OOTB's Political Thread . ..

My God, you still believe that line of crap? Trump didn't have the power to declassify anything. Nor were Biden's documents in this case being requested or subject to any inquiry.

But yeah sure, keep making excuses without doing the slightest amount of digging. Fox news, it's like catnip for morons.

For the record, it's poasts like this as the reason I call you every horrible name under the sun. You being trans, while off-putting and bizarre, isn't the reason. You're just a excuse maker for the corruption of the left and your TDS has rotted your brain.
For the record, it's poasts like this as the reason I call you every horrible name under the sun. You being trans, while off-putting and bizarre, isn't the reason. You're just a excuse maker for the corruption of the left and your TDS has rotted your brain.

Biden was found to have classified documents and gave them up without incident. He hadn't even been notified he had them in the first place or asked to return them. Then he gave up the docs without incident when asked to.

Trump had been working with the DOJ for months after his Presidency to return all classified material. Except he didn't comply, hence the raid. What he had may not even be a big deal, we don't know yet.

To act like Trump is a victim here is completely missing the details of each incident.

That is my non pissed off response to people who want to indulge in 'whataboutism'. You accusing me of 'TDS' is so overused at this point it has no meaning.
Oh, brother.

As one of the many who has paid off his student loans, I think the forgiveness of those who still owe is a very liberal and unpopular tactic. But to suggest it makes him the worst president ever is completely idiotic. It sounds like bitterness from someone whose hero is going down in history as we speak as one of the absolute worst U.S. Presidents ever.
to begin with, it isn't just the obscene 'forgiveness' that makes him the worst, it's as I indicate his attitude regarding it. He completely dismisses the unfairness dealt to a boatload of responsible people to take a typical libtard swipe at the rich. It's lost on you because you're just a liberal lapdog, but what we know about liberals is that instead of embracing the opportunity that this country provides for personal betterment, they instead prefer to resent those who have achieved it.

Immigrants (legitimate ones) galore have come to this country to find success and many have found it beyond their wildest dreams. But liberals don't care about immigrants becoming successful by applying their talents and working hard, they just want immigrants flooding into our country to glom on to what is here to be had. While president, Bill Clinton delivered a major speech about guarding against the illegal invasion, which he warned was a dire problem. He couldn't have imagined the scale that Biden and Harris have allowed illegal immigration to escalate to.

I could go on and on but I know your ability to read is already sorely strained. I'll finish by saying that whereas I can provide examples of how ruinous Biden's presidency is, you can only shoot the messenger and throw spitballs at a president that actually accomplished good things for this country while being constantly yoked with media-aided dem obstructionism. I don't consider him a hero but I damn sure won't ever disrespect his praiseworthy presidency; and I declare that anyone who defends Biden and his treasonous and damaging disregard for our laws, is not and can not be someone who is for this country.


@bluetoe these guys, along with a few others, would like some words.
I have only a few words for them. To the first....If you can see from the grave, I know that you are thankful for Joe Biden.

To Andrew don't need Joe Biden as president to make you look better. You just are.
Biden was found to have classified documents and gave them up without incident. He hadn't even been notified he had them in the first place or asked to return them. Then he gave up the docs without incident when asked to.

Trump had been working with the DOJ for months after his Presidency to return all classified material. Except he didn't comply, hence the raid. What he had may not even be a big deal, we don't know yet.

To act like Trump is a victim here is completely missing the details of each incident.

That is my non pissed off response to people who want to indulge in 'whataboutism'. You accusing me of 'TDS' is so overused at this point it has no meaning.
Biden has had them for 6+ years hidden away in his office on top of the fact that he, until the last 2 years, had no ability to declassify the KFC secret recipe much less top secret docs. Your lib outrage is adorable.

Why wasn't the public made aware that these docs were found in his possession? Was it a bad look after he had just taken a victory lap or what?
Biden has had them for 6+ years hidden away in his office on top of the fact that he, until the last 2 years, had no ability to declassify the KFC secret recipe much less top secret docs. Your lib outrage is adorable.

Why wasn't the public made aware that these docs were found in his possession? Was it a bad look after he had just taken a victory lap or what?

Yes, that's correct. And again, he was not notified he had them nor were they the subject of inquiry. It was likely a mistake. That is not the case with Trump.

Why wasn't it made public? Because first off he's the President and I'm sure he didn't want the PR. That's natural. I wouldn't fault anyone for that, but above all he turned them over immediately.

Ticket put it perfectly. Mishandling of classified material isn't ideal but the DOJ will give you a slap on the wrist if you own up to it if you're a big enough public figure. Meanwhile, Trump lied about having turned everything over. And for the love of God, do not tell me he already 'declassified them' that's the equivalent of a 5th grade response. Notice how his lawyers aren't making that claim in court where there are actual consequences for lying.
Yes, that's correct. And again, he was not notified he had them nor were they the subject of inquiry. It was likely a mistake. That is not the case with Trump.

Why wasn't it made public? Because first off he's the President and I'm sure he didn't want the PR. That's natural. I wouldn't fault anyone for that, but above all he turned them over immediately.

Ticket put it perfectly. Mishandling of classified material isn't ideal but the DOJ will give you a slap on the wrist if you own up to it if you're a big enough public figure. Meanwhile, Trump lied about having turned everything over. And for the love of God, do not tell me he already 'declassified them' that's the equivalent of a 5th grade response. Notice how his lawyers aren't making that claim in court where there are actual consequences for lying.
So for example, if a former Sec of State were to create a secret server, destroy cell phones, bleach-bit said secret server, and not turn over top secret documents that would be a big deal or no?
It's lost on you because you're just a liberal lapdog
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Let's examine this from the point of view of the other hot topic on the board today: the classified documents recently turned over by the Biden camp.

Everyone has an opinion and pretty much everyone with an opinion is making comparisons between Biden and Trump over this issue. Some may say it's comparing apples to oranges while others might argue that the circumstances are the same.

But I think the most significant comparison is in the reaction of their respective followers. If in the coming days and weeks it is shown that Biden's actions were just as egregious as Trump's, I'll guarantee you won't see or hear a bunch of Biden supporters coming out of the woodwork making excuses for him. I know I won't. If he committed crimes, let him suffer for it.

Whereas with Donald Trump and his lapdogs -- which definitely includes you -- they consistently make excuses and deny the truth and insist upon his innocence whether it is regarding classified documents, the January 6 riots, the two impeachments, his tax returns, his lousy foreign policies, etc., etc.
Biden was found to have classified documents and gave them up without incident. He hadn't even been notified he had them in the first place or asked to return them. Then he gave up the docs without incident when asked to.

In your fervor to argue about Trump you missed the point at issue here. Classified documents, as you called them, have protocols designed to keep them secure. The Biden-Penn center will need to now prove those were followed and access to the documents were logged and audited. The fact these documents were found in a box of unclassified material they didn't know they had doesn't make that seem likely. And if that cannot be verified, we have a problem.

Trump had been working with the DOJ for months after his Presidency to return all classified material. Except he didn't comply, hence the raid. What he had may not even be a big deal, we don't know yet.

Why hadn't the National Archives asked for these documents to be returned? Should we just move along here too? Forget about Trump and concentrate, if you can.

To act like Trump is a victim here is completely missing the details of each incident.

To keep pointing at Trump over and over in your posts has completely kept you in the dark yourself. Who cares if others think Trump was wronged. It's not the issue here anyway, but you're super happy for it to be if it means you get to talk more about nothing.

That is my non pissed off response to people who want to indulge in 'whataboutism'. You accusing me of 'TDS' is so overused at this point it has no meaning.

You have TDS.
My God, you still believe that line of crap? Trump didn't have the power to declassify anything. Nor were Biden's documents in this case being requested or subject to any inquiry.

But yeah sure, keep making excuses without doing the slightest amount of digging. Fox news, it's like catnip for morons.
crb34, presidents do have the power to declassify anything at all and at their sole discretion.
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Biden was found to have classified documents and gave them up without incident. He hadn't even been notified he had them in the first place or asked to return them. Then he gave up the docs without incident when asked to.

Trump had been working with the DOJ for months after his Presidency to return all classified material. Except he didn't comply, hence the raid. What he had may not even be a big deal, we don't know yet.

To act like Trump is a victim here is completely missing the details of each incident.

That is my non pissed off response to people who want to indulge in 'whataboutism'. You accusing me of 'TDS' is so overused at this point it has no meaning.
Um, that's because there is a law called the Presidential Records Act, and he wasn't required to "comply" at their whim and request. There is a process and it doesn't involve the DOJ.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Let's examine this from the point of view of the other hot topic on the board today: the classified documents recently turned over by the Biden camp.

Everyone has an opinion and pretty much everyone with an opinion is making comparisons between Biden and Trump over this issue. Some may say it's comparing apples to oranges while others might argue that the circumstances are the same.

But I think the most significant comparison is in the reaction of their respective followers. If in the coming days and weeks it is shown that Biden's actions were just as egregious as Trump's, I'll guarantee you won't see or hear a bunch of Biden supporters coming out of the woodwork making excuses for him. I know I won't. If he committed crimes, let him suffer for it.

Whereas with Donald Trump and his lapdogs -- which definitely includes you -- they consistently make excuses and deny the truth and insist upon his innocence whether it is regarding classified documents, the January 6 riots, the two impeachments, his tax returns, his lousy foreign policies, etc., etc.
" I'll guarantee you won't see or hear a bunch of Biden supporters coming out of the woodwork making excuses for him. I know I won't. If he committed crimes, let him suffer for it."

Bull-crap. We know Biden committed crimes by taking bribes and selling access as the Big Guy and yet not a word from you on that.

Bet you even claimed that was just Russian disinformation.
We know Biden committed crimes by taking bribes and selling access as the Big Guy and yet not a word from you on that.
He sure as hell did. Fvcking rat bastard. I bet he's been working with the Clintons the whole time to make sure that our male progeny are feminized and further weaken our nation, along with the foreigners, and then we'll be taken over by the Marxists and Leninists and other factions of the loony left and ultimately become slaves. Sunsabitches!
Yes, that's correct. And again, he was not notified he had them nor were they the subject of inquiry. It was likely a mistake. That is not the case with Trump.

Why wasn't it made public? Because first off he's the President and I'm sure he didn't want the PR. That's natural. I wouldn't fault anyone for that, but above all he turned them over immediately.

Ticket put it perfectly. Mishandling of classified material isn't ideal but the DOJ will give you a slap on the wrist if you own up to it if you're a big enough public figure. Meanwhile, Trump lied about having turned everything over. And for the love of God, do not tell me he already 'declassified them' that's the equivalent of a 5th grade response. Notice how his lawyers aren't making that claim in court where there are actual consequences for lying.

My feelings on mail-in voting are well documented. It's an abomination. There is nothing in this world that is as corrupt or has the potential to be as corrupt as mail-in voting.

Get an absentee ballot or show up. If you can't do either, then you don't deserve to vote.
Agree completely. So, why then, would we allow this to happen on individual votes for specific bills?
What's the point of bringing up Trump? He's no longer Prez. That was just a hypothetical that you obviously avoided answering because you are just as biased as 95% of MSM.

We all know why. Because in your mind it's a parallel situation and a double standard. Don't act like it's some mystery that Trump is being brought up.
Did he declassify them before he left office? Somehow, I doubt it. Hence again, why his lawyers aren't making that claim in Court.
His lawyers have not been granted access to the documents in question, and so they cannot make a claim in court since they have no idea what the documents are. Moreover, it's quite possible Trump himself doesn't know either except he believed he only took documents that were declassified and so assumes any documents marked Top Secret were declassified.

Do you honestly think Trump personally cleaned out his office and boxed things up?
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His lawyers have not been granted access to the documents in question, and so they cannot make a claim in court since they have no idea what the documents are. Moreover, it's quite possible Trump himself doesn't know either except he believed he only took documents that were declassified and so assumes any documents marked Top Secret were declassified.

Do you honestly think Trump personally cleaned out his office and boxed things up?
Yes, he believes that.
Natural News can be extreme but this is an article worth reading.

Beyond the points mentioned above, Russia possesses Poseidon underwater remote vehicles which can plant 100 megaton warheads near the coasts of any continent, awaiting satellite-broadcast detonation orders. These weapons can unleash the much-feared “radioactive tsunamis” that would inundate coastal cities with enormous quantities of radioactive ocean water, rendering these areas uninhabitable for at least three centuries, which is ten half-lives of Cesium-137.

One such weapon system is believed to be parked off the East Coast of the United States, where its radius of effect would destroy Norfolk, Washington D.C. and even New York City. Another weapon may already be positioned off the coast of Britain, ready to rain down radioactive hell upon London and other low-elevation cities across the UK.

These “doomsday” weapons aren’t science fiction. They already exist and are rumored to have already been deployed. This means the United States of America is one detonation away from annihilation… yet the US continues to provoke Russia with economic sanctions, de-platforming from the SWIFT transaction system and continued aiding of Ukraine with enormous quantities of weapons, equipment and (fiat currency) money. To date, the US has so far pledged over $110 billion to Ukraine — a number larger than Russia’s entire annual military budget.

The next escalation may prove fatal for western civilization​

At whatever point Russia chooses, it can decide to end the United States of America as we know it. There are zero defenses against the Poseidon doomsday weapon, and there are no western defenses that are effective against Russia’s nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles. This means that Putin can, at whatever time he wants, rain down nuclear strikes upon cities like London, Berlin or Washington D.C.

When someone has a gun pointed at your head, try not to give them lots of reasons to pull the trigger.

But that’s exactly what Biden and Zelensky are doing:"

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There is nothing 'corrupt' about mail in voting. Republicans and Democrats alike rely on it in multiple states.
And both parties have the potential for it to be corrupted as was stated in his post. In person voting, with an ID, has got to have a much higher percentage of accuracy and reliability. It also happens that those fringe voters who are much less likely to give a crap will not make the effort to vote in person versus someone shoving a ballot in their face weeks and days before an election.
And both parties have the potential for it to be corrupted as was stated in his post In person voting, with an ID, has got to have a much higher percentage of accuracy and reliability. It also happens that those fringe voters who are much less likely to give a crap will not make the effort to vote in person versus someone shoving a ballot in their face weeks and days before an election.

'Potential.' What potential?

Look, I get having a sensible debate about the voting process. But this is bordering on conjecture. At least offer evidence it has been corrupted or is being take advantage of. Offer something that shows it's a completely inferior way of voting.

And I'm sorry, but eliminating fringe voters is not a reason to do away with it. They have a right to vote same as anyone else. It doesn't matter if they show up in person or not.
'Potential.' What potential?

Look, I get having a sensible debate about the voting process. But this is bordering on conjecture. At least offer evidence it has been corrupted or is being take advantage of. Offer something that shows it's a completely inferior way of voting.

And I'm sorry, but eliminating fringe voters is not a reason to do away with it. They have a right to vote same as anyone else. It doesn't matter if they show up in person or not.
BORDERING ON conjecture??? It's swimming in it.

They're convinced others will cheat because they would cheat, as long as they thought they could get away with it. "By hook or by crook" as the saying goes.
'Potential.' What potential?

Look, I get having a sensible debate about the voting process. But this is bordering on conjecture. At least offer evidence it has been corrupted or is being take advantage of. Offer something that shows it's a completely inferior way of voting.

And I'm sorry, but eliminating fringe voters is not a reason to do away with it. They have a right to vote same as anyone else. It doesn't matter if they show up in person or not.
I am all for the idea of one person, one vote with everyone taking part in the process. That's the ideal. However, I happen to think that the opportunity to vote and the decision to act upon that possibility also carries with it a responsibility.

Even with the most mundane task of driving a motor vehicle on our public highways, one has to take a class, and then get tested to show they have the basic knowledge of the rules of the road. Once on the roadway, one has to follow these rules and demonstrate an ability and compliance with those many random situations that we encounter. Yet, to vote, our absolute highest civic duty, all one has to demonstrate is they are 18 and not disqualified by some other factor. Not exactly high level thinkers on the whole.

I don't have the answer as to how to administer things on a practical level, but people should have to know more than a person on a ballot has a D or a R after their name. A "fringe" voter, of either party or no party at all, is likely to be the least informed voter there is - they just don't care and make no effort to even try to understand what's at stake. Why make it easier for the least caring, least informed to vote?
Did Biden take documents to hide his crimes as the Big Guy?

" The Ukraine documents, in particular, hold particular intrigue due to his son Hunter Biden’s relations with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings."


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