lol, of course there are commonalities; you're born one sex and have thoughts of being the other. Duh. But if there are commonalities, there are also differences. Your experience is NOT one shared by 'thousands in this country and millions across the world.' Your experience is unique to you, and it is only similar to others....and that's only some others. If you live to be a wise old bastard like me, you too will lol when someone tells you you don't know what you are talking about because they know more than you on any subject. Because you don't, you just think you should. LOL.
"Have you read any books, blogs, articles, or stories about us? Do you know anything about the medical procedures? What HRT does to the body? Data, statistics, or studies surrounding this? I have. I'm willing to bet you haven't."
You're right I haven't. But I'm willing to bet that reading what isn't germane to the discussion puts you in pretty much the same place I am. Because what I know is what I need to know, and the rest is just horse hockey.