelings but are not convinced that they want to or should explore or act on them. And I'm sure a good many decide to do nothing and find that those feelings pass, as well as those who do act on them and then regret doing so.

To merely have the feelings is not the same as being transgender. Take @Heels Noir, for instance, an obviously confused person who is currently mutilating himself......

Gender dysphoria makes the 'biological path' unsustainable. And until you're willing to actually learn more about transgender people and what they experience, I'm sorry but you don't have any leg to stand on talking about this subject. If someone has genuine dysphoria past a certain age, those feelings never go away. You are assuming. You do not actually know what or how we feel.

These aren't just 'feelings'. It is an acute sense of self beyond explanation. Why are you a man? Yes, you have a dick but it's more than just what's between your legs. It's automatic. Instinctive. You don't have to think about it. It just is. For me, I was tortured with conflict and confusion every single day. Most people think about their gender as often as the lamp post outside their house. I couldn't stop because my very essence told me something was off.

For people with genuine gender dysphoria (not the fakers or those who desire to be purely androgynous, feminine men or tomboys) the price of forcing yourself to be something you aren't carries tremendous consequences. Which is why transition is the best solution we have available.

If you have something better, be my guest but I sincerely doubt it.
Gender dysphoria makes the 'biological path' unsustainable. And until you're willing to actually learn more about transgender people and what they experience, I'm sorry but you don't have any leg to stand on talking about this subject. If someone has genuine dysphoria past a certain age, those feelings never go away. You are assuming. You do not actually know what or how we feel.
and because you are ONE individual with your ONE particular experience, you speak for all who experience gender dysphoria? Give me a break. I'm almost as close to being as qualified to speak for them as you are, and I'm certainly possessing enough common sense to know that my opinion isn't baseless....because it's common sense.
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and because you are ONE individual with your ONE particular experience, you speak for all who experience gender dysphoria? Give me a break. I'm almost as close to being as qualified to speak for them as you are, and I'm certainly possessing enough common sense to know that my opinion isn't baseless....because it's common sense.

My experience is an experience shared by thousands in this country and millions across the world. No transition story is 100% alike, but there are distinct commonalities. There is a criteria to this. A criteria that again, you have demonstrated an unwillingness to learn more about and therefore you have little present understanding. So yes as a trans person, I'm far more qualified to speak about it than you, who refuses any consideration that they may be totally out of their depth on this topic.

Have you read any books, blogs, articles, or stories about us? Do you know anything about the medical procedures? What HRT does to the body? Data, statistics, or studies surrounding this? I have. I'm willing to bet you haven't.
lol, no of course not, and don't try to slip out of this with such a clumsy strawman, or I'll ask you again if you really think an investigation determines guilt, or if you think that charges are filed after the trial. Moron.

You bit the big one here. Own it.

ETA; this is especially gratifying after you tried to ridicule my legal expertise. LMAO
You're trying to put words in my mouth. I never wrote "an investigation determines guilt."

And you say that I'm a liar . . .
You're trying to put words in my mouth. I never wrote "an investigation determines guilt."

And you say that I'm a liar . . .
I only say that because it's true...

To make criminal charges there needs to be a trial but to find guilt there only needs to be an investigation.

what else ya got? Retard. Liar.
My experience is an experience shared by thousands in this country and millions across the world. No transition story is 100% alike, but there are distinct commonalities. There is a criteria to this. A criteria that again, you have demonstrated an unwillingness to learn more about and therefore you have little present understanding. So yes as a trans person, I'm far more qualified to speak about it than you, who refuses any consideration that they may be totally out of their depth on this topic.

Have you read any books, blogs, articles, or stories about us? Do you know anything about the medical procedures? What HRT does to the body? Data, statistics, or studies surrounding this? I have. I'm willing to bet you haven't.
lol, of course there are commonalities; you're born one sex and have thoughts of being the other. Duh. But if there are commonalities, there are also differences. Your experience is NOT one shared by 'thousands in this country and millions across the world.' Your experience is unique to you, and it is only similar to others....and that's only some others. If you live to be a wise old bastard like me, you too will lol when someone tells you you don't know what you are talking about because they know more than you on any subject. Because you don't, you just think you should. LOL.

"Have you read any books, blogs, articles, or stories about us? Do you know anything about the medical procedures? What HRT does to the body? Data, statistics, or studies surrounding this? I have. I'm willing to bet you haven't."

You're right I haven't. But I'm willing to bet that reading what isn't germane to the discussion puts you in pretty much the same place I am. Because what I know is what I need to know, and the rest is just horse hockey.
Gender dysphoria makes the 'biological path' unsustainable. And until you're willing to actually learn more about transgender people and what they experience, I'm sorry but you don't have any leg to stand on talking about this subject. If someone has genuine dysphoria past a certain age, those feelings never go away. You are assuming. You do not actually know what or how we feel.

These aren't just 'feelings'. It is an acute sense of self beyond explanation. Why are you a man? Yes, you have a dick but it's more than just what's between your legs. It's automatic. Instinctive. You don't have to think about it. It just is. For me, I was tortured with conflict and confusion every single day. Most people think about their gender as often as the lamp post outside their house. I couldn't stop because my very essence told me something was off.

For people with genuine gender dysphoria (not the fakers or those who desire to be purely androgynous, feminine men or tomboys) the price of forcing yourself to be something you aren't carries tremendous consequences. Which is why transition is the best solution we have available.

If you have something better, be my guest but I sincerely doubt it.
" Gender dysphoria makes the 'biological path' unsustainable. "

How so? Presumably people have had gender dysphoria long before any hormonal and surgical options were available, and yet they lived.

Now I get you are arguing these treatments help you deal with this mental disorder, and if that was just that, people wouldn't be in an uproar.

But you support the grooming of others to share your affiliction, and that's not right.

Leave the children out of this stuff. 90% that have such feelings will grow out of them. Don't support abusing them.

Have at least a little love in your heart for them.
lol, of course there are commonalities; you're born one sex and have thoughts of being the other. Duh. But if there are commonalities, there are also differences. Your experience is NOT one shared by 'thousands in this country and millions across the world.' Your experience is unique to you, and it is only similar to others....and that's only some others. If you live to be a wise old bastard like me, you too will lol when someone tells you you don't know what you are talking about because they know more than you on any subject. Because you don't, you just think you should. LOL.

"Have you read any books, blogs, articles, or stories about us? Do you know anything about the medical procedures? What HRT does to the body? Data, statistics, or studies surrounding this? I have. I'm willing to bet you haven't."

You're right I haven't. But I'm willing to bet that reading what isn't germane to the discussion puts you in pretty much the same place I am. Because what I know is what I need to know, and the rest is just horse hockey.

So what? Why are we arguing over semantics? The point is, being trans is not an anomaly. It's a consistent pattern in millions of people. I don't give a shit if it's not a majority, that by itself does not make it wrong nor a 'condition' in a similar vein to an illness.

I'm old enough to know when someone has a superior education or background on a subject than I do, I will defer accordingly. But this isn't about that. You genuinely don't have any idea about anything related to trans topics. You just think we're mentally ill in a 'bless your heart' kind of way and that if given too much exposure, we'll corrupt some random kid watch us on TV.

That's part of growing and learning. Acknowledging you might be wrong about something. Hell, you've probably never met a trans person if your life. How on earth can you say 'I know all I need to know'? That's coming from a place of ignorant stubbornness.
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So what? Why are we arguing over semantics? The point is, being trans is not an anomaly. It's a consistent pattern in millions of people. I don't give a shit if it's not a majority, that by itself does not make it wrong nor a 'condition' in a similar vein to an illness.

I'm old enough to know when someone has a superior education or background on a subject than I do, I will defer accordingly. But this isn't about that. You genuinely don't have any idea about anything related to trans topics. You just think we're mentally ill in a 'bless your heart' kind of way and that if given too much exposure, we'll corrupt some random kid watch us on TV.

That's part of growing and learning. Acknowledging you might be wrong about something. Hell, you've probably never met a trans person if your life. How on earth can you say 'I know all I need to know'? That's coming from a place of ignorant stubbornness.
Well, I have and trans is indeed a mental illness. You basically say the same thing yourself, but that transitioning is the only way you can see to deal with it, right?
Transgenderism is a mental disorder. It needs treatment like other afflictions. Please, seek help.

But frankly, like @randman1 says, if a grown adult wants to ignore treatment and continue on with their mental disorder, that’s fine. You do you. Good luck with that. But when you support discussions with children on such deviance, that’s where we have a problem. They didn’t sign up for that.

Transgenderism is a mental disorder. It needs treatment like other afflictions. Please, seek help.

But frankly, like @randman1 says, if a grown adult wants to ignore treatment and continue on with their mental disorder, that’s fine. You do you. Good luck with that. But when you support discussions with children on such deviance, that’s where we have a problem. They didn’t sign up for that.

'Transgenderism' is not a word. It's called being transgender or trans. That's it. It's not an ism. And if someone is genuinely transgender, it cannot be 'treated' by wishing it away, or using conversion therapy (an immoral therapy), or any idiot who thinks they should be encouraged to live as the sex they were born as. You cannot, I repeat, you cannot change that any more than you can change a straight person, gay person, lesbian, etc.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from Fox news for reliable coverage on this topic. No wonder your views on this are so warped.
So what? Why are we arguing over semantics? The point is, being trans is not an anomaly. It's a consistent pattern in millions of people. I don't give a shit if it's not a majority, that by itself does not make it wrong nor a 'condition' in a similar vein to an illness.

I'm old enough to know when someone has a superior education or background on a subject than I do, I will defer accordingly. But this isn't about that. You genuinely don't have any idea about anything related to trans topics. You just think we're mentally ill in a 'bless your heart' kind of way and that if given too much exposure, we'll corrupt some random kid watch us on TV.

That's part of growing and learning. Acknowledging you might be wrong about something. Hell, you've probably never met a trans person if your life. How on earth can you say 'I know all I need to know'? That's coming from a place of ignorant stubbornness.
you're making off-base assumptions, and I have to believe your emotional state is causing you to be defensive and to not think clearly. I'm not the one saying you're mentally ill and I don't believe that you are. But you are not normal, and that is not a pejorative. It's a simple fact. Some others may be mentally ill, but I have only said that the condition is aberrational, which it inarguably is....whether you are mentally ill or not and whether you like it or not.

People don't turn out in cookie-cutter fashion. We are all at least fairly different from each other, but those differences can define very different beings. There are bound to be those who have their wires crossed for whatever reason. And you might not like to admit it, but when your emotional and/or hormonal being doesn't follow your biological being, your wires are crossed.

And you apparently don't want to admit what many of us who have no reason to be defensive understand; and that is that there are a lot of cases of gender confusion that are nothing more than environmentally-induced mental states. There are people and children who can be unduly influenced to fall into thinking that they should be what they are not when their emotional pendulum swings in that direction. They are vulnerable to suggestion, and I don't want the suggestion that trans is an acceptable 'state of being' to be stuck in their face in any way shape or form.

That's just how I feel...and you can claim greater knowledge of transgenderism not pertinent to our discussion all day long, and I still know I'm right in spite of your protests.

'Transgenderism' is not a word.
it is now. Actually it already was. A little English lesson for you, since you've chosen to major in trans with a minor in history. You can freely add 'ism' and other suffix's to suitable words to form new ones.
People don't turn out in cookie-cutter fashion. We are all at least fairly different from each other, but those differences can define very different beings.

you're making off-base assumptions, and I have to believe your emotional state is causing you to be defensive and to not think clearly. I'm not the one saying you're mentally ill and I don't believe that you are. But you are not normal, and that is not a pejorative. It's a simple fact. Some others may be mentally ill, but I have only said that the condition is aberrational, which it inarguably is....whether you are mentally ill or not and whether you like it or not.

You'd know if I was seriously upset. We may argue like Mike and Archie but I'm not in the frantic stage of Mike Stivic right now lol.

And you apparently don't want to admit what many of us who have no reason to be defensive understand; and that is that there are a lot of cases of gender confusion that are nothing more than environmentally-induced mental states. There are people and children who can be unduly influenced to fall into thinking that they should be what they are not when their emotional pendulum swings in that direction. They are vulnerable to suggestion, and I don't want the suggestion that trans is an acceptable 'state of being' to be stuck in their face in any way shape or form.

That's just how I feel...and you can claim greater knowledge of transgenderism not pertinent to our discussion all day long, and I still know I'm right in spite of your protests.

But this response does comes across as defensive whether you want it to or not. Not because I think you have anything against me or the fact that I'm trans. I think a lot of people fear the same thing they did in the 70s and 80s, that gay men or women were going to turn their own children the same way because 'the gays' weren't natural. They could only recruit. Your idea is cut from the same cloth. That being trans can be somehow environmentally driven or influenced. And that it'll make kids want to be that way too.

Look, here's what I'll grant you. I don't believe in hyperwoke environments in schools. It's unnecessary and gives the impression of activism in a setting that doesn't require it. K through 6th grade children don't need a crash course on gender, they just need to be themselves. And guess what? You'd still have trans youth.

The problem in schools is a separate topic, one where I think we share common ground. But to say being trans isn't acceptable state of being simply isn't true.
'Transgenderism' is not a word. It's called being transgender or trans. That's it. It's not an ism. And if someone is genuinely transgender, it cannot be 'treated' by wishing it away, or using conversion therapy (an immoral therapy), or any idiot who thinks they should be encouraged to live as the sex they were born as. You cannot, I repeat, you cannot change that any more than you can change a straight person, gay person, lesbian, etc.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from Fox news for reliable coverage on this topic. No wonder your views on this are so warped.

Is multiple personality disorder a mental disorder? You can’t chose that either. It’s a broken part of the brain. Those people are recommended to therapy.

You have some audacity calling me “warped”. Lulz.
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Is multiple personality disorder a mental disorder? You can’t chose that either. It’s a broken part of the brain. Those people are recommended to therapy.

You have some audacity calling me “warped”. Lulz.

I said your views on this topic are warped. And I will continue to do so if you keep posting right wing smear pieces about us.

Trans people aren't psychologically insane. That's completely different. People who are born as one sex but act or take on the characteristics of the other is documented across centuries and numerous cultures.ʻafafine

This is just one example. A small but notable percentage of people born male who are raised as girls or in feminine manner. Well accepted by their communities and in no way considered crazy or a threat.
'Transgenderism' is not a word. It's called being transgender or trans. That's it. It's not an ism. And if someone is genuinely transgender, it cannot be 'treated' by wishing it away, or using conversion therapy (an immoral therapy), or any idiot who thinks they should be encouraged to live as the sex they were born as. You cannot, I repeat, you cannot change that any more than you can change a straight person, gay person, lesbian, etc.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from Fox news for reliable coverage on this topic. No wonder your views on this are so warped.
Transgenderism is actually a word, and gender dysphoria is not a biological condition and almost always can be successfully treated.

I said your views on this topic are warped. And I will continue to do so if you keep posting right wing smear pieces about us.

Trans people aren't psychologically insane. That's completely different. People who are born as one sex but act or take on the characteristics of the other is documented across centuries and numerous cultures.ʻafafine

This is just one example. A small but notable percentage of people born male who are raised as girls or in feminine manner. Well accepted by their communities and in no way considered crazy or a threat.
" Trans people aren't psychologically insane. That's completely different. People who are born as one sex but act or take on the characteristics of the other is documented across centuries and numerous cultures."

Um, the same logic applies to insane people does it not?

Regardless, psychological disorders are not the same as being "insane." You are just creating a straw man, right?
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That being trans can be somehow environmentally driven or influenced. And that it'll make kids want to be that way too.
not exactly but close enough since you are going to skew things toward whatever point you want to convey. Maybe go back and see what I actually said.

ETA; and I love that you think I'm the one responding defensively. I have nothing to be defensive about. Maybe I missed something.
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" Trans people aren't psychologically insane. That's completely different. People who are born as one sex but act or take on the characteristics of the other is documented across centuries and numerous cultures."

Um, the same logic applies to insane people does it not?

Regardless, psychological disorders are not the same as being "insane." You are just creating a straw man, right?

Why are people with multiple personality disorder “insane” and trans people aren’t? What about people who think they’re an animal? I think they’re called “furries”. What about them? Are they insane pretending to be something they’re not but trans people are different? Please explain.
Why are people with multiple personality disorder “insane” and trans people aren’t? What about people who think they’re an animal? I think they’re called “furries”. What about them? Are they insane pretending to be something they’re not but trans people are different? Please explain.
Ok, there is a sliding scale. Someone depressed may not be insane. Or with a phobia. Someone can be an addict or alcoholic but still functional otherwise.

In other words, some mental afflictions do not result in an across the board loss of reason and ability to live normally minus the affliction. The sufferers are not completely insane.

Now wokism may actually be turning people insane and ruining their character. I think it ought to be considered a mental disorder which can make people crazy.
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"Recognizing the failure of the “gender-affirming” approach to achieve improved outcomes — and spurred by the lawsuit of a young woman who was prescribed puberty-blocking drugs at just 16 years old — countries such as Sweden, Finland, and England have made a clear U-turn away from some or all of these questionable protocols. After thoroughly reviewing the reliable evidence, these countries concluded that the risks of “gender-affirming care” far outweigh any potential benefits.

Instead, they are returning to psychological and psychiatric care as the starting point for addressing gender confusion in children — a model known as “watchful waiting” — noting that gender dysphoria in teens could be just a “transient phase” which should not be mishandled with radical, life-altering drugs and surgeries."

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Why are people with multiple personality disorder “insane” and trans people aren’t? What about people who think they’re an animal? I think they’re called “furries”. What about them? Are they insane pretending to be something they’re not but trans people are different? Please explain.
we are NOT insane, we're just animal lovers. What's wrong with that?
He gained power with his selection as minority leader and he finished first in voting ALL of the first 13 ballots. We all had a good laugh about that.
Because Dems voted lockstep like Nancy told them to. There’s not an original thinker amongst them, they’re lemmings. And Dems think that is a good thing.
Why are people with multiple personality disorder “insane” and trans people aren’t? What about people who think they’re an animal? I think they’re called “furries”. What about them? Are they insane pretending to be something they’re not but trans people are different? Please explain.

I don't think those people actually believe they're animals. But even so, that's not really a useful parallel.

A human being is a human being. And as I said before, trans people (or in some cases gender fluid or neutral) aren't 'pretending' to be something they aren't. They're not in a state of psychosis. They aren't schizophrenic or hallucinating. It's something born within us. It's about personal identity. Men and women all have different ways of expressing who they are. Most correspond with the sex they were born as, for a small minority it doesn't. It's not complicated or a big deal.

It's insulting to think something must be 'wrong' simply because we don't align with what's traditional. That's what this is really about. Labeling us 'mentally ill' is just a convenient excuse to be bigoted.
I don't think those people actually believe they're animals. But even so, that's not really a useful parallel.

A human being is a human being. And as I said before, trans people (or in some cases gender fluid or neutral) aren't 'pretending' to be something they aren't. They're not in a state of psychosis. They aren't schizophrenic or hallucinating. It's something born within us. It's about personal identity. Men and women all have different ways of expressing who they are. Most correspond with the sex they were born as, for a small minority it doesn't. It's not complicated or a big deal.

It's insulting to think something must be 'wrong' simply because we don't align with what's traditional. That's what this is really about. Labeling us 'mentally ill' is just a convenient excuse to be bigoted.
" And as I said before, trans people (or in some cases gender fluid or neutral) aren't 'pretending' to be something they aren't."

They are not? Really?

See, this is where you break from reality. People's chromosomes are the same they were born with. No one can change their sex. What some are doing is trying their best to appear to be the opposite sex but it's still pretending to be something they aren't.

You, for example, may feel and wish you were female and now are trans but you cannot actually be female. Not ever, and that's because your chromosomes determine your gender.
Because Dems voted lockstep like Nancy told them to. There’s not an original thinker amongst them, they’re lemmings. And Dems think that is a good thing.
It's because there was only enough room in the clown car for the Republicans.
I don't think those people actually believe they're animals. But even so, that's not really a useful parallel.

A human being is a human being. And as I said before, trans people (or in some cases gender fluid or neutral) aren't 'pretending' to be something they aren't. They're not in a state of psychosis. They aren't schizophrenic or hallucinating. It's something born within us. It's about personal identity. Men and women all have different ways of expressing who they are. Most correspond with the sex they were born as, for a small minority it doesn't. It's not complicated or a big deal.

It's insulting to think something must be 'wrong' simply because we don't align with what's traditional. That's what this is really about. Labeling us 'mentally ill' is just a convenient excuse to be bigoted.

For people with multiple personality disorder, they're not pretending to be more than one person either. It's something born within them.

Sounds like you do not want to share any of your victimhood status.
Unsure, still too busy lmfao at gqp ineptitude and wondering if people like McCarthy will reap anything good worth the trouble of selling their soul.

Oh, make no mistake, the GOP lost big time. McCarthy gave away the GOP in order to get that gavel. The GOP would have lost less power if they had forced him to step aside.
What I'm wondering is why the Democrats let this prime opportunity slip through their fingers so easily? Maybe they, like some on here, thought that Jefferies finishing with the most votes on 14 ballots that didn't do anything meant something?

If McCarthy was selling favors/influence in exchange for votes, why did the Democrats not give him the necessary votes in order to get the concessions to go in their preferred direction? They could have gotten him elected in exchange for pulling things left/center. Instead they sat there pleasuring themselves over Jefferies' non-winning vote totals, and let the far-right/MAGA faction pull McCarthy to the right in exchange for their votes instead.
What I'm wondering is why the Democrats let this prime opportunity slip through their fingers so easily? Maybe they, like some on here, thought that Jefferies finishing with the most votes on 14 ballots that didn't do anything meant something?

If McCarthy was selling favors/influence in exchange for votes, why did the Democrats not give him the necessary votes in order to get the concessions to go in their preferred direction? They could have gotten him elected in exchange for pulling things left/center. Instead they sat there pleasuring themselves over Jefferies' non-winning vote totals, and let the far-right/MAGA faction pull McCarthy to the right in exchange for their votes instead.
democrats didn’t have to do anything. what’s going to happen when the GOP is as divided over a bill and can’t get it passed for the same reasons it took 14 ballets to get him elected?
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What I'm wondering is why the Democrats let this prime opportunity slip through their fingers so easily? Maybe they, like some on here, thought that Jefferies finishing with the most votes on 14 ballots that didn't do anything meant something?

If McCarthy was selling favors/influence in exchange for votes, why did the Democrats not give him the necessary votes in order to get the concessions to go in their preferred direction? They could have gotten him elected in exchange for pulling things left/center. Instead they sat there pleasuring themselves over Jefferies' non-winning vote totals, and let the far-right/MAGA faction pull McCarthy to the right in exchange for their votes instead.
My guess would be that they know the republicans will never be able to accomplish anything with the new rules package and just allowing republicans to screw themselves long term was the better idea.
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The Brazilian rioters are so much more sophisticated than their American counterparts. I saw on the news this morning actual hot dog vendors (down there they call them cachorro quente) with their pushcarts hawking their goodies among the crowds. I don't recall ever seeing food vendors on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol, only a bunch of hungry and misguided morons.
The Brazilian rioters are so much more sophisticated than their American counterparts. I saw on the news this morning actual hot dog vendors (down there they call them cachorro quente) with their pushcarts hawking their goodies among the crowds. I don't recall ever seeing food vendors on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol, only a bunch of hungry and misguided morons.

Yeah, the hot dog guys didn't feel safe during the Summer of George riots. I guess they didn't believe those riots were "mostly peaceful". The fire-setting and looting must have made them skeptical.
My guess would be that they know the republicans will never be able to accomplish anything with the new rules package and just allowing republicans to screw themselves long term was the better idea.

Great. The less either party can get done, the better. How is it that I feel like I'm the only one that believes such? Of all the people here, I would have figured you'd have jumped on this train.
What I'm wondering is why the Democrats let this prime opportunity slip through their fingers so easily? Maybe they, like some on here, thought that Jefferies finishing with the most votes on 14 ballots that didn't do anything meant something?

If McCarthy was selling favors/influence in exchange for votes, why did the Democrats not give him the necessary votes in order to get the concessions to go in their preferred direction? They could have gotten him elected in exchange for pulling things left/center. Instead they sat there pleasuring themselves over Jefferies' non-winning vote totals, and let the far-right/MAGA faction pull McCarthy to the right in exchange for their votes instead.

I actually wondered the same thing. They could have taken advantage of the chaos and sideline the far right.
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What I'm wondering is why the Democrats let this prime opportunity slip through their fingers so easily? Maybe they, like some on here, thought that Jefferies finishing with the most votes on 14 ballots that didn't do anything meant something?

If McCarthy was selling favors/influence in exchange for votes, why did the Democrats not give him the necessary votes in order to get the concessions to go in their preferred direction? They could have gotten him elected in exchange for pulling things left/center. Instead they sat there pleasuring themselves over Jefferies' non-winning vote totals, and let the far-right/MAGA faction pull McCarthy to the right in exchange for their votes instead.

Have you seen the proposed rules for the House? How can you argue with it? How can anyone have a problem with decreased spending and no tax hikes?
Yeah, the hot dog guys didn't feel safe during the Summer of George riots. I guess they didn't believe those riots were "mostly peaceful". The fire-setting and looting must have made them skeptical.
I'm sure they were there. What better way to prepare roasted weenies than over an open flame?

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